I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document..........:  draft-ietf-pwe3-cep-mib-12
Reviewer..........:  Christian Vogt
Review date.......:  August 6, 2007

Summary:  This draft is ready for publication as a Proposed Standard

I have no objections against publishing this document, yet would
suggest considering the following three comments:

- Introductory sections 1 through 4:  References to related documents
  are currently scattered across these sections.  It would in my
  opinion make sense to group all these references in a single
  section, perhaps section 1.  This would make it easier for the
  reader to go back and look them up as it becomes necessary while
  reading the document.

- Security Considerations section:  The vulnerabilities discussed in
  this section do not directly fit into the scope of a Security
  Considerations sections, because they already exist and are not
  introduced by the document at hand:  (i) consequences of
  misconfiguration; (ii) security considerations for MIBs in
  general, such as SET operations in insecure environments, or GET
  operations on confidential data; (iii) security issues in SNMP
  versions older than version 3.  Notwithstanding this, all of these
  vulnerabilities are certainly important for network administrators
  to be aware of.  I therefore suggest adding a paragraph at the
  beginning of the Security Considerations section that explains
  that the document itself does not introduce new vulnerabilities,
  but that the following vulnerabilities of related mechanisms
  should be considered.

- Some nits:

  Abstract:  Packet Switch Network -> Packet Switched Network

  Introduction:  Acronym "PSN" is defined twice.

  Introduction:  Acronym "VT" is not defined.

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