Hello gem5 users,

I was wondering if anyone knew a way to run through a simulation normally 
before executing other commands whilst using a gem5 stdlib script.

For context I am trying to exit a simulation after a set number of instructions 
in order to manipulate an exit event (so I want to run for n ticks, THEN do an 
exit event, then run for m more ticks, then another exit event).

command = "echo 'First exit event'; " \
        + "m5 exit ; " \
        + "echo 'Second exit event';" \
        + "m5 exit; "

I want to delay the exits and doing:

m5 exit [number of ticks]


m5 simulate [number of ticks]

has not worked for me and spits out:

Usage: m5[call type] <command> [arguments]

Call types:
    --inst (default)
        Use the instruction based invocation method.

    addsymbol <address> <symbol>
        Adds a symbol with address "address" to gem5's symbol table
    checkpoint [delay [period]]
        After delay (default 0) take a checkpoint, and then optionally every 
period after
    dumpresetstats [delay [period]]
        After delay (default 0) dump and reset the stats, and then optionally 
every period after
    dumpstats [delay [period]]
        After delay (default 0) dump the stats, and then optionally every 
period after
    exit [delay]
        Exit after delay, or immediately
    fail <code> [delay]
        Exit with failure code code after delay, or immediately
    initparam [key]
        optional key may be at most 16 characters long
        load a preselected symbol file into gem5's symbol table
        read a preselected file from the host and write it to stdout
    resetstats [delay [period]]
        After delay (default 0) reset the stats, and then optionally every 
period after
    sum <a> <b> [c [d [e [f]]]]
        Sum a-f (defaults are 0), for testing purposes
    writefile <filename> [host filename]
        Write a file to the host, optionally with a different name

But the exit [delay] doesn't work and spits this out as well.

Thanks for any help!

Kind Regards,
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