Hi, Jari,

Jari Arkko 写道:
Thank you for your review!

On quick scan the issues that you raise seem valid ones, and should be addressed by the authors.

Thanks. We will make the corrections and try to upload the new version tomorrow.

Best regards,



Elwyn Davies kirjoitti:
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive. It appears that this document has now been scheduled for this week's IESG meeting also. Sorry for the slightly late last call review. Too much holidaying I fear!

Document: draft-xli-behave-ivi-05.txt
Reviewer: Elwyn Davies
Review Date: 4 January 2010
IETF LC End Date: 1 January 2010
IESG Telechat date: 7 January 2010

Summary: Generally this is nearly ready for informational status. There are a number of minor issues that could do with some improvement of explanation as described below. It also needs a fair bit of attention from somebody whose mother tongue is English. I have sent a file to the authors with lots of suggestions for this work.

Major issues: -

Minor issues:

s1.1, numbered item 4:

A partial remedy to this is the proper attention to the details of the protocol translation.

I think this needs more explanation. I don't fully understand what is meant by this.

s1.1, numbered item 5:

lack of address mapping persistence.

This needs a little more explanation (a pointer to the releant part of the NAT-PT deprecation draft would probably be adequate).

s3.2, numbered item 3: The implication of this item is that the translator is also a router. It would be a good idea to write a short paragraph about the hardware form of the translator. The diagrams appear to describe a 'two arm device' with an IPv4 interface and an IPv6 interface. It doesn't really need routing capabilities although clearly it could be implemented as part of any machine that can access both networks (possibly on the same link if it can carry both IPv4 and IPv6). It probably overkill to use dynamic routing protocols to set up the links in most cases.

s5.1 and s9: Do the multicast group addresses need to be allocated by IANA?

s8. last paragraph:
In addition, the specific security issues for the IVI translator
implementation should be further studied and addressed during the
development of the IVI mechanisms.
Given that IVI has been deployed and this document is now informational, this paragraph does not seem appropriate. It needs to say what matters ahve arisen during the documented deployment.

Nits/editorial comments:

Figure 6: need to expand IHL acronym

s6.1: This should use official example IPv4 addresses (RFC 3330) - taken from and example IP6 addresses from RFC 5156 (2001:DB8::) - Note s3.1 and s3.2 already use these addresses.

s8: need to expand uRPF acronym.

ss12, 13 and 14 (Appendices): These sections should use official example addresses (see note on s6.1). (It might be possible to leave the example traces, but s12 MUST be example numbers.)

References: Is it intended to maintain the IVI4 and IVI6 test homepages using numeric addresses? Would it be possible to define a DNS name that maps to these addresses so that if they ever get changed the homepages could still work?

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