Hi all,

I'm currently working on ISA-level tasks and have generated my own binary
using an assembler and linker. The binary executes successfully on my local
environment (M1 ARM). However, when I attempt to run it on gem5, it fails
to be recognized.

I used the following commands to assemble and link a simple "Hello World"
assembly code (test.s):

$ as -arch arm64 -o test.o test.s
$ ld test.o -o test -l System -syslibroot `xcrun -sdk macosx
--show-sdk-path` -e _start -arch arm64
$ ./test
Hello World!

While this works well on my local environment, I encounter an error when
executing it in gem5 using the command:

$ build/ARM_MESI/gem5.opt configs/FS_ruby.py
The error message I receive is as follows:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_arch'
  build/ARM_MESI/arch/arm/ArmSeWorkload.py(43): _is_compatible_with
  build/ARM_MESI/sim/Workload.py(91): <lambda>
  build/ARM_MESI/sim/Workload.py(91): find_compatible
  build/ARM_MESI/sim/Workload.py(100): init_compatible
  configs/FS_ruby.py(109): <module>
  build/ARM_MESI/python/m5/main.py(434): main

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone who has encountered a similar issue
could provide some insights or guidance.

Thank you,
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