On Jan 19, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Alexey Melnikov wrote:

>> So, how about the following:
>>    RID systems MUST use TLS version 1.1 [RFC4346] or higher for
>>    confidentiality, identification, and authentication, as in
>>    Section 2 of [RFC2818].
> I am Ok with your latest proposal, but if you want to make me super-happy 
> ;-), I suggest you make "as in Section 2 ..." a separate sentence (E.g. "Use 
> of HTTP over TLS is specified in Section 2...", or at least insert the word 
> "specified" after "as".

Hi, Alexey,

I can do that:

    <t>RID systems MUST use TLS version 1.1 <xref target="RFC4346"/> or higher
    for confidentiality, identification, and authentication, when sending RID
    messages over HTTPS. HTTPS is specified in Section 2 of <xref
    target="RFC2818"/>. RID systems MUST use mutual authentication; that is,
    both RID systems acting as HTTPS clients and RID systems acting as HTTPS
    servers MUST be identified by an <xref target="RFC5280">X.509
    certificate</xref>. Mutual authentication requires full path validation on
    each certificate, as defined in <xref target="RFC5280"/>.</t>


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