On Dec 24, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Paul Aitken <pait...@cisco.com> wrote:

> Benoit, Ben,
>>>> As I understand it the context is that certain data elements can include 
>>>> payload octets. This is subject to the security considerations in 5477, 
>>>> which basically say don't include too much, because of guidance from 2804. 
>>>> But my reading of 2804 does not give specific guidance things like how 
>>>> much payload one can capture before it becomes too much.
>>>> I think the simplest solution would be to keep the reference to the 5477 
>>>> security considerations, and reiterate that this model is not intended for 
>>>> gross capture of payloads, perhaps with an _informative_ reference to 2804.
>>> The informative reference would be in line with RFC 5477. So yes.
>>> Not sure if we need the reiteration.
>> I think a sentence or two would save the reader from having to flip back and 
>> forth between docs. But it's not a big deal one way or ahother.
> I've moved RFC2804 to an Informative reference, and changed the text to say:
> With sufficient length, this element also reports octets from the IP payload. 
> However full packet capture of arbitrary packet streams is explicitly out of 
> scope per the Security Considerations section of RFC5477 and RFC2804.

Works for me.



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