Hi Elwyn,

First of all, thanks for the great comments. See a few responses inline below. 
I’ll submit the new version now, hope it addresses all your comments.

> In particular, there doesn't seem to be any explanation of why the PLRs and 
> MPTs have to be directly connected to the protected node (RFC 6388 is happy 
> to find non-directly connected nodes) and I cannot see why direct connection 
> is vital to this specification.  This may of course because I am not an MPLS 
> afficionado!  There are, however, a considerable number of language

Ice: mLDP consults the RIB in order to find the next LDP neighbor to reach the 
Root node. The RIB only has information about the directly connected nodes and 
does not have visibility beyond that. If mLDP would consult the IGP (OSPF/ISIS) 
database I might be able to figure that out, but that is outside the scope of 
the document. I’ll add a note to make that clear.

> nits which I have documented - another editorial pass by a reviewer with 
> English mother tongue after fixing the nits I found would probably help.
> Major issues:
> None. 
> Minor issues:
> s1:  This specification uses LDP capability negotiation (RFC 5561).  The 
> introduction should be clear that nodes involved in the node protection 
> scheme MUST support RFC 5561 negotiations.

Ice: Fixed.

> s1, para 2:  There is a very dangerous slang phrase here: "most ... should 
> just work"!   Does this have the literal meaning that there are some 
> circumstances in which they might NOT work and/or there are other 
> capabilities that aren't enabled - if so, what are they? Or, I guess more 
> likely, the slang meaning that using this method will allow these 
> capabilities to work without additional effort.  Please use a non-slang 
> phrase and be more precise as to what will/won't work.

Ice: Fixed.

> s2.1:
>>    The upstream LSR in figure 1 is LSR1
>>    because it is the ***first hop*** along the shortest path to reach the 
>> root
>>    address.
> Does it have to be the 'first hop' (I read this as the first LSR on the path 
> from N towards the root)?
> RFC 6388 s2.4.1.1 allows the upstream to be any LSR along the path according 
> to some local selection policy.  Can't the PLR be any such upstream LSR?

Ice: Added text to explain this.

> s2.2:  Following on from the previous comment, do LSR1..3 *have* to be 
> 'directly connected'?  Can they not be just one from the set of LSRs along 
> each separate LSR emanating from the root?

Ice: It may be possible to support this, but we need more information than we 
can currently find in the RIB. It will significantly complicate the solution. 
I’ve made this outside the scope of the document as at this point I don’t think 
we need that support.

> s2.2:  If I understand correctly, the bypass LSPs have to be bidirectional 
> (or they could be two unidirectional ones) unlike those in s2.1 which will be 
> unidirectional.  I think this ought to be mentioned, assuming I am right - 
> and presumably one could do a bit of optimisation in setup.  This has some 
> knock-on effects as regards what happens when the node fails.  I wonder if 
> there should be some explanation of what happens in an extra sub-section in 
> s4 - just that the various LSRs need to think about what role they are 
> playing depending on where the incoming packets are coming from, I guess.

Ice: Yes, that is a good observation about unidirectional and bidirectional 
LSPs. I’ll add a node to make that clear. Since the MPT will receive packets 
with the MPLS label it originally expected, it does not really care where the 
packets are coming from. So I’m not sure anything else needs to be added here.

> s2.3, next to last para:
>> To remove all PLR addresses belonging to
>>    the encoded Address Family, an LSR N MUST encode PLR Status Value
>>    Element with no PLR entry and "Num PLR entry" field MUST be set to
>>    zero.
>  This is inconsistent with the statement in the "PLR Status Value Element" 
> figure:
>             PLR entry (1 or more)
> I guess this last should be 'zero or more’.

Ice: Good catch!

> Nits/editorial comments:
> ====================== 
> Abstract: Need to expand LSR on first use.

Ice: Fixed.

> Abstract and  s1: s/that has been built by/that have been built by the/ (2 
> places)

Ice: Fixed.

> s1, para 1: Need to expand RSVP-TE and LFA on first use, and give references 
> for them - probably RFC 5420 for RSVP-TE and RFC 5286 for LDP LFA.

Ice: Done.

> s1, para 2: s/Targetted/Targeted/

Ice: Ok.

> s1.2: mLDP probably needs a reference - RFC 6388, I guess

Ice: Ok.

> s1, para 2: the concept 'Target(t)ed LDP session' comes from RFC 7060 - 
> please add a reference.

Ice: Ok.

> s2: It might be helpful to mention that the tLDP sessions are established 
> over the bypass LSPs from PLR to MPT and reiterate the comments in s1 about 
> how these LSPs might be established to avoid the protected node.

Ice: The tLDP sessions just follow unicast routing. There is no requirement 
these LSPs use the bypass LSPs.

> s2: The term 'root node' (presumably from RFC 6388) should be in the 
> terminology section.

Ice: Ok.

> s2: s/e.g./e.g.,/

Ice: Ok.

> s2.1, s2.2, s5: The use of phrases such as 'we are ...ing' is deprecated for 
> RFCs - please rephrase using, for example, 'this document <does something>’.

Ice: Done.

> s2.1, Fig 1 caption: s/to the LSR2/to LSR2/

Ice: Ok.

> s2.1: 'which is feature enabled':  Although it is probably obvious it would 
> be clearer to say 'which has the node protection feature enabled’ 

Ice: Ok.

> s2.1: s/i.e./i.e.,/

Ice: Ok.

> s2.1: s/for Capability negotiation/during Capability negotiation/

Ice: Ok.

> s2.2, last para: s/don't/doesn't/, s/will help/will help in/

Ice: Ok.

> s2.3, para 1: s/with MP status TLV/with an MP status TLV (see Section 5 of 
> [RFC6388])/

Ice: Ok.

> s2.3: 'Length' and 'Num PLR entry' fields need a type (presumably 'unsigned 
> integer’)

Ice: I’ve changed it, but I’ve never done this in the past.. Is this really 

> s2.3, "Address Family": s/Address Family/Addr Family/ (for consistency with 
> Figure); also add a reference for the correct IANA registry 
> (http://www.iana.org/assignments/address-family-numbers/address-family-numbers.xhtml)

Ice: Ok.

> s2.3, "Num PLR entry": 
> OLD:
>       Element, followed by "Num PLR entry" field (please see format of a
>       PLR entry below).
> NEW:
>       Element as an unsureigned, non-zero integer followed by that number of  
> "PLR entry" fields in the format specified below.
> (but see issue above, regarding non-zero)

Ice: Ack.

> s2.3, "PLR Entry", s/must be zero/MUST be zero/ (I assume). (also applies to 
> Reserved fields in s5.4)

Ice: Yep.

> s2.3, 3rd last para: s/is depending on/is dependent on/

Ice: Ok.

> s2.3, next to last para:
> OLD:
> by setting "A bit
> "
>    to 1 or 0 respectively in corresponding PLR entry.
> NEW:
> by setting the "A bit"
>    to 1 or 0 respectively in the corresponding PLR entry.

Ice: Ok.

> s2.3, last para:  The term "MP FEC TLV" is not defined explicitly anywhere.  
> I take it from RFC 6388 that it is (probably) a FEC TLV [RFC5036] with a P2MP 
> FEC Element in it.  Please give references and make it clear what is implied.

Ice: Ok.

> s3, para 1: s/PLR MP Status/PLR Status/ (there is no such thing as a PLR MP 
> Status.)

Ice: Good catch.

> s3, "Length": Needs the type defined (unsigned integer presumably); also 
> s/(for Address/for Address/

Ice: Hmm, so when is it necessary to define a type? 

> s3, "Address Family": s/Address Family/Addr Family/ (for consistency with 
> Figure); also add a reference for the correct IANA registry 
> (http://www.iana.org/assignments/address-family-numbers/address-family-numbers.xhtml)


> s3, last para: s/Typicalicalical/Typically/
> s4, para after Fig 3:
> The English in this para needs considerable attention. Suggestion:
> OLD:
>    Assume that LSR1 is the PLR for protected node N, LSR2 and LSR3 are
>    MPTs for node N. When LSR1 discovered that node N is unreachable, it
>    can't determine whether it is the 'LSR1 - N' link or node N that
>    failed.  In Figure 3, the link between LSR1 and N is also protected
>    using Fast ReRoute (FRR) [
> RFC4090
> ] link protection via node M. LSR1
>    MAY potentially invoke 2 protection mechanisms at the same time,
>    redirection the traffic due to link protection via node M to N, and
>    for node protection directly to LSR1 and LSR2.  If only the link
>    failed, LSR2 and LSR3 will receive the packets twice due to the two
>    protection mechanisms.  To prevent duplicate packets to be forwarded
>    to the receivers on the tree, LSR2 and LSR3 need to determin which
>    upstream node to accept the packets from.  So, either from the
>    primary upstream LSR N or from the secondary upstream LSR1, but never
>    both at the same time.  The selection between the primary upstream
>    LSR or (one or more) secondary upstream LSRs (on LSR2 and LSR3) is
>    based on the reachability of the protected node N. As long as N is
>    reachable, N is the primary upstream LSR who is accepting the MPLS
>    packets and forwarding them.  Once N becomes unreachable, the
>    secondary upstream LSRs (LSR1 in our example) are activated.  Note
>    that detecting if N is unreachable is a local decision and not
>    spelled out in this draft.  Typical link failure or Bidirectional
>    Forwarding Detection (BFD) can be used to determine and detect node
>    unreachability.
> NEW:
>    Assume that LSR1 is the PLR for protected node N, LSR2 and LSR3 are
>    MPTs for node N. When LSR1 discovers that node N is unreachable, it
>    cannot immediately determine whether it is the link from LSR1 to N or the 
> actual node N that
>    has failed.  In Figure 3, the link between LSR1 and N is also protected
>    using Fast ReRoute (FRR) [
> RFC4090
> ] link protection via node M. LSR1
>    MAY potentially invoke both protection mechanisms at the same time, that is
>    redirection of the traffic using link protection via node M to N, and
>    for node protection directly to LSR1 and LSR2.  If only the link
>    failed, LSR2 and LSR3 will receive the packets twice due to the two
>    protection mechanisms.  To prevent duplicate packets being forwarded
>    to the receivers on the tree, LSR2 and LSR3 need to determine from which
>    upstream node they should accept the packets.  This can be either from the
>    primary upstream LSR N or from the secondary upstream LSR1, but never
>    both at the same time.  The selection between the primary upstream
>    LSR or (one or more) secondary upstream LSRs (on LSR2 and LSR3) is
>    based on the reachability of the protected node N. As long as N is
>    reachable from an MPT, the MPT should accept and forward the MPLS
>    packets from N.  Once N becomes unreachable, the LSPs frpm 
>    secondary upstream PLR LSRs (LSR1 in our example) are activated.  Note
>    that detecting if N is unreachable is a local decision and not
>    spelled out in this draft.  Typically link failure or Bidirectional
>    Forwarding Detection (BFD) can be used to determine and detect node
>    unreachability.

Ice: Good.

> s4.1, caption of Fig 4: s/after N failure/after failure of node N/

Ice: Ack.

> s4.1, last para:
> OLD:
>    Assume that LSR1 has detected that Node N is unreachable and invoked
>    both the Link Protection and Node Protection procedures as described
>    in this draft.  LSR1 is acting as PLR and sending traffic over both
>    the backup P2P LSP to node N (via M) and the P2P LSPs directly to
>    LSR2 and LSR3, acting as MPT LSRs.  The sequence of events are
>    depending on whether the link 'LSR1 - N' has failed or node N itself.
>    The node's downsteam from the protected node (and participating in
>    node protection) MUST have the capability to determin that the
>    protected node became unreachable.  Otherwise the procedures below
>    can not be applied.
> NEW:
>    Assume that LSR1 has detected that Node N is unreachable and invoked
>    both the Link Protection and Node Protection procedures as described
>    in this example.  LSR1 is acting as PLR and sending traffic over both
>    the backup P2P LSP to node N (via M) and the P2P LSPs directly to
>    LSR2 and LSR3, acting as MPT LSRs.  The sequence of events is
>    dependent on whether the link from LSR1 to N has failed or node N itself.
>    The nodes downstream from the protected node (and participating in
>    node protection) MUST have the capability to determine that the
>    protected node has become unreachable.  Otherwise the procedures below
>    can not be applied.

Ice: Ok.

> s4.1.1: s/over the/over to the/; s/that where/that were/

Ice: Ok.

> s4.1.2: s/MUST sent a Label/MUST sen a Label/

Ice: Ok.

> s5.2, last para: s/the MPT capable/MPT capable/

Ice: Ok.

> s5.4, "Length": - unsigned integer again.
> s5.4, P and M bits: Add 'Set to 1 to indicate…'

Ice: Ok.

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