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Document:  draft-thornburgh-adobe-rtmfp-07
Reviewer: Ben Campbell
Review Date:  2013-06-20
IETF LC End Date: 2013-06-25

Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as an informational RFC. 
However, I have some concerns about the purpose and intended status of the 
document that I think should be considered prior to publication.

Note: This is an informational draft that describes what I understand to be an 
existing protocol as implemented by commercial products. Therefore, this review 
does not attempt to evaluate the protocol itself. I assume the protocol is what 
it is, and it is not up to the IETF to agree or disagree with it.

*** Major issues:

-- Why does this need to be published as an IETF stream RFC?  If I understand 
correctly, this documents an existing protocol as implemented by commercial 
products. I agree with Martin's comment that there is value in publishing this 
sort of thing, but I applaud the Adobe and the author for publishing it so 
other implementations can interoperate with their products. But that could have 
done that in an independent stream document, or even in an Adobe published 
document. (Perhaps even in a prettier format ;-)  )  If we publish this as an 
IETF stream document, then I think it needs stronger clarification that it is 
not an IETF consensus doc than just its informational status.

Along those lines:

        -- Is this document the authoritative specification? (I suspect not.) 
Who owns change control? I assume that to be Adobe and/or the authors. What 
expectation do readers of this draft have that it represents the current 
version of RTMFP at any point in time?

        -- Under what circumstances would one desire to implement this? I can 
infer that from the introduction, but it would be nice to see some sort of 
applicability statement making it explicitly clear that this is not an IETF 
protocol, and that one would implement it in order to interoperate with certain 
Adobe products. I know that some of this may be implied by the fact that this 
is informational rather than standards track. But I don't expect readers who 
are not IETF insiders to understand that subtlety without some explicit words 
to that effect. In particular, it would be good to clarify the difference 
between this and the many "not quite accepted as standards track by some 
working group" nature of a number of our informational RFCs that describe 

That all being said, this is overall a well written document. The rest of my 
comments are mostly pedantic nits.

*** Minor issues:

-- section 1.2: 

I find the use of "MUST ONLY" confusing. I gather it means "you are _allowed_ 
to do X only under certain conditions" rather than "you are _required_ to do X 
under certain conditions." If correct, I think the words "MAY ONLY" would be 
more clear. If not, then I think the construct would be better handled using 
existing 2119 language.

-- section 3.2:

Do I understand correctly that all endpoints are expected to be able to present 
certificates? Do you find that common in the field? I realize the nature of the 
certs will depend on the security profiles.

-- sections 3.2 and 5

Do I assume correctly that endpoints need a common crypto profile to 
communicate? Is there a repository where one might find crypto profile 
documentation? Is there a commonly implemented one to which this draft could 

-- section 3.2: "Multiple endpoints SHOULD NOT have the same identity."

Why not MUST? Will things not break if two endpoints do have the same identity?

-- "Authenticity MAY comprise verifying an issuer signature chain in a public 
key infrastructure"

Is that really normative, or just an observation of fact?

-- " Canonical Endpoint Discriminators for distinct identities SHOULD be 

What if they are not? Do things break? It might be worth making this a MUST, or 
adding some additional guidance about what might happen if the SHOULD is 

-- "A comparison function MAY comprise performing a lexicographic ordering..."

Is that really normative, or just an example of something one might do?

-- "A test SHOULD comprise testing whether the certificates are identical."

What if it doesn't? Also, what constitutes "identical"? All fields match 
values? Bitwise match?  Is it simply including the same identity or identities? 
Maybe an identity function provided by the crypto profile?

-- 3.5, last paragraph:

Can you offer guidance on reasonable buffer size and number ranges?

--, 3rd paragraph:

What are the consequences of having a tag with less than 8 bytes of length? Is 
the SHOULD reasonable here?

-- throughout, and following sections:

Does the upper case AND have special meaning?

--, Deployment Note:

How would a redirector know which endpoints might do this? Or should it never 
initiate a session?

-- 3.5.2:

Do I infer correctly that two endpoints need not share the same congestion 
control algorithm to communicate?

--, 2nd paragraph: "...an implementation SHOULD encode a Next User 
Data chunk instead of a User Data chunk"

I'm not sure why this needs to be normative, as I assume its just normal 
behavior. But if it does need to be normative, why not a MUST?  Can the far 
endpoint reasonably handle things if the SHOULD is violated?

*** Nits/editorial comments:

-- General: There's quite a bit of inconsistent use of third-person vs 
second-person language.

-- 3.1: It would be nice to see the overview earlier in the draft. I found it 
difficult to read through all the data format stuff prior to section 3 putting 
them into context.

--, Deployment Note:


--, last paragraph:

Which diagram? (An explicit cross-ref would help.)

-- 3.5.2:

What is meant by "aggressive" in this context? Aggressive in avoiding 
congestion, or aggressive in sending data?

-- and subsequent sections:

Does the all-caps "FIRST" have special meaning?

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