Hi Samer,

Thank you for your response and for addressing my comments. I am fine with the 
proposed solutions. At this point in the process the change control of the 
document is with the shepherding AD, so please wait for his instructions about 
when to update the document. 



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Samer Salam (ssalam) [mailto:ssa...@cisco.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 8:30 PM
> To: Andrew G. Malis; Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
> Cc: gen-art@ietf.org; draft-ietf-pwe3-iccp....@tools.ietf.org; BOCCI Matthew
> Subject: Re: Gen-ART telechat review of draft-ietf-pwe3-iccp-13.txt
> Hi Dan,
> Thank you for your review. Please find responses inlineĊ 
> Hi Andy,
> Please let us know when we can go ahead an update the draft to address the
> review comments.
> Regards,
> Samer
> On 2014-02-19 6:31 AM, "Andrew G. Malis" <agma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Dan,
> >
> >Thanks for the review (twice!).
> >
> >Authors,
> >
> >Could you please respond to Dan's review and comments?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Andy
> >
> >
> >On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
> ><droma...@avaya.com> wrote:
> >> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
> >> Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at <
> >> http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/area/gen/trac/wiki/GenArtfaq>.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before
> >>posting a  new version of the draft.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Document: draft-ietf-pwe3-iccp-13.txt
> >>
> >> Reviewer: Dan Romascanu
> >>
> >> Review Date: 2/19/14
> >>
> >> IETF LC End Date: 2/11/14
> >>
> >> IESG Telechat date: 2/20/14
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Summary:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Ready with issues. I did not see any answer from the editors or
> >>shepherd to  the issues raised in the IETFLC Gen-ART review and there
> >>was no revision of  the document since then. Although none of the
> >>issues raised seems to be  blocking, I believed that they should be
> >>considered and answered as part of  the IETF Last Call Comments.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> This is a complex but well written document. It is ready, a number of
> >>minor  issues need clarification and possibly editing. Some nits also
> >>may be  considered to fix
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Major issues:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> None
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Minor issues:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 1.       The document (and the name of the protocol defined here) uses
> >>the
> >> notion of 'chassis'. However there is no definition or reference to a
> >>definition that would clarify what a 'chassis' is.
> Good point, will add a definition to that effect.
> >>
> >> 2.       In section - I am not a fan of transferring
> >>information in
> >> text format like in the Disconnect Cause String - no interoperability
> >>results if there no agreement on a finite set of causes. Anyway -
> >>should  this not be UTF-8 format?
> This is meant to relay information to a human user, and not intended to be
> used to take any automated actions. Will clarify that it is UTF-8.
> >>
> >> 3.       Similar question in Section 7.2.4 - why is Aggregator Name a
> >>text?
> >> Why not using AggregatorID as per IEEE 802.1AX?
> The AggregatorID is already part of the TLV. The name is to enhance human
> usability, same reason as above.
> >>
> >> 4.       In Section 7.2.5 - if Port Speed corresponds to the ifHighSpeed
> >> object in the IF-MIB, should not also Port (interface) name
> >>correspond to  ifName truncated to 20 characters whenever possible?
> >>
> Agreed, will update accordingly.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Nits/editorial comments:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 1.       Some acronyms need expansion at the first occurrence - e.g.
> >>POP, CO
> Will update the draft accordingly.
> >>
> >> 2.       In section 3.3/i: PE nodes MAY be collocated or remote - this
> >>MAY
> >> needs not be capitalized.
> Will fix.
> >>
> >> 3.       The first two lines in the diagram in page 16 are mis-aligned
> Will fix.
> >>
> >> 4.       The diagrams in 7.1.1., 7.1.5   end at 16-bit boundary with the
> >> last field defined for optional sub-TLVs. Is this intentional? Do they
> >> suggest that the number of octets is always 4*n + 2? What happens else?
> No that was not intentional. Will add text to clarify that there are no
> such assumptions.
> >>
> >> 5.       In section 7.3.1:' -ii. PW ID TLV or generalized PW ID TLV' I
> >>think
> >> what is meant is actually ' -ii. One of PW ID TLV or generalized PW ID
> >>TLV'
> Will update.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>

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