Hi Brian,
At 03:36 06-06-2012, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
Please see attached review.

Thanks for the review.

I think the Conclusions and Appendix A are almost entirely correct.

Major issues:

IMHO section 3.1 needs several clarifications:

"These surveys selected substantial sets of distinct domain names..."

Were these exclusively domain names with MX records?

They're domain names seen on incoming email in some way. Murray doesn't believe that it is important to state that. If you think it is important, let me know.

Also in section 3.1 there are several tables like:

     | Domains queried  | 1,000,000 |   -   |
     | TXT replies      |   397,511 | 39.8% |
     | SPF replies      |     6,627 | <1.0% |
     | SPF+TXT replies  |     6,603 | <1.0% |
     | spf2.0/* replies |     5,291 | <1.0% |

It is not explained what is meant by "TXT replies" and "SPF+TXT replies".

Does "TXT replies" mean *any* kind of TXT record, or only TXT records that
start with "v=spf"?

It's a fair question.  The draft will be updated to fix that.

Does "SPF+TXT replies" mean that both an SPF and a TXT record exists for these
FQDNs? If so, are they identical? (Presumably they should be.)

Yes to the first question.  The working group didn't evaluate the second.

At the moment I can't fully understand the significance of the results.

Also, RFC4406 states that "Sending domains MAY publish either or both formats"
(i.e. spf1 or spf2.0). That being so, I would ideally expect to see nine rows
in the results table:

SPF RR only, spf1 only
SPF RR only, spf2.0 only
SPF RR only, spf1 and spf2.0
TXT RR only, spf1 only
TXT RR only, spf2.0 only
TXT RR only, spf1 and spf2.0
SPF and TXT RRs, spf1 only
SPF and TXT RRs, spf2.0 only
SPF and TXT RRs, spf1 and spf2.0

Pete suggests having two tables for each survey: (a) a comparison of RRTYPEs, and (b) a comparison of SPF vs. SIDF independent of RRTYPE. Would that be sufficient?

It's possible that some of these are always zero but there is no way for a reader to tell. This relates to the breakage in the SPF transition plan that the draft
points out (Appendix A, bullet 4).

Finally, in Appendix A we find:

  "Fortunately in the intervening time, the requirements for new RRTYPE
   assignments was changed to Expert Review, and the posture has become
   more relaxed."

This is slightly inaccurate. Actually the policy has been changed to
RFC6195, which is a modified form of Expert Review. I suggest something
less opinionated:

   Fortunately in the intervening time, the requirements for new RRTYPE
   assignments was changed to be less stringent [RFC6195].

This is slightly inaccurate. Actually the policy has been changed to RFC6195, which is a modified form of Expert Review. Murray suggests something less opinionated:

  Fortunately in the intervening time, the requirements for new RRTYPE
  assignments was changed to be less stringent [RFC6195].


"9.1.  Normative References

   [DNS]      Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
              specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.

   [PRA]      Lyon, J., "Purported Responsible Address in E-Mail
              Messages", RFC 4407, April 2006."

Firstly, it's quite inconvenient having references like this
instead of [RFC1035] etc.

Here's Andrew's response as WG Chair: This isn't a change anyone needs to make, it's a style complaint. The editor preferred to use the symbolic-reference style, and the reviewer prefers the RFC-named style. He also personally prefer the latter, but the RFC Editor doesn't have a rule.

Murray finds the mnemonic method in use easier to read.

Secondly, it doesn't seem right to have Experimental RFCs listed
as normative references. In fact, since this draft is not a technical
specification, I'm not sure it needs to have the Normative/Informative
split at all.

Dave Crocker and Barry Leiba had an discussion about "normative references" at http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/spfbis/current/msg01426.html.

Even though the draft is not a technical specification, it is important that the reader reads the RFCs listed as normative to understand the draft. The Experimental RFCs are not even a downward reference in this case as this draft is not being published on the Standards Track.

S. Moonesamy (as document shepherd)
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