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Document: draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key-33
Reviewer: Scott Brim
Review Date: 2014-09-28
IETF LC End Date: 2014-09-03
IESG Telechat date: 2014-10-02

Summary: ready with possible minor issues

Major issues:

Minor issues:

  More than once it is said that members that are not understood
  should or must be ignored. Wouldn't this depend on context? Couldn't
  there be uses of the data structure where a negative reply would be
  needed if something is not understood, so the sender can adapt?

  In Section 4.3, you give the general principle that multiple
  unrelated key operations shouldn't be specified for a key, and give
  an example. Since this is a security issue of unknown magnitude (the
  future isn't here yet), what do you think of removing uncertainty by
  being more exhaustive in the principles and/or examples?

Nits/editorial comments:

... Scott

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