
For some reason I cannot see the original email Matt is replying to, but 
m5_exit is the normal exit status.

Just as a reminder, the gem5 output does not give any indication about whether 
or not your application running *in* gem5 completed successfully.  You will 
need to check the terminal output (i.e., the output of the system being 
simulated).  By default this is “m5out/system.pc.com_1.device”.  The terminal 
output in full system (FS) mode is not concatenated with gem5 output as it is 
in system emulation (SE) mode.


From: Matt Sinclair <mattdsinclair.w...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 9:40 AM
To: The gem5 Users mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>
Cc: Anoop Mysore <mysan...@gmail.com>; Poremba, Matthew 
Subject: Re: [gem5-users] Re: GPU-FS simulation progress

Caution: This message originated from an External Source. Use proper caution 
when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding.

Maybe I'm missing something, but where in that set of prints is the error?  At 
the end I see this:

Exiting @ tick 25817051030000 because m5_exit instruction encountered

Which is the normal thing to see when gem5 exists.


On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 4:06 AM Anoop Mysore via gem5-users 
<gem5-users@gem5.org<mailto:gem5-users@gem5.org>> wrote:
Reviving a previous thread:

I am facing the same exact error, almost the same processor -- AMD Ryzen 5800 
HS (laptop).
However, for the OP, moving to a faster EPYC worked. I was able to move only to 
a (desktop) Intel i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz. Here's a couple lines of progress, but 
it seems to fail too.
I am on ROCm v4.0.1 -- compiled sqare test with that. Tried both locally built 
disk-image, and a downloaded image, and downloaded kernel.

Here's the concise gem5 log (without debug flags -- that's attached as a file:
gem5 Simulator System.  https://www.gem5.org<https://www.gem5.org/>
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 version
gem5 compiled Jun 22 2023 18:46:21
gem5 started Jun 23 2023 10:24:44
gem5 executing on ashkan-asgharzadeh, pid 24266
command line: gem5/build/VEGA_X86/gem5.opt 
gem5/configs/example/gpufs/vega10_kvm.py --disk-image 
gem5-resources/src/gpu-fs/disk-image/rocm42/rocm42-image/rocm42 --kernel 
gem5-resources/src/gpu-fs/vmlinux-5.4.0-105-generic --gpu-mmio-trace 
gem5-resources/src/gpu-fs/mmio_trace.log --app 

warn: Memory mode will be changed to atomic_noncaching
warn: The `get_runtime_isa` function is deprecated. Please migrate away from 
using this function.
Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
build/VEGA_X86/mem/dram_interface.cc:692: warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 
Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (4096 Mbytes)
build/VEGA_X86/sim/kernel_workload.cc:46: info: kernel located at: 
build/VEGA_X86/base/stats/storage.hh:282: warn: Bucket size (5) does not divide 
range [1:75] into equal-sized buckets. Rounding up.
build/VEGA_X86/mem/dram_interface.cc:692: warn: DRAM device capacity (128 
Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (16384 Mbytes)
build/VEGA_X86/base/statistics.hh:280: warn: One of the stats is a legacy stat. 
Legacy stat is a stat that does not belong to any statistics::Group. Legacy 
stat is deprecated.
      0: system.pc.south_bridge.cmos.rtc: Real-time clock set to Sun Jan  1 
00:00:00 2012
system.pc.com_1.device: Listening for connections on port 3456
build/VEGA_X86/base/statistics.hh:280: warn: One of the stats is a legacy stat. 
Legacy stat is a stat that does not belong to any statistics::Group. Legacy 
stat is deprecated.
0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
build/VEGA_X86/dev/intel_8254_timer.cc:128: warn: Reading current count from 
inactive timer.
tcmalloc: large alloc 2147483648 bytes == 0x562c3a2f6000 @  0x7f421c1cd887 
0x562c18bc2019 0x562c18106aa6 0x562c17dd474f 0x7f421ca5758a 0x7f421c9bfec8 
0x7f421c9c6303 0x7f421c9be803 0x7f421c9c02aa 0x7f421c9c6303 0x7f421c9be803 
0x7f421c9c02be 0x7f421c9c6303 0x7f421c9bfa0f 0x7f421c9c04ce 0x7f421c9c124b 
0x7f421c9cc55d 0x7f421ca5753b 0x7f421c9c01ec 0x7f421c9c6303 0x7f421c9bfa0f 
0x7f421c9c04ce 0x7f421ca7fd6b 0x7f421caab768 0x562c17e5aca9 0x562c17d4c7e0 
0x7f421a437c87 0x562c17dc531a
Running the simulation
build/VEGA_X86/cpu/kvm/base.cc:150: info: KVM: Coalesced MMIO disabled by 
build/VEGA_X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:181: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000: 
unimplemented function 2

build/VEGA_X86/sim/simulate.cc:192: info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting 
build/VEGA_X86/arch/x86/kvm/x86_cpu.cc:1563: warn: kvm-x86: MSR (0x4b564d05) 
unsupported by gem5. Skipping.
build/VEGA_X86/dev/x86/pc.cc:117: warn: Don't know what interrupt to clear for 
build/VEGA_X86/dev/amdgpu/amdgpu_vm.hh:240: warn: Accessing unsupported MMIO 
aperture! Assuming NBIO
Exiting @ tick 25817051030000 because m5_exit instruction encountered
build/VEGA_X86/cpu/kvm/base.cc:572: hack: Pretending totalOps is equivalent to 
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