HI folks,

I apologize that I have not yet had a chance to do the assignments for
thursday's telechat. I thought I could get to it over the weekend, but was
not able to obviously.  I will get the s/s updated and assignments & LCs out
by the end of the day tomorrow. But, until if folks could check and see the
docs that are on the telechat in case there are new versions.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IESG Secretary <iesg-secret...@ietf.org>
Date: Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:08 PM
Subject: [IESG-AGENDA-DIST] Summarized Agenda for the 2010-12-16 IESG
To: iesg-agenda-d...@ietf.org

Summarized Agenda for the 2010-12-16 IESG Teleconference

This agenda was generated at 2010-12-09 15:07:44 PST
Up-to-date web version of this agenda can be found at:

1. Administrivia

1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Bash the Agenda
1.3 Approval of the Minutes of Past Telechats
1.4 List of Remaining Action Items from Last Telechat


        Last updated: December 6, 2010

   o Jari Arkko to add guidance on multi-Area work to the wiki.

   o Michelle Cotton to provide draft of -bis document for RFC 4020
     Allocation procedures.

   o Tim Polk to update the IESG statement on choosing between
     Informational and Experimental status.

   o Alexey Melnikov to draft an IESG Statement on MIME Type
     from other SDOs, to include a statement on the stability of
     references in Media Type Registrations.

   o Sean Turner to determine if it is safe to use the old and new
     protocol numbers in the same port [IANA #404374].

2. Protocol Actions
2.1 WG Submissions
2.1.1 New Items

 o draft-ietf-mpls-fastreroute-mib-15
   Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering Management
   Information Base for Fast Reroute (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Loa Andersson (l...@pi.nu) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Adrian Farrel

 o draft-ietf-httpstate-cookie-19
   HTTP State Management Mechanism (Proposed Standard)
   Token: Peter Saint-Andre

 o draft-ietf-sipcore-event-rate-control-05
   Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification Extension for
   Notification Rate Control (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Adam Roach (a...@nostrum.com) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Robert Sparks
   Was deferred by Cindy Morgan on 2010-12-02

 o draft-ietf-morg-list-specialuse-05
   IMAP LIST extension for special-use mailboxes (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> is the document shepherd.
   Token: Alexey Melnikov

 o draft-ietf-roll-trickle-06
   The Trickle Algorithm (Proposed Standard)
   Note: JP Vasseur (j...@cisco.com) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Adrian Farrel

 o draft-ietf-tls-ssl2-must-not-03
   Prohibiting SSL Version 2.0 (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Joe Salowey (jsalo...@cisco.com) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Alexey Melnikov

 o draft-ietf-avt-rtp-svc-24
   RTP Payload Format for Scalable Video Coding (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Roni Even is the document shepherd (even.r...@huawei.com)
   Token: Gonzalo Camarillo

 o draft-ietf-xmpp-address-07
   Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Address Format
   (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Ben Campbell (b...@nostrum.com) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Gonzalo Camarillo
   Was deferred by Cindy Morgan on 2010-12-02

 o draft-ietf-sieve-notify-presence-03
   Sieve Notification Using Presence Information (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Cyrus Daboo is the document shepherd.
   Token: Alexey Melnikov
   Was deferred by Robert Sparks on 2010-12-01

 o draft-ietf-mpls-ip-options-05
   Requirements for Label Edge Router Forwarding of IPv4 Option Packets
   (Proposed Standard)
   Note: George Swallow (swal...@cisco.com) is the Document Shepherd.
   Token: Adrian Farrel

 o draft-ietf-v6ops-3177bis-end-sites-00
   IPv6 Address Assignment to End Sites (BCP)
   Note: Fred Baker (f...@cisco.com) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Ron Bonica

 o draft-ietf-morg-fuzzy-search-03
   IMAP4 Extension for Fuzzy Search (Proposed Standard)
   Note: Barry Leiba (one of the MORG chairs) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Alexey Melnikov

 o draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-timestamps-02
   Reducing the TIME-WAIT state using TCP timestamps (BCP)
   Note: Wesley Eddy (wesley.m.e...@nasa.gov) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Lars Eggert

2.1.2 Returning Items


2.2 Individual Submissions
2.2.1 New Items


2.2.2 Returning Items

 o draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-07
   DNS-Based Service Discovery (Proposed Standard)
   Token: Ralph Droms

 o draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns-12
   Multicast DNS (Proposed Standard)
   Token: Ralph Droms

3. Document Actions
3.1 WG Submissions
3.1.1 New Items

 o draft-ietf-ipfix-mediators-framework-09
   IPFIX Mediation: Framework (Informational)
   Note: Juergen Quittek is the document shepherd
   Token: Dan Romascanu

 o draft-ietf-opsec-protect-control-plane-04
   Protecting The Router Control Plane (Informational)
   Token: Ron Bonica

 o draft-ietf-ipfix-anon-05
   IP Flow Anonymisation Support (Experimental)
   Note: Nevil Brownlee is the Document Shepherd
   Token: Dan Romascanu

 o draft-ietf-v6ops-incremental-cgn-02
   An Incremental Carrier-Grade NAT (CGN) for IPv6 Transition
   Note: Joel Jaeggli (joe...@bogus.com), v6ops co-chair is the
   document shepherd.
   Token: Ron Bonica

 o draft-ietf-bmwg-reset-03
   Device Reset Characterization (Informational)
   Note: Al Morton (acmor...@att.com) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Ron Bonica

3.1.2 Returning Items


3.2 Individual Submissions Via AD
3.2.1 New Items

 o draft-linowski-netmod-yang-abstract-04
   Extending YANG with Language Abstractions (Experimental)
   Note: Mehmet Ersue is the document shepherd.
   Token: Dan Romascanu

 o draft-arkko-ipv6-transition-guidelines-09
   Guidelines for Using IPv6 Transition Mechanisms during IPv6
   Deployment (Informational)
   Note: Kurt Erik Lindqvist (kur...@kurtis.pp.se) is the document
   Token: Ron Bonica

3.2.2 Returning Items

 o draft-cheshire-dnsext-nbp-09
   Requirements for a Protocol to Replace AppleTalk NBP (Informational)
   Token: Ralph Droms

3.3 IRTF and Independent Submission Stream Documents
3.3.1 New Items

 o draft-saito-mmusic-sdp-ike-08
   Media Description for IKE in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
   Note: See the Ballot Writeup for the working 5742 response
   Token: Robert Sparks

 o draft-templin-iron-13
   The Internet Routing Overlay Network (IRON) (Experimental)
   Note: Tony Li (tony...@tony.li) is the document shepherd.
   Token: Jari Arkko

3.3.2 Returning Items


4. Working Group Actions
4.1 WG Creation
4.1.1 Proposed for IETF Review

 o Audio/Video Transport Payloads (payload)
   Token: Robert

 o Metric Blocks for use with RTCP's Extended Report Framework (xrblock)

   Token: Robert

 o Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenence (avtcore)
   Token: Robert

 o Audio/Video Transport Extensions (avtext)
   Token: Robert

 o ControLling mUltiple streams for TElepresence (clue)
   Token: Gonzalo

4.1.2 Proposed for Approval


4.2 WG Rechartering
4.2.1 Under Evaluation for IETF Review


4.2.2 Proposed for Approval

 o Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (trill)
   Token: Ralph

 o Ad-Hoc Network Autoconfiguration (autoconf)
   Token: Jari

5. IAB News We Can Use

6. Management Issues

6.1 Registration of image/svg+xml media type (Alexey Melnikov)

6.2 Expert for RFC 5727 Registries [IANA #306256] (Michelle Cotton)

7. Working Group News

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