
I am new to gem5 and I was trying to run multiple benchmarks on gem5 to get
some results for my research. I face a issue that whenever I run multiple
gem5 simulations on one disk image, some of the gem5 process exits without
giving any results or errors.

For example, I have about 20 microbenchmarks and 3 gem5 configurations
(e.g. different cachesize/ memory size etc.). So when I start a benchmark
run, I use one disk image and one kernel to run all these simulations (20
microbenchmarks * 3 gem configs = 60 simulations). Out of these 60
simulations, some of gem process (about 10) stops without giving any error
or exit message. When I run the incomplete benchmarks again (using the same
command), they finish successfully.

My question is that if I share the same disk image and kernel across a lot
of simultaneous gem5 simulation, does this cause any issue? If not, what
might be the possible reason for this?

I ran my simulations in a bare-metal AWS server that had 72 threads and 512
GB memory, so I don't think resource was an issue.

Example gem5 script:

build/X86_MESI_Two_Level/gem5.opt --outdir=x configs/example/fs.py
--disk-image=disks/x86_benchmark.img --script=test.rcS
--cpu-type=AtomicSimpleCPU --num-cpus=4 --caches --l1d_size=64kB
--l1i_size=64kB --l1d_assoc=2 --l1i_assoc=2 --l2cache --l2_size=16MB
--num-l2caches=4 --l2_assoc=8 --mem-channels=2 --mem-ranks=2 --mem-size=2GB
--ruby --num-dirs=2 --smt --network=garnet2.0 --topology=Mesh_XY

Thank you
With regards,
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