Thank you Suresh for the review! And thank you Christian for the quick response 
& update. I have balloted a no-obj position for this draft on today's IESG 


On Nov 20, 2013, at 11:47 AM, Suresh Krishnan <> 

> Hi Christian/Med,
>  I checked out the -06 version submitted this morning, and it addresses
> all my comments. Thanks for taking care of this quickly.
> Regards
> Suresh
> On 11/19/2013 05:47 AM, wrote:
>> Hello Suresh,
>> Thanks for your review. We will update the draft in light of your comments, 
>> but please see inline a few responses.
>> [snip]
>> * Section 2.1
>> -> Not sure if the word encoded is appropriate here.
>> s/hardware-encoded/usually implemented in hardware/
>> [CJ] OK.
>> -> These two sentences are hard to read and it is not clear what point
>> they are trying to make. Please consider rewording.
>>   As such, the current state-of-the-art tends to confirm the said
>>   separation, which rather falls under a tautology.
>> [CJ] What is meant by this sentence is that data and control planes have 
>> always been separated from an implementation standpoint, hence the 
>> tautology: commercial routers use a (S/W-based) routing engine for route 
>> computation purposes, while packet forwarding functions are usually H/W 
>> encoded.
>>   But a somewhat centralized, "controller-embedded", control plane for
>>   the sake of optimized route computation before FIB population is
>>   certainly another story.
>> [CJ] One of the main arguments of SDN proponents is that (1) the control 
>> plane is separated from the data plane but, more importantly, (2) this 
>> separation assumes a (logically) centralized control plane, which allows the 
>> use of commodity H/W. From an implementation standpoint, this is different 
>> from current router technologies, although there has been some vendors in 
>> the past who tried to promote this kind of design (I remember Newbridge's 
>> Vivid technology at the end of the '90s, for example). I'm not too sure 
>> about how we can possibly re-word this, admittedly.
>> * Section 3.1
>> Not sure what this sentence is trying to convey. Can you clarify?
>>   Some of these features have also been standardized (e.g., DNS-based
>>   routing [RFC1383] that can be seen as an illustration of separated
>>   control and forwarding planes or ForCES ([RFC5810][RFC5812])).
>> [CJ] What is meant here is that so-called SDN features have been there for 
>> quite some time and some of them have been standardized, hence the couple of 
>> examples above.
>> * Section 3.4
>> This direct access to some engines using a vendor-specific could be 
>> beneficial to performance but may increase configuration complexity (in 
>> opposition to the final goal in Section 4.1 of accommodating heterogeneous 
>> network technologies). It may be worthwhile to add some text to the 
>> following paragraph in this regard.
>> [CJ] Fine by me, we'll add an extra sentence.
>>   Maintaining hard-coded performance optimization techniques is
>>   encouraged.  So is the use of interfaces that allow the direct
>>   control of some engines (e.g., routing, forwarding) without requiring
>>   any in-between adaptation layer (generic objects to vendor-specific
>>   CLI commands for instance).
>> * Section 3.5
>> This sentence is ambiguous
>> OpenFlow is clearly not the "next big thing"
>> Does this mean
>> a) OpenFlow is certainly not the "next best thing" (or)
>> b) It is not clear if OpenFlow will be the "next best thing"
>> Can you please clarify?
>> [CJ] option a is the right one. We'll reword accordingly.
>> * Section 3.6
>> This sentence about non-goals is unclear. What are the "respective software 
>> limitations"?
>>   o  Fully flexible software implementations, because the claimed
>>      flexibility will be limited by respective software and hardware
>>      limitations, anyway.
>> CJ: The sentence means that there are S/W and H/W limitations respectively 
>> that will always restrict the scope of claimed flexibility - another 
>> tautology, if you will.
>> * Section 4.5
>> This sentence is long and complex, and the exact point it is trying to make 
>> is not clear. Can you simplify/reword?
>>   For example: while the deployment of a network solely composed of
>>   OpenFlow switches within a data center environment is unlikely to
>>   raise FIB scalability issues given the current state-of-the-art, data
>>   center networking that relies upon complex, possibly IP-based, QoS-
>>   inferred, interconnect design schemes meant to dynamically manage the
>>   mobility of Virtual Machines between sites is certainly of another
>>   scale.
>> CJ: Fair enough. We'll simplify the wording, e.g., "DC networks that may 
>> rely upon OpenFlow switches are unlikely to raise FIB scalability issues. 
>> Conversely, DC interconnect designs that aim at dynamically managing VM 
>> mobility possibly based upon the enforcement of specific QoS policies may 
>> raise scalability issues."
>> * Section 4.6
>> Can you clarify what risk is being assessed here?
>>   o  Assessing whether SDN-labeled solutions are likely to obsolete
>>      existing technologies because of hardware limitations.
>> CJ: the risk is both technical and economical. From a technical standpoint, 
>> the ability to dynamically provision resources as a function of the services 
>> to be delivered may be incompatible with legacy routing systems because of 
>> H/W limitations. From an economical standpoint, this is about assessing the 
>> impact of deploying SND solutions for the sake of flexibility and automation 
>> on CapEx and OpEx budgets.
>> Editorial
>> =========
>> * Section 3.3
>> s/policiy/policy/
>> CJ: thanks.
>> Cheers,
>> Christian.
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