Hello Taeklim, 

your problem sounds to me the same as the one I keep having. In my case, I 
searches a bit more and then I found that as you said instruction count does 
not increase because execution falls into an infinite loop of the same page 
fault (Microcode_ROM related.) I give you here the link to the thread of my 
emails when I first asked about the problem : [ 
https://www.mail-archive.com/gem5-users@gem5.org/msg16145.html | 
https://www.mail-archive.com/gem5-users@gem5.org/msg16145.html ] Unfortunately, 
I do not have the solution , but it would be very nice if you could also just 
use the flags I mention (--debug-flags=Exec,LocalApic,Faults) to see if the 
problem is related with the same issue. Looking forward for any feedback. 


Kleovoulos Kalaitzidis 
Doctorant - Équipe PACAP 

Centre de recherche INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique 
Bâtiment 12E, Bureau E321, Campus de Beaulieu, 
35042 Rennes Cedex, France 

> From: "Taeklim Kim" <taek...@uci.edu>
> To: "gem5 users mailing list" <gem5-users@gem5.org>
> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 1:12:38 AM
> Subject: [gem5-users] Problem on restoring checkpoint while using O3CPU in 
> Full
> System mode

> Hi all,
> I'm currently using X86 Full system mode.

> Firstly, I tried to make a checkpoint while running SPEC CPU by 
> AtomicSimpleCPU,
> and I got it. After that, I did restoring checkpoint by adding an option
> '--cpu-type=DerivO3CPU', and also added the cache option.

> However, if I run(restoring) by O3CPU, the simulation didn't keep running, it
> just hanged and nothing changed. I also added some 'printf()' at
> 'src/cpu/o3/cpu.cc', 'FullO3CPU<Impl>::instDone()' to check the count of
> instruction, nothing changed.

> I'm also tried just restoring to Atomic, not O3, but in this case, the
> simulation works fine. I'm not sure why this is hanging when I restore O3.
> Below is the command line that I used for restoring O3.

> /home/workspace/gem5_fs/build/X86/gem5.opt
> /home/workspace/gem5_fs/configs/example/fs.py -n 1
> --disk-image=/home/workspace/fs_image/disks/ubuntu-16.04-v3.6.img
> --kernel=/home/taeklim/workspace/fs_image/binaries/vmlinux-4.14.53-prof
> --sys-clock=1GHz --cpu-clock=4GHz --mem-size=4096MB --mem-type=DDR3_1600_8x8
> --restore-with-cpu=DerivO3CPU --cpu-type=DerivO3CPU --caches
> --checkpoint-dir=/home/workspace/gem5_fs/m5out/ --at-instruction -r
> 977530554357000

> Your help will be appreciated.

> Best,

> Taeklim

> ᐧ

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