Hi Harald,

Thanks for your reply (and your review)  - see in line

On Feb 5, 2006, at 7:12 AM, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

Good that it was helpful!

One outstanding issue.....

--On 2. februar 2006 11:22 -0500 JP Vasseur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- The order in which the two mechanisms are introduced in section 2
and 4 was confusing to me at first read. I think it would flow
better if the midpoint to headend signalling was mentioned first,
and the headend to midpoint mechanism was defined afterwards,
saying something like

       - A head-end LSR to trigger on every LSR whose next hop is a
loose hop or an abstract node the re-evaluation of the current
       path in order to detect a potential more optimal path, which
result in the mid-point LSR using the mechanism above to signal
       the existence of such a more optimal path

(Note: The English of the paragraph reads oddly, given that the
bullets do not form complete sentences without the introductory
text; it's possible to do this better, I think.)

I kept the same order (because the first mechanism is likely to be the
one more commonly used - that said, they're not exclusive) but I
reworded a bit since indeed clarify could be improved. Thanks.

isn't the answer to the headend-to-midpoint query an instance of the midpoint-to-headend signal?

from the doc, I understood it as if the headend can't tell the difference between a spontaneous reoptimization and a reoptimization done in response to a headend query - but there may be a difference I missed.

You did not miss anything ;-) but in the mid-point notification case there are other cases that we handle such as the reoptimization for path maintenance and so on ... Thus starting with the head-end control function is more didactic ;-)

Not terribly important!

Good, thanks. I'll repost today to move forward. Just a process- oriented question. What is the logical next step after having addressed the gen-art review comments ?




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