Hi all,

I was trying to run a gem5 simulation using the O3CPU but encountered problems 
with gem5 "panic" when running with the "Exec" debug flags enabled. I have 
built gem5 for the x86 ISA, and am using the stable branch.
The full log can be found in the zip linked below (crash_debug_log).
The error in the log seems to be related to this:
build/X86/arch/x86/insts/static_inst.cc:253: panic: Unrecognized register class.

On further debugging, it seems that the register class value is being set to -1:
7335000: system.cpu: T0 : 0x7ffff801bbdd @_end+140737354234813. 2 :   
CALL_NEAR_I : stis   t7, SS:[rsp + 0xfffffffffffffff8] : MemWrite :  
D=0x00007ffff801bbe2 A=0x7fffffffed48
7335000: system.cpu: T0 : 0x7ffff801bbdd @_end+140737354234813. 3 :   
CALL_NEAR_I : subi   rsp, rsp, 0x8 : IntAlu :  D=0x00007fffffffed48
7335000: system.cpu: T0 : 0x7ffff801bbdd @_end+140737354234813. 4 :   
CALL_NEAR_I : wrip   t7, t1 : IntAlu :
7447000: system.cpu: T0 : 0x7ffff801d080 @_end+140737354240096    : hint
7447000: system.cpu: T0 : 0x7ffff801d080 @_end+140737354240096. 0 :   HINT_NOP 
: fault   NoFault : No_OpClass :
7447000: system.cpu: T0 : 0x7ffff801d084 @_end+140737354240100    : mov eax, 0xc
7447000: system.cpu: T0 : 0x7ffff801d084 @_end+140737354240100. 0 :   MOV_R_I : 
limm   eax, 0xc : IntAlu :  D=0x000000000000000c
build/X86/arch/x86/insts/static_inst.cc:254: panic: Unknown register class: 
-854770912 (reg.classValue())
Memory Usage: 632228 KBytes
Program aborted at tick 7455000

The error does not appear when using no debug flags or using flags like 'IEW'.

The command used to run the simulation is:

../build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=Exec DAXPY-newCPU.py daxpy --cpu O3CPU

If needed, you can find the related files here: 

I would appreciate any help on this.



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