
Thanks for your review of the draft.  See my comments below.  I have also 
revised the draft as draft-ietf-cuss-sip-uui-reqs-07 which I  believe addresses 
all the issues.

- Alan -

On Oct 12, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Ben Campbell wrote:

> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
> please see the FAQ at 
> <>.
> Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 
> receive.
> Document: draft-ietf-cuss-sip-uui-reqs-06
> Reviewer: Ben Campbell
> Review Date: 2011-10-12
> IETF LC End Date: 2011-10-13
> Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as an informational RFC. 
> I have a few minor questions and comments that may be worth addressing first.
> Major issues:
> None
> Minor issues:
> -- section 1, 2nd paragraph, last sentence: "In particular, this mechanism 
> creates no requirements on intermediaries such as proxies."
> What about SBCs, B2BUAs, etc?

There are no requirements on them either - we'll add text saying that.

> -- REQ-4: "… any other form of redirection of the request."
> "Any other form" seems a pretty strong statement. What about a b2bua doing 
> weird stuff?

Sure, no protocol mechanism can prevent a B2BUA from doing something.  We will 
clarify to just say redirection, since that operation is well defined in RFC 

> -- REQ-8: "If the UAS does not understand the UUI mechanism, the request will 
> fail."
> Based on the routing requirement, shouldn't that say that if the request 
> cannot be routed to a UAS that understands the UUI mechanism, the request 
> will fail?

Yes, this is clearer.

> -- REQ-12: 
> What degree of certainty is required here? (i.e. strong identity?) If implied 
> by the SIP dialog, does that impact expectations on what sort of authn must 
> happen at the SIP layer?

This is not meant to imply strong identity.  And since UUI data can appear in a 
response, there aren't really any strong methods available with SIP.   The UUI 
mechanism does not introduce stronger authorization requirements for SIP, but 
instead the mechanism needs to be able to utilize existing SIP approaches.

> -- REQ 13:
> I'm not sure I understand how this interacts with the ability for 
> intermediaries to remove UUI. Should this be detectable by the endpoints? Or 
> is that ability limited to the hop-by-hop case, or require no integrity 
> protection?

Yes, there are tradeoffs between this requirement and requirement REQ-9.  
Hop-by-hop protection is one way to resolve this interaction.

> Nits/editorial comments:
> -- section 4, 2nd paragraph: "The UUI mechanisim should support both of these 
> approaches"
> Should that be a numbered requirement? You've got requirements to support e2e 
> and hop-by-hop, but no requirement that mentions SIP layer vs application 
> layer.

Actually, this sentence is misplaced.  There isn't really a requirement to 
support both of these.  I'll remove it to avoid confusion.

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