
Answer below.  Please note if we specify the ranges you seek, we will need
to go through WG LC.  It can run in parallel with the other calls. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Haas [] 
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 5:12 PM
Cc:;; Alvaro Retana (aretana); Mach Chen; Susan Hares;
General Area Review Team
Subject: Re: [IANA #818133] Last Call:
<draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-redirect-rt-bis-03.txt> (Clarification of the
Flowspec Redirect Extended Community) to Proposed Standard

+gen-art review who noted similar issues in the registration policy

On Apr 10, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Pearl Liang via RT <>

> Hi Sue, and Jeff,
> Thank you Sue for clarifying the timeline and the IANA actions.  Your 
> instructions are very clear.  Just a few nits/question.
> - Regarding the Form for new created registries:
> Form: Sub-type Value, Name, Reference, Registration Type
> Can you clarify what types of information will go to the element
"Registration Type"
> in the BGP Extended Communities registry?

I believe Sue had intended this to match the form of the existing "Generic
Transitive Experimental Use Extended Community Sub-Types" registry.  This
includes sub-type value and name as fields with reference to the document
and date.  Is that right, Sue?

Sue: Yes this was my understanding of your intent.  Did you have any other

> - This is likely for Jeff.  I noticed now that the two new 
> registrations for Part 2 Sub-Types and Part 3 Sub-Types have different
names in the IC section:
> /snip/
> IANA is requested to create the "Generic Transitive Experimental Use 
> Extended Community Part 2 Sub-Types" registry.  It should be seeded
>   with the following Sub-Type:
>   0x08 - Flow spec redirect IPv4 format.
>   IANA is requested to create the "Generic Transitive Experimental Use
>   Extended Community Part 3 Sub-Types" registry.  It should be seeded
>   with the following Sub-Type:
>   0x08 - Flow spec redirect AS-4byte format.
> /snip/

I think the text was unclear.  The intention is to create two new registries
in the form of the "Generic Transitive Experimental Use Extended Community
Sub-Type".  The new registries are distinct in that the first octet value
(the type) is 0x81 and 0x82 for Part 2 and Part 3 respectively.

Within each of those registries, there is a single entry registered,as per

Please see the attachment at the end of this mail for new proposed IANA
Considerations text that I believe conveys this intent.  It contains all
edits to date.

> Please update the names to the one in Sue's comment if the names 
> should be consistent in both sub-regisries.
> I'll let you work on the action items on your end.  If you have 
> questions for us, please contact us.
> Thanks,
> ~pl
> On Fri Apr 10 00:33:05 2015, wrote:
>> Pearl:
>> This is my understanding of what needs to change, and hopefully 
>> answers all your questions.  I apologize that this draft got to you 
>> without the new form.
>> I'll wait for an acknowledgement from Jeff that he is re-writing the 
>> draft to cover these changes. Once Jeff has re-written the draft, 
>> this draft will be 1 week WG LC to cover this change.  Please set 
>> your timer to check on this in 2 week.
>> Answers to your questions:
>> O Action 1, Q1: the RFC should be [RFC5575, RFC-to-Be] On Action 2, 
>> this is correct,  Please update the free space in the registry to 
>> indicate only 0x83 to 0x8f are free.


>> On action 3, Q1:  Please create a new entry under the following web- 
>> page
>> -
>> communities.xhtml
>> Name the web page the following:
>> "Generic Transitive Experimental Use
>>  Extended Community Part 2 Sub-Types" registry.
>> Form: Sub-type Value, Name, Reference, Registration Type
>> Sub-Type Value  Name                     Reference  Registration-type
>> 0x00-0x07        TBD                         TBD
>> Standards action
>> 0x08               Flow Spec redirect
>>                       AS-4byte format      [This-RFC]   Standards
>> 0x09-0x40     TBD                            TBD             Standards
>> action
>> 0x41-0xff   Reserved

Sue, is there any reason to not use a similar registration range as the 0x80
range?  I.e.:
0x00-0xbf - FCFS
0xc0-0xff - IETF review?

Sue: I am fine with use but it was not spelled out in the draft.  If this is
the range, we will need a 2 Week LC to confirm this range for both types for
both types. Revise the draft so IANA can confirm, and I'll start the 2 WG LC
in parallel with the other processes. 

>> On action 3, Q4:
>> Please create a new entry under the following web-page
>> -
>> communities.xhtml
>> Name the web page the following:
>> "Generic Transitive Experimental Use
>>  Extended Community Part 3 Sub-Types" registry.
>> Form: Sub-type Value, Name, Reference, Registration Type
>> Example:
>> Sub-Type Value  Name                   Reference  Registration-type
>> 0x00-0x07        TBD                         TBD
>> Standards action
>> 0x08               Flow Spec redirect
>>                       AS-4byte format      [This-RFC]   Standards
>> 0x09-0x40     TBD                            TBD             Standards
>> action
>> 0x41-0xff   Reserved
>> Sue Hares
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pearl Liang via RT []
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:42 PM
>> Cc:;
>> Subject: [IANA #814082] Last Call: <draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-redirect-
>> rt-bis-03.txt> (Clarification of the Flowspec Redirect Extended
>> Community) to Proposed Standard
>> IESG/Authors/WG Chairs:
>> IANA has reviewed draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-redirect-rt-bis-03.  
>> Authors should review the comments and/or questions below.  Please 
>> report any inaccuracies and respond to any questions as soon as possible.
>> IANA has several questions about some of the actions requested in the 
>> IANA Considerations section of this document.
>> We received the following comments/questions from the IANA's reviewer:
>> IANA understands that, upon approval of this document, there are four 
>> actions which IANA is required to complete.
>> First, in the Generic Transitive Experimental Use Extended Community 
>> Sub-Types subregistry of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Extended 
>> Communities registry located at:
>> the existing registration for Type Value 0x08 will have its name 
>> updated from:
>> Flow spec redirect
>> to:
>> Flow spec redirect AS-2byte format
>> and have the reference changed to [ RFC-to-be ]
>> QUESTION [1]:  This draft indicates that it updates RFC5575 according 
>> to the header information in the draft.  Is the author intended to 
>> remove the existing defining reference from the registry?
>> Second, in the BGP Transitive Extended Community Types subregistry 
>> also in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Extended Communities 
>> registry located at:
>> two new registrations will be added as follows:
>> Type Value: 0x81
>> Name: Generic Transitive Experimental Use Extended Community Part 2 
>> (Sub-Types are defined in the "Generic Transitive Experimental 
>> Extended Community Part 2 Sub-Types" Registry)
>> Reference: [ RFC-to-be ]
>> Type Value: 0x82
>> Name: Generic Transitive Experimental Use Extended Community Part 3 
>> (Sub-Types are defined in the "Generic Transitive Experimental 
>> Extended Community Part 3 Sub-Types" Registry)
>> Reference: [ RFC-to-be ]
>> Third, a new registry is to be created called the "Generic Transitive 
>> Experimental Use Extended Community Part 2 Sub-Types" registry.
>> IANA QUESTION [1]  -> Where should this new registry be located? Is 
>> it a néw registry on the IANA Matrix or is it a subregistry of an 
>> existing registry? If it is a subregistry of an existing registry, in 
>> which registry will it be contained?  In the same BGP Extended 
>> Communities located at
>> communities registry?
>> IANA QUESTION [2]  -> What rules should be used for maintenance of 
>> this new registry? Please refer to RFC 5226 for guidance on how to 
>> select and apply maintenance policy for a new registry.
>> QUESTION: [3] What is the range for this new Part 2 Sub-Types 
>> registry?
>> QUESTION: [4] Is the author intended to use the same table format as 
>> the existing sub-registry "Generic Transitive Experimental Use 
>> Extended Community Sub-Types"
>> which has
>> the following columns: Sub-Type Value, Name, Reference, and
>> (Registration) Date?
>> IANA understands that there is a single initial registration in the 
>> new registry as follows:
>> Type Value: 0x08
>> Name: Flow spec redirect IPv4 format
>> Reference: [ RFC-to-be ]
>> Fourth, a new registry is to be created called the "Generic 
>> Transitive Experimental Use Extended Community Part 3 Sub-Types"
>> IANA QUESTION [1] -> Where should this new registry be located? Is it 
>> a néw registry on the IANA Matrix or is it a subregistry of an 
>> existing registry? If it is a subregistry of an existing registry, in 
>> which registry will it be contained?
>> IANA QUESTION [2] -> What rules should be used for maintenance of 
>> this new registry? Please refer to RFC 5226 for guidance on how to 
>> select and apply maintenance policy for a new registry.
>> QUESTION: [3] What is the range for this new Part 3 Sub-Types 
>> registry?
>> QUESTION: [4] Is the author intended to use the same table format as 
>> the existing sub-registry "Generic Transitive Experimental Use 
>> Extended Community Sub-Types"
>> which has
>> the following columns: Sub-Type Value, Name, Reference, and
>> (Registration) Date?
>> IANA understands that there is a single initial registration in the 
>> new registry as follows:
>> Type Value: 0x08
>> Name: FFlow spec redirect AS-4byte format
>> Reference: [ RFC-to-be ]
>> IANA understands that these four actions are the only ones required 
>> to be completed upon approval of this document.
>> Note:  The actions requested in this document will not be completed 
>> until the document has been approved for publication as an RFC. This 
>> message is only to confirm what actions will be performed.
>> Please note that IANA cannot reserve specific values. However, early 
>> allocation is available for some types of registrations. For more 
>> information, please see RFC 7120.
>> Thanks,
>> Pearl Liang
>> On Wed Mar 18 20:33:49 2015, wrote:
>>> The IESG has received a request from the Inter-Domain Routing WG
>>> (idr)
>>> to
>>> consider the following document:
>>> - 'Clarification of the Flowspec Redirect Extended Community'
>>>  <draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-redirect-rt-bis-03.txt> as Proposed 
>>> Standard
>>> The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and 
>>> solicits final comments on this action. Please send substantive 
>>> comments to the mailing lists by 2015-04-08. 
>>> Exceptionally, comments may be sent to instead. In 
>>> either case, please retain the beginning of the Subject line to 
>>> allow automated sorting.
>>> Abstract
>>> This document clarifies the formatting of the the BGP Flowspec 
>>> Redirect Extended Community, originally documented in RFC 5575 
>>> (Dissemination of Flow Specification Rules).
>>> The file can be obtained via
>>> bis/
>>> IESG discussion can be tracked via
>>> bis/ballot/
>>> No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

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