Ran Atkinson wrote:
On 30  Nov 2009, at 12:51 , Vijay K. Gurbani wrote:
...it is not the
case that Java is exposing some additional functionality that
C/C++ do not.

Indeed.  That is precisely our point, although phrased in an
inverse manner.

I think we are in agreement.  The main issue I wanted to
make sure got across is exactly what I wrote previously:

  ...it is not the case that Java is exposing some additional
  functionality that C/C++ do not.  Java is just packaging
  the functionality in an attractive, easy to use manner.

Any attempts to word-smith this in a manner that does not
give undue advantage to a particular language should be good.

In a certain sense, Java is a language as well as a platform.
Thus, many ideas can be abstracted a bit better that one could
do so in C++.  To take an equivalent example, one could just
as well include these IPv4/IPv6 APIs in the C++ boost library
and attain the same level of abstraction as Java does.


- vijay
Vijay K. Gurbani, Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent
1960 Lucent Lane, Rm. 9C-533, Naperville, Illinois 60566 (USA)
Email: v...@{alcatel-lucent.com,bell-labs.com,acm.org}
Web:   http://ect.bell-labs.com/who/vkg/
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