Hey Anthony,

Can you send more information to reproduce this error?

Best Regrads

On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 2:40 AM anthonyabeo--- via gem5-users <
gem5-users@gem5.org> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am new here and just started playing with gem5. I run into an error (as
> specified in the subject) when I tried running the first simple CPU
> example.
> system.mem_ctrl = DDR3_1600_8x8()
> system.mem_ctrl.range = system.mem_ranges[0]
> system.mem_ctrl.port = system.membus.master
> Looking at the source code, DDR3_1600_8x8 actually doesn't seem to have a
> field "port."
> How can I resolve this?
> Thanks.
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Mahyar Samani (he/him/his)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
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