Note: the previous version was partially reviewed. I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at <>.
Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before posting a new version of the draft. Document: draft-ietf-intarea-shared-addressing-issues-03.txt Reviewer: Francis Dupont Review Date: 2011-02-16 IETF LC End Date: 2011-02-01 IESG Telechat date: 2011-02-17 Summary: Ready Major issues: None Minor issues: None Nits/editorial comments: (PS: this means they can be handled by the RFC Editor) - 5.2.1 page 11: I have a concern about the word 'relay' in 'a UPnP or NAT-PMP relay' as it can be interpreted as a protocol relay when obviously the service is relayed. Perhaps changing 'relay' by 'proxy' is better? - 6 page 13: ICMP is not an application, I suggest 'ICMP echo' or (for me it is the name of the application but I don't know for any OS users) 'ping' - 7 page 14, 13.2 page 18: e.g. -> e.g., - 13.5 page 19: please take the opportunity to introduce the 'IKE' abbrev - 26.[12] page 24: spurious spaces after citations. i.e., '[ref...] ,' -> '[ref...].' (IMHO it is a side effect of the xml style, so something to be fixed by the RFC Editor, i.e., just warn him about this) - in many places the English spelling is used when RFCs use more the American spelling (another item for the RFC Editor). Here is the list from my ispell: Randomisation, Behaviour, organisation, randomisation, realise, customised, centralised, randomisation, Randomisation, randomisation, randomisation, Behaviour, optimisation, optimisation, utilise, utilise - real spelling errors: Feburary, tunnelled (one 'l' please), demuxing, signalling (twice, one 'l' again). Thanks _______________________________________________ Gen-art mailing list