I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document: draft-ietf-imss-fc-fcsp-mib-02.txt
Reviewer: Francis Dupont
Review Date: 2008-06-19
IETF LC End Date: 2008-06-19
IESG Telechat date: unknown

Summary: Ready

Comments: I've found only a low number of editorial (i.e., to be handled
by the RFC Editor) problems (spelling errors, typos, raw abbrevs, ...).
I'll send ASAP the list in a full review (full here is mainly for the
human (vs. machine) part of the document, the MIB itself will be checked
with the usual tools).


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