
I'm no expert in RFC 3406 practice, but I'm told that the IESG has
generally accepted a positive review by the URN-NID list as
sufficient indication that the RFC 3406 requirements have been met.
There's a subjective element there of course, but the French have
a saying about not being "more royalist than the king" which seems
to apply here.

As for the third point, it is the namespace's own authority that
manages its internal structure - that is fully delegated.

The ABNF reference should preferably be updated and I will note that
in the tracker.

Thanks for the review.


Tom-PT Taylor wrote:
I have been selected as General Area Review Team reviewer for this
draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Draft: draft-rushing-s1000d-urn-00.txt
Reviewer: Tom Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Review Date:         5 May 2006
IETF LC Date:        open
IESG Telechat Date: 11 May 2006


This draft meets most of the requirements for registration of a formal URN as described in RFC 3406. I believe it is deficient in one area, technically deficient in another, and I am unclear on the requirement in a third. In addition, the ABNF reference should now be updated from RFC 2234 to RFC 4234 (also affects a comment in the syntax description).

Deficiencies and potential deficiencies:

1. RFC 3406 requires that the Namespace Considerations section demonstrate due diligence by indicating why an existing URN namespace would not serve the intended purpose. I expect a fairly straightforward statement would do here.

2. As a second point, I will note that the Community Considerations section is supposed to indicate how the community will benefit from assignment of the URN namespace. Technically the document does not meet this requirement, but the required information is present in section 1.

3. Section 4 of RFC 3406 mentions the possible description of a change process for registrations in the IANA Considerations section. The body of the draft suggests that the set of subnamespaces may be extensible. I suspect a change at that level does not trigger a requirement for reregistration, but this should be confirmed. In any event, it might not hurt to state explicitly how extension occurs (presumably by amendment of S1000D).

Tom Taylor

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