In your previous mail you wrote:

   > Minor issues: 
   >  - IMHO a transition paragraph is needed at the end of the Introduction
   >   in order to introduce technical dependencies:
   >   * clearance attribute is in fact from 3281bis (this is obvious when
   >   one reads the ASN.1 module appendix but it should be mentioned as
   >   soon as possible)
   I agree that's why it's in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph in the 
   intro ;)
=> well, I missed it (:-).

   >   * the processings augment the RFC 5280 section 6 (so the text is
   >   understable only with this section in mind)
   It says this in section 4.1 and 5.1, but we could move something to the 
   intro to explain that we're augmenting the 5280/3281bis processing 
   rules. How about:
   This document augments the certification path validation rules for PKCs 
   in [RFC5280] and ACs in [RFC3281bis].
=> fine

   >  The whole idea is to prepare a first reader (IMHO it is a problem when
   >  a document needs to be read more than once to get a good idea about
   >  what it specifies :-).
   >  - another issue is the multiple values in a Clearance attribute.
   >   The Clearance attribute syntax of section 2 is in fact for an
   >  AttributeValue type and doesn't include multiple values (only
   >  multiple SecurityCategory). Of course the Attribute in AC can
   >  contains multiple values, so the text often uses the term "value"
   >  in a very ambiguous way.
   We restrict the number of times clearance can be included in a 
   certificate to one or zero. We also restrict it to be single valued.
=> this is what I understood but there are some places in the document
where the term value is used about the clearance AttributeValue type,
for instance inside AuthorityClearanceConstraints.

   Are you referring to the Authority Clearance Constraint extension that 
   can include multiple values?
=> an extension can contain only one value embedded inside an OBJECT
STRING, and it is forbidden (RFC 5280 4.2) to have multiple extensions
with the same OID. So IMHO extensions and multiple values are exclusive.

   >  - 3 page 6: I don't understand this statement:
   >   "In 
   >    addition, each Clearance attribute in the SEQUENCE must not contain 
   >    more than one value."
   >   perhaps SEQUENCE should be sequence (of AuthorityClearanceConstraints)?
   SEQUENCE refers to the ASN.1 construct for the extension.  We didn't 
   capitalize sequence previously so we'll switch it to lower case.  Note 
   the must ought to be MUST.
=> but a AuthorityClearanceConstraints contains clearances, no clearance
attributes, so what does mean the more than one value?

   >  - page 8: can't understand:
   >    If any of the Clearance attributes in the permitted-clearances 
   >    contains more than one value
   This check makes sure there is only one value in permitted-clearances.
=> the permitted-value is either all-clearances or a
AuthorityClearanceConstraints, so there is no Clearance attributes
in it, nor a value...

   >  - page 9:
   >   in "If the permitted-clearances has special value of all-clearances, 
   >   with success." what about the effective-clearance (unchanged?)
   There's no need to set this value as it's the special case where it 
   matches all.
=> the output is both the effective-clearance (with the - everywhere,
including in and success/failure, so all exists must specify

   >  - 8 page 15: what is id-TBSL?
   It stands for To Be Supplied Later.  I guess now would be a good time ;) 
     I need to get an OID from Russ we'll add this in the next version.
=> until you'll get one IMHO a comment should explain this
(only TBD is recognized :-).

To fix my main concern about the term "value", as ASN.1 is not LISP (:-)
I propose to typecheck all types where the term is used and to keep
it when the type can contain a value (typically contain an attribute),
remove it if it can't or replace it by SecurityCategory (or other?)
if it is what you'd like to mean.

PS: occurences of value:

   The Authority Clearance Constraints certificate extension values in a 
   Trust Anchor (TA), CA public key certificates, and an Attribute 
   Authority (AA) public key certificate in a public key certification 
   path constrain the effective Clearance of the subject.   

=> correct

   Organizations that have implemented a security policy can issue 
   certificates that include an indication of the clearance values held 
   by the subject.

=> correct

   Some organizations have multiple TAs, CAs, and/or AAs and these 
   organizations may wish to indicate to relying parties which clearance 
   values from a particular TA, CA, or AA should be accepted.

=> correct

   a security policy has been defined for Amoco with three security 
   classification values (HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, and 

=> correct

   Cross-certified domains can also make use of the Authority Clearance 
   Constraints certificate extension to indicate which clearance values 
   should be acceptable to relying parties. 

=> correct

   If the Clearance attribute 
   is present, it must contain a single value. 

=> correct

     SecurityCategory ::= SEQUENCE { 
       type  [0]   
       value [1] 

=> correct

     - classlist identifies the security classifications. Six basic 
      values are defined in bit positions 0 through 5 and more may be 
      defined by an organizational security policy. 

=> correct

   The syntax for Authority Clearance Constraints certificate extension 
   contains Clearance values that the CA or the AA asserts.

=> correct but IMHO misleading. I propose to remove the word values.

   addition, each Clearance attribute in the SEQUENCE must not contain 
   more than one value. 

=> incorrect (no attribute, lower case SEQUENCE, upper case must,
no multiple values).

   processing begins, permitted-clearances is initialized to the user 
   input value or special value all-clearances if Authority Clearance 
   Constraints user input is not provided.

=> correct

   When processing the end PKC, the value in the Clearance attribute in 
   the end PKC is intersected with the permitted-clearances state 

=> correct (note it is a case the value can be multiple)
  If user input includes AuthorityClearanceConstraints, set the 
   permitted-clearances to the input value, otherwise,, set the 
   permitted-clearances to special value all-clearances. 

=> correct
   If any of the Clearance attributes in the permitted-clearances 
   contains more than one value, set effective-clearance to an empty 
   list, set error code to "multiple values in input", and exit with 

=> incorrect (no attribute, no multiple value)
   Examine effective-clearance and verify that it does not contain more 
   than one value.  If effective-clearance contains more than one value, 
   set effective-clearance to an empty list, set error code to "multiple 
   values", and exit with failure. 

=> correct (the effective-clearance contains Clearance attribute)
but ambiguous: the effective-clearance is a list so it can have more
than one element (even there is no operation described in the document
which allows more than one element, IMHO it will be far better to
make effective-clearance a Clearance attribute or the special value
no-clearance (in place of empty list)).
   If the permitted-clearances has special value of all-clearances, exit 
   with success. 

=> correct
   Assign those classList bits in effective-clearance a value of one (1) 
   that have a value of one (1) both in effective-clearance and in the 
   clearance structure in permitted-clearances associated with policyID 
   X.  Assign all other classList bits in effective-clearance a value of 
   zero (0). 
   If none of the classList bits have a value of one (1) in effective-
   clearance, set effective-clearance to an empty list and exit with 

=> correct

   When processing begins, permitted-clearances 
   is initialized to user input or special value all-clearances if 
   Authority Clearance Constraints user input is not provided.

=> correct

   When processing the AC, the value in the Clearance attribute in the 
   AC is intersected with the permitted-clearances state variable. 

=> correct (possible multiple values)

   If any of the Clearance attributes in the 
   AuthorityClearanceConstraints extension contains more than one value, 
   set effective-clearance to an empty list, set error code to "multiple 
   values", and exit with failure. 

=> incorrect (no attribute, etc)

   If the AuthorityClearanceConstraints certificate extension is not 
   present in the PKC, no action is taken, and the permitted-clearances 
   value is unchanged.

=> correct

   If the AuthorityClearanceConstraints certificate extension is present 
   in the PKC and permitted-clearances contains the all-clearances 
   special value, then assign permitted-clearances the value of the 

=> correct

   If the AuthorityClearanceConstraints certificate extension is present 
   in the PKC and permitted-clearances does not contain the all-
   clearances special value, take the intersection of temp-clearances 
   and permitted-clearances by repeating the following steps for each 
   clearance in the permitted-clearances state variable: 

=> correct

      -- For every classList bit, assign the classList bit a value of 
          one (1) for the policyID in permitted-clearances state 
          variable if the bit is one (1) in both the permitted-
          clearances state variable and the temp-clearances for that 
          policyID; otherwise assign the bit a value of zero (0). 

=> correct

     2. If there is an element in SET B with the same Type OID and value 
        as in the element in SET A, carry out the following steps: 

          a) Add an element containing the Type OID and the value to the 
             SET temp-set. 

          b) Delete all elements with the same Type OID and the same 
             value from the SET B. 

=> correct (securityCategories)

     4. Perform Type OID specific intersection of the value in the 
        element in SET A with the values in the applicable elements in 
        SET B with the same Type OID. 

=> correct (securityCategories)

    5. If the intersection is not empty, add and element containing the 
        Type OID and intersection result as value to temp-set. 

=> correct (BTW and element -> an element)

  SecurityCategory ::= SEQUENCE { 
       type  [0]  OID id-TBSL, 
       value [1]  BIT STRING 

   Note that Type specific intersection of two values for this Type will 
   be simply setting the bits that are set in both values.  If the 
   resulting intersection has none of the bits set, the intersection is 
   considered empty. 

=> correct

   --   value [1] 

=> correct

BTW the permitted-clearances type is loose, IMHO it is the sum of
AuthorityClearanceConstraints considered as a list of clearances
and the special value all-clearances. As it is not a certificate
extension, "set the permitted-clearances to AuthorityClearanceConstraints
certificate extension" is at least a short-cut (:-).

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