Russ and Suresh have a discussion going on, that I think is almost
resolved. In any case I'll make sure that stuff is handled before
we send to RFC editor. (There are a couple of other threads that'll
result in minor changes too.)


On 02/09/15 20:04, Jari Arkko wrote:
> Suresh, thanks for the review again! Russ, Suresh had some further questions. 
> I’d like to deal with them before the draft gets finally approved, which 
> might happen tomorrow.
> Jari
> On 02 Sep 2015, at 06:40, Suresh Krishnan <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Russ,
>>   Thanks for addressing the comments. Your suggested changes look good.
>> I have one clarification and one additional text change request inline.
>> On 09/01/2015 07:41 PM, Russ Housley wrote:
>>> Suresh:
>>> Thanks for the review.
>>>> Summary: The draft is almost ready for publication as a BCP but I do
>>>> have some comments you may wish to address.
>>>> Minor
>>>> =====
>>>> * Section 1
>>>> Not sure what becomes more feasible in this sentence. I am assuming that
>>>> it is an attack becoming more feasible. If so, suggest rewording to
>>>> something like.
>>>> OLD:
>>>> As new cryptanalysis techniques are developed and computing capabilities
>>>> improve, the work factor to break a particular cryptographic algorithm
>>>> will reduce, becoming more feasible for more attackers.
>>>> NEW:
>>>> As new cryptanalysis techniques are developed and computing capabilities
>>>> improve, the work factor to break a particular cryptographic algorithm
>>>> will reduce, thus making it more susceptible to attackers.
>>> Does this resolve your concern?  I have provided the whole paragraph 
>>> because it pulls in some discussion from the SAAG list as well.
>>>    Cryptographic algorithms age; they become weaker with time.  As new
>>>    cryptanalysis techniques are developed and computing capabilities
>>>    improve, the work required to break a particular cryptographic
>>>    algorithm will reduce, making an attack on the algorithm more
>>>    feasible for more attackers.  While it is unknown how cryptoanalytic
>>>    attacks will evolve, it is certain that they will get better.  It is
>>>    unknown how much better they will become, or when the advances will
>>>    happen.  Advances in computing power available to the attacker will
>>>    eventually make any algorithm obsolete.  For this reason, protocols
>>>    need mechanisms to migrate from one algorithm suite to another over
>>>    time.
>> Sounds good.
>>>> * Section 2.6
>>>> Would it be useful to put in a recommendation here to use strongest
>>>> possible algorithms/suites and longest possible keys for such long lived
>>>> trust anchor certificates?
>>> I thought about that, but I was concerned that we would see silly key 
>>> sizes.  I am aware of an attack that was mounted against a very well known 
>>> site where the attacker provided bogus certificates that were signed with 
>>> public keys that were 50,000+ bits long.  The attacker sent these over and 
>>> over, until each of the servers in the data center were dong nothing but 
>>> public key operations.  There were two fixes.  First, put a limit on the 
>>> key size.  Second, validate the certificate before doing any operations 
>>> with the embedded public key.  So, your suggestion is in violation to one 
>>> part of the fix.
>>> For performance, you want keys that are long enough to be safe and secure, 
>>> perhaps with some margin, but not overkill.  I hope Section 2.7 already 
>>> makes this point.
>> Makes sense.
>>>> * Section 3.4
>>>> The default server or
>>>>    responder configuration SHOULD disable such algorithms
>>> I do not understand this comment.
>> This text seems to be at odds with the earlier statement that
>> "Some nations specify cryptographic algorithms, and then require their
>> use through legislation or regulations"
>> It would be nice to clarify.
>>>> * Security considerations
>>>> The reference to RFC5166 seems to be wrong and talks about evaluation of
>>>> congestion control mechanisms. Just randomly searching through the RFC
>>>> index led to me to RFC5116 that seems to be about authentication
>>>> encryption algorithms. If this is the correct reference, it needs to be
>>>> fixed in both this section and in the references section.
>>> Oops.  It should reference RFC 5116.
>> Great.
>>>> Editorial
>>>> =========
>>>> * The document is missing a Table of contents. The ID guidelines
>>>> recommends a Table of Contents for drafts that are longer than 15 pages.
>>> I added a Table of Contents.
>>>> * Section 1
>>>> s/one or more algorithm identifier/one or more algorithm identifiers/
>>> Fixed.
>> OK.
>>>> * Section 2
>>>> OLD:
>>>> one or more algorithm or suite identifier
>>>> NEW:
>>>> one or more algorithm or suite identifiers
>>> If you are talking about Section 2.1, this has been rewritten based on 
>>> another comment:
>>>    IETF protocols that make use of cryptographic algorithms MUST support
>>>    one or more algorithm or suite.  The protocol MUST include a
>>>    mechanism to identify the algorithm or suite that is being used.
>> s/one or more algorithm or suite/one or more algorithms or suites/
>>>> * Section 2.2
>>>> OLD:
>>>> one or more strong mandatory-to-implement algorithm or suite
>>>> NEW:
>>>> one or more strong mandatory-to-implement algorithm or suites
>>> Fixed.
>> OK.
>>>> * Section 3.1
>>>> s/The IETF has alway/The IETF has always/
>>> Fixed.
>> OK.
>>>> s/as well as meeting/and should also meet/
>>> How about:
>>>    The selected
>>>    algorithms need to be resistant to side-channel attacks and also meet
>>>    the performance, power, and code size requirements on a wide variety
>>>    of platforms.
>> Great.
>>>> s/depending of the population/depending on the population/
>>> Fixed.
>> Great.
>> Thanks
>> Suresh
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