it is normal to get these warnings for unimplemented instructions. However, in 
my experience, these warnings are not the case for aborting. Normally some 
panic message follows, but maybe not related to this "warn". For instance, 
there is the case of avx instructions that are not implemented and will abort 
the execution : [ 
https://gem5-users.gem5.narkive.com/jO22f7kV/spec2017-on-gem5-se-mode | 
https://gem5-users.gem5.narkive.com/jO22f7kV/spec2017-on-gem5-se-mode ] 


Kleovoulos Kalaitzidis 
Doctorant - Équipe PACAP 

Centre de recherche INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique 
Bâtiment 12E, Bureau E321, Campus de Beaulieu, 
35042 Rennes Cedex, France 

> From: "Shyam Murthy" <shyammurth...@gmail.com>
> To: "gem5 users mailing list" <gem5-users@gem5.org>
> Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2019 7:02:37 PM
> Subject: [gem5-users] SPECCPU 2006 application crashes on x86 gem5

> Hi All,
> I am trying to run some of the FP applications from SPECCPU 2006. However, for
> some of these applications (like povray, tonto), I get an error that says:

> warn: instruction 'movntdq_Mo_Vo' unimplemented.

> I am compiling these applications on my machine, and then running them on x86
> gem5. My machine uses gcc version 7.4.0. I tried using gcc version 5.5 
> (already
> installed on my machine), but the problem persists.

> Any suggestions as to what I can do to fix this?

> Thanks,

> Shyam

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