Hi Dan,

thanks for the review.
We will be looking into these points in more detail in the next few days.

One of your comments can be addressed immediately:

On Mar 27, 2013, at 14:33, "Romascanu, Dan (Dan)" <droma...@avaya.com> wrote:

> 5. Section 12.6 
>> IANA has assigned the port number 5683 and the service name "coap",
>> in accordance with [RFC6335].
> It is unclear to me when was this assignment made and were it is recorded (if 
> not in this document). RFC 6335, section 8.1 says: 
>> Reserved numbers and names are generally only assigned by a
>> "Standards Action" or "IESG Approval", and MUST be accompanied by
>> a statement explaining the reason a Reserved number or name is
>> appropriate for this action.

The UDP port number for CoAP was assigned a couple of months before RFC 6335 
was published.  The assignment is recorded in 
 as follows:

  <record date="2011-06-13">
    <xref type="draft" data="draft-ietf-core-coap"/>
    <description>Constrained Application Protocol</description>

The assignment was initiated by one of the authors, Klaus Hartke, on Jan 25, 
We were in need of a stable port for the significant interop testing going on 
and didn't want to continue squatting on a port.
The allocation maybe took a bit longer at the time due to the uncertainty 
created by the transition to RFC 6335, and was shepherded along by the 
responsible AD at the time, Peter Saint-Andre.

The port number we were assigned wasn't a reserved one (such as 0, 1023, or 
49151 would have been), but a previously unassigned one.
When we received the assignment, we were also advised:

> Your request has been processed.  We have assigned the following
> UDP port to coap as per the I-D.ietf-core-coap:
> coap            5683/udp   Constrained Application Protocol
> #                          [I-D.ietf-core-coap] 13 June 2011
> See: http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers
> When the internet draft is approved for publication as an RFC, IANA will
> be notified to change the draft string to RFC number.

Grüße, Carsten

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