I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) 
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see 

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments 
you may receive. 

Document: draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-te-mib-08.txt
Reviewer: Francis Dupont
Review Date: 2009-04-16
IETF LC End Date: 2009-04-17
IESG Telechat date: unknown

Summary: Ready

Major issues: None

Minor issues: None

Nits/editorial comments: 
 - Abstract: add '(MIB)' as it is done in the introduction

 - Abstract: if you need to enforce the do-not-cite-rfc in the Abstract
  put reference to RFC 3812 and 4802 into parenthesis?

 - 4 page 5: remove spurious line break between:
   objects and tables some of which extend tables in MPLS-TE-STD-MIB

   [RFC3812]. [RFC4461] and [RFC4875] are clear that they apply to

 - 4.2 page 6: additional features or different behavior is required
   -> are required

 - 4.2.1 page 8 (title): Compatiblity -> Compatibility

 - 4.2.1 page 9: sematics -> semantics

 - 4.2.2 page 10 (title): Compatiblity -> Compatibility

 - 4.7 page 12: diagramatic -> diagrammatic

 - 5.2 page 20 (multiple): SeesionAttribute -> SessionAttribute

 - 5.2 page 24: thre -> there

 - mplsTeP2mpTunnelRowStatus page 26: mplsTunneltable -> mplsTunnelTable

 - mplsTeP2mpTunnelDestOperStatus page 47: aply -> apply and
  destinaton -> destination

 - mplsTeP2mpTunnelDestUp page 51: mplsTeP2mpTunneldestOperStatus ->

 - Module Conformance Statement page 52: remove spurious line break
            for MPLS-TE-P2MP-STD-MIB. Such devices can be monitored and

            also be configured using this MIB module.

 - 8 page 56: please extend the VACM and USM abbrevs.

 - 8 page 57: IPSec -> IPsec
  (BTW if the common way to deploy IPsec is to use it for infrastructure
   protection, IPsec can also be used with a finer grain for application
   protection, i.e., transport mode vs. tunnel mode)

 - 12 page 60: please add the country in Thomas' address.



PS: experience has shown spelling errors in MIB ids can't be fixed
(because of backward compatibility). IMHO we should have a specific
tool to help this spelling check. I sorted the output of a spell
checker so I got some (fortunately in comments)...

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