I want to record the access details of the cache. I saw some answers, saying 
that CommMonitor can help. But no more details were found.

I have some questions about CommMonitor?

1. First of all, can Commmonitor be used for DerivO3CPU or only 
TimingSimpleCPU? I tried it on DerivO3CPU and there was output. But somewhere I 
seem to hear that it cannot be used for DerivO3CPU.

2. My understanding of CommMonitor is that it is like a filter. The data 
flowing through it is recorded. For example, add commMonitor between l2 and 

     system.monitor2 = CommMonitor()
     system.monitor2.trace = MemTraceProbe(trace_file = "CT_mon2.trc.gz")
     system.monitor2.slave = system.l2.mem_side
     system.membus.slave = system.monitor2.master
     system.l2.cpu_side = system.tol2bus.master
The output format is :

 11500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
  77000: system.monitor2: Latency: 65500
  77000: system.monitor2: Received read response
 103000: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
 104000: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
 165000: system.monitor2: Latency: 62000
 165000: system.monitor2: Received read response
 170000: system.monitor2: Latency: 66000
 170000: system.monitor2: Received read response
 194500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
 200500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
 243000: system.monitor2: Latency: 48500
 243000: system.monitor2: Received read response
 249000: system.monitor2: Latency: 48500
 249000: system.monitor2: Received read response
 267500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
 269500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
 274000: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request

The generated CT_mon2.trc.gz file is a binary file after decompression, what 
should I do to see the data inside? It would be better if I can output the 
address and data

3. How to use it between l1dcache and cpu?

Thanks for all related answers. I also put the question on Stackoverflow. Below 
is the website. 
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