I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) reviewer
for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see
<http://www.alvestrand.no/ietf/gen/art/gen-art-FAQ.html> ). 

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive. 

Document: draft-ietf-trill-rbridge-protocol-14
Reviewer: Pete McCann
Review Date: 2010-01-08
IETF LC End Date: 2010-01-11
IESG Telechat date: unknown 

Summary: Basically ready, a few minor issues & nits.

Major issues: None.

Minor issues:

Section 4.1.4:
This text seems to imply that the FCS of the inner, native frame is
removed and only a single FCS covering the encapsulated frame is
generated.  However, it is not quite clear to me which behavior 
is intended.  Could you add text to clarify?

Section 4.5:
   The k trees are ordered from 1 to k, with up to k of the s trees
   advertised by RB1 given tree numbers 1 through s, respectively, and
   any remaining trees given numbers in order of priority.
Is this worded correctly?  Should it say:
   The k trees are ordered from 1 to k, with up to s of the k trees
   advertised by RB1 given tree numbers 1 through s, respectively, and
   any remaining trees given numbers in order of priority.

Section 4.5.5:
The bullets in this section say, "forwarded onto
adjacencies in the nickname1 tree" but don't explicitly
say that you shouldn't forward onto the adjacency on which
the packet arrived.

Section 7.2:
Have you made arrangements with IEEE to get these values?  They
normally charge a fee for new Ethertypes.

Nits/editorial comments:

Section 3.5:

   To ensure backward compatible safe operation, when Op-Length is non-
   zero indicating that options are present, the top two bits of the
   first octet of the options area are specified as follows:

               | CHbH | CItE |          Reserved           |

               Figure 3.2: Options Area Initial Flags Octet

The diagram shows a 6-bit Reserved field, but the text says "the top
two bits ... are specified".  The text doesn't mention the Reserved
field after this.  Should you specify that Reserved is set to zero
at Ingress, copied on Transit, and ignored on Egress, like you did 
in Section 3.3?  And in that case say "the first byte"?

Section 3.7.2:
   This simplifies end node learning
Missing a period here?  There is also a blank line after this one,
is something else missing?

Section 4.1.2:
   TRILL data frame with the associated VLAN ID and priority placed in
   the Inner.VLAN information.
Should it also copy the C bit?

   in the VLAN for which it is appointed
Missing period?

   30 second
   30 seconds

Section 4.5:
   as describe below
   as described below

   know unicast
   known unicast

Section 4.8.1:
   to not learn
   not to learn

Section 4.9.1:
   ports an
   ports are

Section 4.9.2:
There is a reference to Figure 4.7 but the figure in this section is
labeled 4.5.

Section 6:
   Layer 2 bridging in not inherently secure.
   Layer 2 bridging is not inherently secure.

Section 6.2:
   although this processing
   and this processing

Appendix B:
   on such as link as it
   on such a link as it

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