On Oct 3, 2006, at 5:05 PM, Francis Dupont wrote:

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   We have one detail still to address from your review, and that is to
   add a citation about deleting IP options being forbidden, or
   "supposed" to be forbidden,  for IPv6.
   Do you have a citation to suggest for that?

=> there is nothing very clear about this (RFC 2460 uses the loose
terms "examine and process"). I have still the strong opinion it
is an important part in the design of IPv6 (*) but I am afraid we have
to ask the list(s) to get something concrete to cite...

I have not included anything about deleting IP options being forbidden
in IPv6.  It seems sufficient to me just to have the document say that
the router, when it denies a Quick-Start request, SHOULD either delete
the option or zero the relevant fields in the Quick-Start option.

- Sally

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