Thanks。my tRFI is 360ns,my tRFC is 0.682ns


李翼超 charlie

发件人: lsteiner--- via gem5-users<<>>
收件人: gem5-users<<>>
抄送: lsteiner<<>>
主题: [gem5-users] Re: DRAMCTRL self-refresh frequency
时间: 2021-04-19 21:27:59

The refresh rate is determined by the parameter tREFI in 
"mem/". However, if you want a refresh rate of 64 ms you cannot 
simply set tREFI to 64 ms. tREFI is the time between two refresh commands, 
while 64 ms usually is the time between two refresh commands to the same DRAM 
cell.  Depending on the selected device size and temperature range you have to 
set different values for tREFI and tRFC. You can find more information in the 
JEDEC standard for DDR4.

The self-refresh frequency is not determined by the DRAM controller, but by the 
DRAM device itself. This parameter cannot be modified via configuration. The 
only parameter you can modify is tXS (self-refresh exit time). For more 
information you should also take a look at the JEDEC standard.
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