On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:57 PM, Aidan Williams
<aidan.willi...@audinate.com> wrote:
> Hi Scott,

Hi Aidan. Let me try to be clearer. My problem is with the sentence:
"If the answerer rejects the offer because the available reference
clocks are incompatible, the rejection MUST
contain at least one timestamp reference clock specification usable by
the answerer."

"If the answerer rejects the offer because the available reference
clocks are incompatible, ..."

As you say, in this case there is little prospect that the sender
could usefully start over. Therefore why would the answerer include,
in the rejection, a clock that is usable by him (the answerer)?

"... the rejection MUST contain at least one timestamp reference clock
specification usable by the answerer."

Either there's no point in the rejection including a reference clock,
or there is.  If there is no point, why do you say a reference clock
MUST be included?  If there is a point, that means there is some
expectation that the sender might do something with the reference
clock in the rejection. What is that expectation? It would be good to
document it.

Is that clearer?

Thanks ... Scott
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