I took a quick look.  I think it is in good shape (although my caveat 
about not knowing enough about the details of PKI operations to knwo is 
it is adequately complete remains).

The additional word in the abstract and intro clarify the purpose of the 
document sufficiently to address my maunderings on the intended status 
of the document (now definitely informational).

The weasel words in the security section are gone which is also good, 
and the wording elsewhere  has been cleaned up in line with my comments.

In this instance the authors have chosen to remove all the RFC 2119 
requirements language (all demoted to lower case).  I would have been 
quite happy for it to remain - it seemed sensible and would have 
remained so in the light of the 'operational requirements' target. I 
didn't comment on this specifically - and I would be happy for it to be 
restored (although the authors would probably be less so).

Some editorial sorting (references!) is still needed but this is very 
definitely something the RFC Editor can deal with.


Russ Housley wrote:
> Elwyn took a look at an earlier version.  A follow-up would be 
> appreciated.
> Russ
>> Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:00:30 -0400
>> From: Russ Housley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Late agenda addition: draft-shimaoka-multidomain-pki-12.txt
>> I just added draft-shimaoka-multidomain-pki-12.txt to the agenda for 
>> the next IESG telechat.  The document has been through last call, and 
>> the authors posted an update to resolve the comments a few weeks ago 
>> (but I missed the notice).  If there is not enough time for you to 
>> review, please hit the defer button.
>> Russ
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