Cullen Jennings allegedly wrote on 06/10/2009 6:31 PM:
> I've tentatively put this on the IESG call fro next week in the hope we
> can sort this out before then but if not I expect this to turn into a
> discuss.

> On May 21, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Scott Brim wrote:
>> I'm sympathetic but I don't think the recent changes have adequately
>> answered the issues that Paul brought up in his review.  I discussed
>> it with him and the following things concern me:
>>  - HIP: Yes, you could use HIP, but HIP NAT traversal uses HIP,
>>    (simplified) ICE, and TURN and rendezvous servers.  You get rid of
>>    SIP servers, but that's all, then you add HIP rendezvous servers
>>    and you also have to deal with the question of authentication
>>    services for HIP.
> I'm really not sure what to do about this. Three are a bunch of people
> that believe if we just had one transport with good built in NAT
> traversal, we would not need to build it in each application protocol.

I agree, it would be great.

> They favor HIP. There is another group that points out the difficulty in
> getting HIP to work and that HIP largely does more or less the same
> things as the application protocol might and does not make things much
> simpler. We are not going to get these two groups to largely change
> their opinions. The current text is more or less middle ground wording
> that mentions both approaches, and does not mandate either. I think that
> is about the strongest thing we can get much widespread agreement on at
> this point.


HIP is (unfortunately) no simpler than anything else once you add all
the little requirements.

>>  - Emergency services: Some language has been added but someone with
>>    emergency services credentials should check it ... some of what is
>>    advocated may be illegal in some scenarios.  The extra language
>>    doesn't seem to clarify, rather it seems to send a mixed message.
> Ran it by Richard Barnes and I know Brian Rosen has read it in the past.



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