> On Jan 5, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Elwyn Davies <elw...@dial.pipex.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> One oops: The comment for rpcsec-gssv3 should apply to s2.7.1.4 and not 
> s2.3.1.4.

No problem - I noticed that. 
> On 04/01/2016 16:44, Adamson, Andy wrote:
>>> On Jan 1, 2016, at 7:18 PM, Elwyn Davies <elw...@dial.pipex.com> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Happy New Year!
>> Happy New Year :)
>>> I trust you have had a good break.  Now back to the action...
>>> Regarding the definition of 'structured privilege'... I ascertained that 
>>> 'structured privilege' entered the story at v05 of rpsec_gssv3 so I trawled 
>>> through the nfsv4 mail archive around the time of -05's genesis to see how 
>>> this came about.
>>> At the end of a fairly lengthy thread on "Soliciting next steps for 
>>> RPCSEC_GSSv3", I was amused to see that message
>>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/nfsv4/zpEIx3aC6bwNWQSQ1rjfxqli8nE
>>> ends with Andy asking exactly the same question as I did :-)))
>>>> Where can I find the definition of "structured privilege"? A quick
>>>> google search just turns up a SAP HANA reference ;)
>>> I had actually turned up the same SAP HANA ref.. Having read all this I 
>>> think I understand that I was trying to read more into the the term than is 
>>> intended. My understanding is that it just implies that there is an agreed 
>>> data structure that is associated with a privilege assertion defined by 
>>> whatever application intends to use the privilege and known to both client 
>>> and server that support the relevant application.
>>> Assuming this is correct I suggest redrafting s 1.1 (bullet 2) and s2.3.1.4 
>>> of rpcsec-gssv3-05 as follows:
>>> For s1.1, bullet 2:
>>> OLD:
>>>   o  Application-specific structured privileges.  For an example see
>>>      server-side copy [NFSv4.2].
>>> NEW:
>>>   o  Application-specific structured privileges.  These allow a RPC
>>>      application client to pass structured information to the
>>>      corresponding application code in a server to control the
>>>      applicability of the privilege and/or the conditions in which
>>>      the privilege may be exercised.  For an example see
>>>      server-side copy [NFSv4.2].
>>> END
>>> For s2.3.1.4, para after code:
>>> OLD:
>>>   A structured privilege is an RPC application defined privilege.
>>>   RPCSEC_GSSv3 clients MAY assert a structured privilege by binding the
>>>   privilege to the RPCSEC_GSSv3 context handle.  This is done by
>>>   including an assertion of type rgss3_privs in the RPCSEC_GSS_CREATE
>>>   rgss3_create_args rca_assertions call data.  Encoding, server
>>>   verification and any policies for structured privileges are described
>>>   by the RPC application definition.
>>> NEW:
>>>   A structured privilege is a capability defined by a specific RPC
>>>   application.  To support the assertion of this privilege, by a client
>>>   using the application, in a server that also supports the application,
>>>   the application may define a private data structure that is understood
>>>   by clients and servers implementing the RPC application.
>>>   RPCSEC_GSSv3 clients MAY assert a structured privilege by binding the
>>>   privilege to the RPCSEC_GSSv3 context handle.  This is done by
>>>   including an assertion of type rgss3_privs in the RPCSEC_GSS_CREATE
>>>   rgss3_create_args rca_assertions call data.
>>>   The privilege is identified by the description string that is used by
>>>   RPCSEC_GSSv3 to identify the privilege and communicate the private data
>>>   between the relevant RPC application-specific code without needing to
>>>   be aware of the details of the structure used.  Thus, as far as
>>>   RPCSEC_GSSv3 is concerned, the defined structure is passed between client
>>>   and server as opaque data  encoded in the rpc_gss3_privs rp_privilege 
>>> field.
>>>   Encoding, server verification and any server policies for structured
>>>   privileges are described by the RPC application definition.  The
>>>   rp_name field of rpc_gss3_privs carries the description string used to
>>>   identify and list the privilege.
>>> END
>> That is quite complete and very clear. Thanks!
> :-) .. and it is fpr s2.7.1.4 as mentioned above.

>>> Assuming the RPCSEC_GSS_CREATE call can carry multiple label specifications 
>>> and structured privilege assertions, I am not clear how a client would 
>>> discover which label or which assertion caused an error, if the server 
>>> rejects the creation.
>> You are partially correct.
>> For labels: a set of labels is sent to the server. The labels that are 
>> accepted by the server MUST be enumerated in the rcr_assertions field of the 
>> rgss3_create_res RPCSEC_GSS_CREATE reply. So those that fail will not be 
>> enumerated.
>> The RPCSEC_GSS_LABEL_PROBLEM AUTH_ERROR is used only if the server does not 
>> support labeling, or that does not support labeling under the LSF. The 
>> client can get a list of supported LSF’s with the RPCSEC_GSS_LIST operation.
>> So we do know which label(s) were not accepted.
>> For structured privileges, the client needs to assert the RPC application 
>> defined privilege - a partial success does not seem useful to me. It is true 
>> that a rejection of a structured privilege due to verification failure 
>> returns the RPCSEC_GSS_PRIVILEGE_PROBLEM AUTH_ERROR, so if there are 
>> multiple structured privileges in one RPCSEC_GSS_CREATE payload, you will 
>> not know which one failed. I don’t think this is a problem as it should be 
>> an all or nothing assertion.
> Thanks for the explanation.  Can I suggest that this could be made more 
> explicit by slightly modifying the text of the next to last para of s2.7.1.4:
> OLD;
>   If a server receives a structured privilege assertion that it fails
>   to verify according to the requirements of the RPC application
>   defined behavior, the assertion is rejected with a reply status of
>   MSG_DENIED, a reject_status of AUTH_ERROR, and an auth_stat of
> NEW:
>   It is assumed that a client asserting more than one privilege to
>   be bound to a context handle would require all the privilege
>   assertions to succeed.
>   If a server receives an RPCSEC_GSS_CREATE request containing one
>   or more  structured privilege assertions, any of which it fails
>   to verify according to the requirements of the RPC application
>   defined behavior, the request is rejected with a reply status of
>   MSG_DENIED, a reject_status of AUTH_ERROR, and an auth_stat of
>>> =======
>>> At the other end of this in minorversion2-39,  some minor updates to 
>>> s4.10.1.1 should be  made to tie in with this definition.  In particular 
>>> minorversion3 needs to specify how the data structure is encoded - 
>>> RPCSEC_GSSv3 doesn't know or care since it is treated at as opaque data at 
>>> the GSS level.  Clearly it is intended that XDR encoding is used but this 
>>> should be stated explicitly.   I suggest adding a new para after the 
>>> existing para 3 and making it clear that the string at the beginning of 
>>> each section is passed in the rp_name field (also alter the "We define" 
>>> which is not the correct style) :
>>> OLD (para 4):
>>>   We define three RPCSEC_GSSv3 structured privilege assertions that
>>>   work in tandem to authorize the copy:
>>> NEW:
>>>   For each structured privilege assertion defined by a RPC application
>>>   RPCSEC_GSSv3 requires the application to define a name string and a
>>>   data structure that will be encoded and passed between client and server
>>>   as opaque data.  For NFSv4 the data structures specified below MUST
>>>   be serialized using XDR.
>>>   Three RPCSEC_GSSv3 structured privilege assertions that
>>>   work together to authorize the copy are defined here.  For each of
>>>   the assertions the description starts with the name string passed in
>>>   the rp_name field of the rgss3_privs structure defined in
>>>   Section of [rpcsec_gssv3] and specifies the XDR encoding of
>>>   the associated structured data passed via the rp_privilege field of
>>>   the structure.
>>> END

I like it. 

>>> A question that occurred to me:  MUST a server support all three assertion 
>>> types if supports any?
>> Yes. The Security Considerations comments on this issue:
>> 4.10.  Security Considerations
>> ….
>>  If the server-to-
>>    server copy protocol is ONC RPC based, the servers are also REQUIRED
>>    to implement [rpcsec_gssv3] including the RPCSEC_GSSv3 copy_to_auth,
>>    copy_from_auth, and copy_confirm_auth structured privileges.
>> Is the above clear enough?
> Sorry - I missed that comment.  However, it would appear to be logically 
> possible to have source only and destination only servers.  I think a source 
> server would only need to implement copy_from_auth and copy_confirm_auth 
> whereas the destination server would only need to implement copy_to_auth.  
> Whether this is something that an implementer would wish to allow is beyond 
> the scope of my knowledge but I could see that it might be something that 
> might be interesting if the roles of servers need to be constrained.  Thus it 
> seems to me that requiring that all three are implemented is not essential.  
> Alternatively, there could be an option to always implement, but set a policy 
> that always denies privileges not appropriate to the defined role of the 
> server.

Well, I think it wiser to have it all or none - e.g. to always implement, and 
let the policy define privileges appropriate to the role of the server. 
Furthermore, once one structured privilege is coded, the others are not that 
big a deal. So I think the existing text is good. 

>> Thanks again for the review
> :-)
> Will you be updating again before the IESG review on Thursday?  I have to 
> write a Telechat review...
> Cheers,
> Elwyn
>> —>Andy
>>> I spotted a nit in this area that I missed on the previous pass:
>>> s4.10.1.1, para 3: s/This features allow/This feature allows/
>>> I also missed a number of instances (17, I think) of the "we <do 
>>> something>" construction familiar from scientific papers.
>>> (There was one in the paragraph changed above).  This is not appropriate 
>>> phraseology for an RFC and needs to be
>>> changed to avoid the "we", e..g.,
>>> s1.4.5: s/We introduce WRITE_SAME (see Section 15.12)/The WRITE_SAME 
>>> operation (see Section 15.12) is introduced/
>>> Regards,
>>> Elwyn
>>> On 22/12/2015 16:27, Adamson, Andy wrote:
>>>>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 10:30 AM, Adamson, Andy<william.adam...@netapp.com>  
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Dec 18, 2015, at 11:28 PM, Tom Haynes<thomas.hay...@primarydata.com>  
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Dec 13, 2015, at 11:22 AM, Elwyn Davies<elw...@dial.pipex.com>  
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
>>>>>>> Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
>>>>>>> by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
>>>>>>> like any other last call comments.
>>>>>>> For more information, please see the FAQ at
>>>>>>> <http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/area/gen/trac/wiki/GenArtfaq>.
>>>>>>> Document: draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion2-39.txt
>>>>>>> Reviewer: Elwyn Davies
>>>>>>> Review Date: 2015-12-13
>>>>>>> IETF LC End Date: 2015-12-09
>>>>>>> IESG Telechat date: (if known) -
>>>>>>> Summary: Almost ready.  There are a fair number of minor nits and 
>>>>>>> editorial suggestions.  The couple of 'minor issues' are predominantly 
>>>>>>> questions that came into my mind that might be interesting to a 
>>>>>>> reader/implementer but are probably unlikely to affect the performance 
>>>>>>> of the protocol.  However, the comments on s11.2, s12.1, s13 and 
>>>>>>> s15.2.3 appear to be actual omissions or errors.
>>>>>>> Major issues:
>>>>>>> None.
>>>>>> Hi Elwyn,
>>>>>> Thanks as always for making me think!
>>>>>> Replies are inline, I have some questions for you and Andy.
>>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>> There is a question about Inter-Server Copy Security below!
>>>>>>> Minor issues:
>>>>>>> s4:  There is no discussion in s4 of the Named Attributes associated 
>>>>>>> with a file and the restriction of server-to-server copy to 'regular 
>>>>>>> files' seems to indicate that Named Attributes cannot be copied by this 
>>>>>>> mechanism.  Is there anything to be said about getting the Named 
>>>>>>> Attributes across?
>>>>>> Actually, from Section of RFC 5661:
>>>>>>   o  The phrases "is an ordinary file" and "is a regular file" mean
>>>>>>      that the object's type attribute is NF4REG or NF4NAMEDATTR.
>>>>>> (I’ll quote from RFC 5661 and not RFC 7530 because of the pnfs aspects.)
>>>>>>> s4/s9:  Does server-to-server copy interact (badly, or otherwise) with 
>>>>>>> Labeled NFS?  Nothing is said, but I wonder whether there are issues 
>>>>>>> around atomicity and MAC between the different servers for inter-server 
>>>>>>> copy.
>>>>>> Good question - I think even though we’ve published the Labeled NFS to 
>>>>>> allow for heterogeneous MAC deployments, sites are going to run a 
>>>>>> specific variant.
>>>>>> In that model, I would expect the object label to travel with the object 
>>>>>> and still be applied on the destination until modified by someone with 
>>>>>> those capabilities.
>>>>>> For the other model, the object label would control whether the file 
>>>>>> could be copied to another system or not. And if that system had a 
>>>>>> different MAC model, then according to the requirements in Section 3.3 
>>>>>> of RFC 7204:
>>>>>>   A negotiation scheme SHOULD be provided, allowing systems from
>>>>>>   different Label Formats to agree on how they will interpret or
>>>>>>   translate each other's foreign labels.  Multiple concurrent
>>>>>>   agreements may be current between a server and a client.
>>>>>>> s4. Size and reuse for random number used as a shared secret 
>>>>>>> for inter-server copy.
>>>>>>> No advice is given on the desirable size/length of the random number or 
>>>>>>> the risks or otherwise of reusing the same context for multiple file 
>>>>>>> copies.  This maybe a non-issue - I defer to those with more security 
>>>>>>> clue than me.
>>>>>> Back to RFC 7530,, when we had a similar discussion in the WG 
>>>>>> about the required algorithms fodeplying Kerberos:
>>>>>>   At the time this document was specified, the Advanced Encryption
>>>>>>   Standard (AES) with HMAC-SHA1 was a required algorithm set for
>>>>>>   Kerberos V5.  In contrast, when NFSv4.0 was first specified in
>>>>>>   [RFC3530], weaker algorithm sets were REQUIRED for Kerberos V5, and
>>>>>>   were REQUIRED in the NFSv4.0 specification, because the Kerberos V5
>>>>>>   specification at the time did not specify stronger algorithms.  The
>>>>>>   NFSv4 specification does not specify required algorithms for Kerberos
>>>>>>   V5, and instead, the implementer is expected to track the evolution
>>>>>>   of the Kerberos V5 standard if and when stronger algorithms are
>>>>>>   specified.
>>>>>>  Security Considerations for Cryptographic Algorithms in
>>>>>>            Kerberos V5
>>>>>>   When deploying NFSv4, the strength of the security achieved depends
>>>>>>   on the existing Kerberos V5 infrastructure.  The algorithms of
>>>>>>   Kerberos V5 are not directly exposed to or selectable by the client
>>>>>>   or server, so there is some due diligence required by the user of
>>>>>>   NFSv4 to ensure that security is acceptable where needed.  Guidance
>>>>>>   is provided in [RFC6649] as to why weak algorithms should be disabled
>>>>>>   by default.
>>>>>> I.e., I would prefer to not specify a policy on size and reuse of the 
>>>>>> random number as a shared secret. Well, strike that, the random number 
>>>>>> should not be reused and the length is determined by the algorithm used 
>>>>>> to generate that secret.
>>>>>> I can craft text to that effect.
>>>>>>> Nits/editorial comments:
>>>>>>> General: bytes or octets?
>>>>>> RFC 5661:
>>>>>>   Byte:  In this document, a byte is an octet, i.e., a datum exactly 8
>>>>>>      bits in length.
>>>>>> So bytes.
>>>>>>> Abstract: Probably ought to expand i/O.
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s1/s1.1: I think you could safely delete the s1.1 header leaving the 
>>>>>>> text as the body of s1 - this is generally considered better practice 
>>>>>>> than leaving s1 itself empty.
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s1.2, 3rd bullet: s/protocols.  I.e.,/protocols, that is/; 
>>>>>>> s/apply/apply only/
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s1.4:  The overview doesn't cover the two LAYOUT related operations and 
>>>>>>> there is is no section describing what their usage might be in with 
>>>>>>> sections 4-10.
>>>>>> 1.3.7.  Layout Enhancements
>>>>>>   In the parallel NFS implementations of NFSv4.1 (see Section 12 of
>>>>>>   [RFC5661]), the client cannot communicate back to the metadata server
>>>>>>   any errors or performance characteristics with the storage devices.
>>>>>>   NFSv4.2 provides two new operations to do so respectively: LAYOUTERROR
>>>>>>   (see Section 15.6) and LAYOUTSTATS (see Section 15.7).
>>>>>>> s1.4: Similarly, there is noting about the CLONE operation.
>>>>>> 1.3.1.  Server Side Clone and Copy
>>>>>>   A traditional file copy of a remotely accessed file, whether from one
>>>>>>   server to another or between locations in the same server, results in
>>>>>>   the data being put on the network twice - source to client and then
>>>>>>   client to destination.  New operations are introduced to allow
>>>>>>   unnecessary traffic to be eliminated:
>>>>>>   o  The intra-server clone feature allows the client to request a
>>>>>>      synchronous cloning, perhaps by copy-on-write semantics.
>>>>>>   o  The intra-server copy feature allows the client to request the
>>>>>>      server to perform the copy internally, avoiding unnecessary
>>>>>>      network traffic.
>>>>>>   o  The inter-server copy feature allows the client to authorize the
>>>>>>      source and destination servers to interact directly.
>>>>>>> s1.4.1, para 1: s/remotely accessed/remotely accessed file/; 
>>>>>>> s/location/locations/
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s1.4.1: (very nitty!) Suggest making the descriptions of the two cases 
>>>>>>> (intra- and inter-server) into bulleted paragraphs to make it clearer 
>>>>>>> that they are separate features.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s1.4.2: (as with the Abstract) expand I/O on first occurrence.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s1.4.2: It would be worth putting in the reference for posix_fadvise 
>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s1.4.3: If you write the data in the hole, it isn't really a hole ;-) ….
>>>>>> Ha!
>>>>>>> OLD:
>>>>>>> Such holes are typically transferred as 0s during I/O.
>>>>>>> NEW:
>>>>>>> Such holes are typically transferred as 0s when read from the file.
>>>>>>> END
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s1.5: Suggest s/I.e., READ becomes either/For instance, READ would have 
>>>>>>> to be replaced or supplemented by, say, either/
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s2, last bullet: Need to expand pNFS on first use (and maybe remind 
>>>>>>> readers that it is a feature of NFS4.1 - Section 12 of RFC 5661)
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s2, last bullet: s/metadata sever/metadata server/ - again a pointer to 
>>>>>>> (say) Sections and 12.2.2 of RFC 5661 would clarify what a 
>>>>>>> metadata server is.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s4.2.1:  The first para reads:
>>>>>>> OLD:
>>>>>>>  COPY_NOTIFY:  Used by the client to notify the source server of a
>>>>>>>     future file copy from a given destination server for the given
>>>>>>>     user.  (Section 15.3)
>>>>>>> I completely misread this on first pass, but I understand that it is 
>>>>>>> correct.  Having checked with s15.3 and thought a bit more about it, it 
>>>>>>> is the 'copy from a given destination' that threw me - I guess it means 
>>>>>>> 'the copy will be made from' rather than 'the file being copied from 
>>>>>>> the destination'... Doh!
>>>>>>>> A client sends this
>>>>>>>>   operation in a COMPOUND request to the source server to authorize a
>>>>>>>>   destination server identified by cna_destination_server to read the
>>>>>>>>   file specified by CURRENT_FH on behalf of the given user.
>>>>>>> I suggest the following might be avoid this brain fade:
>>>>>>> NEW:
>>>>>>>  COPY_NOTIFY:  Used by the client to request the source server to 
>>>>>>> authorize a
>>>>>>>     future file copy that will be made by a given destination server on 
>>>>>>> behalf of the given
>>>>>>>     user.  (Section 15.3)
>>>>>>> END
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s4.2.2, para 5:  s/support all these operations/support these 
>>>>>>> operations/ ('all' is confusing given that only two are then explicitly 
>>>>>>> mentioned).
>>>>>> done - BTW note that we had some WG revisions made to introduce the 
>>>>>> CLONE operation here. Those
>>>>>> changes are considered part of this review cycle. In other words, please 
>>>>>> let me know when you want
>>>>>> a revised draft copy published.
>>>>>>> s4.3, para 1:  s/Inter-server copy is driven/The specification of 
>>>>>>> inter-server copy is driven/
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s4.4.1, last para: s/The source MUST equate/The source MUST interpret/
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s4.6/Figures 4 and 5: Need a 'key' to explain os1 and os2.
>>>>>> Done in that I expanded the names in the figure and also made it clear 
>>>>>> which wa being released
>>>>>>> s4.7.2:  Adding a reference to Section 15.3(.3) would help.
>>>>>> Went with 15.3 - let me know if you’d like 15.3.3 better.
>>>>>>> s4.7.3, para 2: idnits identifies RFC 2616 as obsoleted by RFC 7230, 
>>>>>>> etc.  A more recent ref is desirable.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s4.8, para after code fragment: LDAP and NIS  need to be expanded (DNS 
>>>>>>> and URL are well-known).
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s4.9, para 3: Is it possible to add a little explanation as to *why* 
>>>>>>> seqid = 0 is ambiguous?  My limited knowledge doesn't grok this.
>>>>>> The stateid might be that of a lock, which has the provision that it 
>>>>>> cannot be 0
>>>>>> Section 8.2.2 of RFC 5661:
>>>>>>   When such a set of locks is first created, the server returns a
>>>>>>   stateid with seqid value of one.  On subsequent operations that
>>>>>>   modify the set of locks, the server is required to increment the
>>>>>>   "seqid" field by one whenever it returns a stateid for the same
>>>>>>   state-owner/file/type combination and there is some change in the set
>>>>>>   of locks actually designated.  In this case, the server will return a
>>>>>>   stateid with an "other" field the same as previously used for that
>>>>>>   state-owner/file/type combination, with an incremented "seqid" field.
>>>>>>   This pattern continues until the seqid is incremented past
>>>>>>   NFS4_UINT32_MAX, and one (not zero) is the next seqid value.
>>>>>> Let me know if you want a citation here (and a little bit of explanatory 
>>>>>> text).
>>>>>> Note, RFC 5661 uses “zero” and not “0”. I’ve changed this text to match.
>>>>>>> s4.10: Is it possible to provide an abstract definition of 'structured 
>>>>>>> privilege'?  The rpcsec-gssv3 draft appears to punt on this, pointing 
>>>>>>> to the 'example' in the NFSv4.2 draft.
>>>>>>> I think I get the idea but a succinct definition would help I believe.  
>>>>>>>  I guess the definition ought to be in the rpcsec-gss document and 
>>>>>>> referenced from this doc.
>>>>> The succinct definition is here:
>>>>> From draft-ietf-nfsv4-rpcsec-gssv3-14 Section  Structured 
>>>>> Privilege Assertions first sentence, first paragraph:
>>>>> "A structured privilege is an RPC application defined privilege.”
>>>>> and at the end of the first paragraph:
>>>>> "Encoding, server verification and any policies for structured privileges 
>>>>> are described by the RPC application definition.”
>>>>> NFSv4.2 is the RPC application that defines the inter server to server 
>>>>> copy structured privileges.
>>>>> There is really nothing else to add to the definition.
>>>>>> ^^ Andy???
>>>>>>> s4., 2nd bullet: Need to expand QOP.
>>>>>> Andy, RFC 2203 uses this term, but does not expand it.
>>>>> Actually, it does in a very round-about manner.
>>>>> rfc2203:
>>>>> 5.2.1.  Mechanism and QOP Selection
>>>>>   There is no facility in the RPCSEC_GSS protocol to negotiate GSS-API
>>>>>   mechanism identifiers or QOP values. At minimum, it is expected that
>>>>>   implementations of the RPCSEC_GSS protocol provide a means to:
>>>>>   *    specify mechanism identifiers, QOP values, and RPCSEC_GSS
>>>>>        service values on the client side, and to
>>>>>   *    enforce mechanism identifiers, QOP values, and RPCSEC_GSS
>>>>>        service values on a per-request basis on the server side.
>>>>>   It is necessary that above capabilities exist so that applications
>>>>>   have the means to conform the required set of required set of
>>>>>   <mechanism, QOP, service> tuples (See the section entitled Set of 
>>>>> GSS-API Mechanisms).
>>>>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>> 6.  Set of GSS-API Mechanisms
>>>>>   RPCSEC_GSS is effectively a "pass-through" to the GSS-API layer, and
>>>>>   as such it is inappropriate for the RPCSEC_GSS specification to
>>>>>   enumerate a minimum set of required security mechanisms and/or
>>>>>   quality of protections.
>>>>> so QOP is "Quality of Protection"
>>>>>> And RFC 5403 does not use it.
>>>>>> It is a field in one of the structures?
>>>>> Here is are some references:
>>>>> rfc2743  "Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Version 
>>>>> 2, Update 1"
>>>>> Section 1.2.4:  Quality of Protection
>>>>>   Some mech_types provide their users with fine granularity control
>>>>>   over the means used to provide per-message protection, allowing
>>>>>   callers to trade off security processing overhead dynamically against
>>>>>   the protection requirements of particular messages. A per-message
>>>>>   quality-of-protection parameter (analogous to quality-of-service, or
>>>>>   QOS) selects among different QOP options supported by that mechanism.
>>>>>   On context establishment for a multi-QOP mech_type, context-level
>>>>>   data provides the prerequisite data for a range of protection
>>>>>   qualities.
>>>>> rfc4121: "The Kerberos Version 5 Generic Security Service Application 
>>>>> Program Interface (GSS-API) Mechanism: Version 2"
>>>>> Section 3.  Quality of Protection
>>>>>   The GSS-API specification [RFC2743] provides Quality of Protection
>>>>>   (QOP) values that can be used by applications to request a certain
>>>>>   type of encryption or signing.  A zero QOP value is used to indicate
>>>>>   the "default" protection; applications that do not use the default
>>>>>   QOP are not guaranteed to be portable across implementations, or even
>>>>>   to inter-operate with different deployment configurations of the same
>>>>>   implementation.  Using a different algorithm than the one for which
>>>>>   the key is defined may not be appropriate.  Therefore, when the new
>>>>>   method in this document is used, the QOP value is ignored.
>>>>>            ……...
>>>>>>> s4.10.1.2, para 2: s/uiniquely/uniquely/
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s5, title: s?IO?I/O?
>>>>>> fixed
>>>>>>> s6.1: This heading could be deleted turning the text in 6.1 into 
>>>>>>> Section 6 which is then not empty.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s6.1: The term 'inode' is used four times in this section.  Whilst this 
>>>>>>> is well understood, it is strictly associated with *nix file systems. 
>>>>>>> It would be desirable to find an alternative term or, if you can't 
>>>>>>> think of suitable short generic term (I spent a little time thinking 
>>>>>>> about it and couldn't think of one immediately), some weasel words 
>>>>>>> added to the first occurrence saying that it is intended to cover 
>>>>>>> equivalent structures in other sorts of filing system.
>>>>>> Let me try to weasel!
>>>>>> I’ve related it to metadata.
>>>>>>> s6.1, para 2: s/can thought as holes/can thought of as holes/
>>>>>> can be thought of as holes
>>>>>>> s6.1, para 4:  s/couple/few/  ('couple hundred' is a USA specific 
>>>>>>> colloquialism - UK would use 'couple of’)
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s6.1, last para: s/punching.  I.e., an application/punching, where an 
>>>>>>> application/
>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> s7, para 1: s/One example is the posix_fallocate/One example is the 
>>>>>>> posix_fallocate operation/
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s7
>>>>>>> OLD:
>>>>>>>  space_freed  This attribute specifies the space freed when a file is
>>>>>>>     deleted, taking block sharing into consideration.
>>>>>>> NEW:
>>>>>>>  space_freed  This attribute reports the space that would be freed when 
>>>>>>> a file is
>>>>>>>     deleted, taking block sharing into consideration.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s8, bullet #2:
>>>>>>> I found the 2nd sentence hard to parse.  Suggested alternative below.
>>>>>>> OLD:
>>>>>>>  2.  Fields to describe the state of the ADB and a means to detect
>>>>>>>      block corruption.  For both pieces of data, a useful property is
>>>>>>>      that allowed values be unique in that if passed across the
>>>>>>>      network, corruption due to translation between big and little
>>>>>>>      endian architectures are detectable.  For example, 0xF0DEDEF0 has
>>>>>>>      the same bit pattern in both architectures.
>>>>>>> NEW:
>>>>>>>  2.  Fields to describe the state of the ADB and a means to detect
>>>>>>>      block corruption.  For both pieces of data, a useful property 
>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>>      that the allowed values are specially selected so that if passed 
>>>>>>> across the
>>>>>>>      network, corruption due to translation between big and little
>>>>>>>      endian architectures is detectable.  For example, 0xF0DEDEF0 has
>>>>>>>      the same (32 wide) bit pattern in both architectures, making it 
>>>>>>> inappropriate.
>>>>>>> END
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> PS: The example is relevant to 32 bit memory architectures... It has 
>>>>>>> never occurred to me to ask if there are 64 bit big and little endian 
>>>>>>> architectures!  Well the IA-64 is bi-endian...
>>>>>>> s8.3:  The pictures of the memory patterns don't match the 
>>>>>>> specification in that the guard pattern appears to be at octet offset 4 
>>>>>>> in each ADB - You can't tell where the checksum is from the pictures, 
>>>>>>> but as specified there would be a 4 octet gap between the guard pattern 
>>>>>>> and the checksum - I presume this is intentional. Would it be 
>>>>>>> guaranteed to be zero?
>>>>>> Not on purpose - does this work?
>>>>>>   Further, assume the application writes a single ADB at 16k, changing
>>>>>>   the guard pattern to 0xcafedead, we would then have in memory:
>>>>>>       0k ->   (4k - 1) : 00 00 00 00 ... fe ed fa ce 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>       4k ->   (8k - 1) : 00 00 00 01 ... fe ed fa ce 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>       8k ->  (12k - 1) : 00 00 00 02 ... fe ed fa ce 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>      12k ->  (16k - 1) : 00 00 00 03 ... fe ed fa ce 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>      16k ->  (20k - 1) : 00 00 00 04 ... ca fe de ad 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>      20k ->  (24k - 1) : 00 00 00 05 ... fe ed fa ce 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>      24k ->  (28k - 1) : 00 00 00 06 ... fe ed fa ce 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>         ...
>>>>>>     396k -> (400k - 1) : 00 00 00 63 ... fe ed fa ce 00 00 ... 00
>>>>>>> s9.1:  Again it would be best to delete the title of s9.1 and leave the 
>>>>>>> text as s9.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s9.1, para 2: Expand ACL please.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s9.1/s9.6.1.3: I am dubious about referring back to the requirements 
>>>>>>> doc [RFC7204] for definitions (rather than indicating what requirements 
>>>>>>> were met/not met) . For the ref in s9.1, I think that the MAC 
>>>>>>> definition in RFC 4949 would suffice.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> [I noted when reviewing the rpcsec-gssv3 draft a couple of days ago 
>>>>>>> that it makes *normative* reference to RFC 7204 - this is even more 
>>>>>>> undesirable
>>>>> Starting with draft-ietf-nfsv4-rpcsec-gssv3-14, rfc7204 is an informative 
>>>>> reference, and each reference includes a section number.
>>>>>>> - my feeling is that it should be possible to find out what 
>>>>>>> implementers need to know from the NFSv4.2 standard, other standards or 
>>>>>>> the security glossary as there is no certainty that what is said in the 
>>>>>>> requirements was actually put into the standard, which could cause 
>>>>>>> confusion for future implementers.]
>>>>> the information that draft-ietf-nfsv4-rpcsec-gssv3-14 references in 
>>>>> rfc7402 is ‘big picture’ info:
>>>> Tom - I’ll review Section 9.6 "MAC Security NFS Modes of Operation" of 
>>>> draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion2 and suggest some changes (if needed) so 
>>>> that draft-ietf-nfsv4-rpcsec-gssv3 can simply reference 
>>>> draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion2 for MAC security issues and get rid of the 
>>>> RFC7204 reference.
>>>> —>Andy
>>>>> 1.  Introduction and Motivation
>>>>>   Labeled NFS (see Section 9 of [NFSv4.2]) uses an MLS policy with
>>>>>   Mandatory Access Control (MAC) systems as defined in [RFC4949].
>>>>>   Labeled NFS stores MAC file object labels on the NFS server and
>>>>>   enables client Guest Mode MAC as described in Section 4.3 of
>>>>>   [RFC7204].  RPCSEC_GSSv3 label assertions assert client MAC process
>>>>>   subject labels to enable Full Mode MAC when combined with Labeled NFS
>>>>>   as described in Section 3.3 of [RFC7204].
>>>>> 1.1.  Added Functionality
>>>>>           ………..
>>>>>  o  Security labels for Full Mode security type enforcement, and other
>>>>>      labeled security models (See Section 5.5.1 in [RFC7204]).
>>>>>  An option for enumerating server supported label format specifiers
>>>>>   (LFS) is provided.  See Section 2 and Section 3.3 in [RFC7204] for
>>>>>   detail.
>>>>>>>  Is it possible to get everything an rpcsec-gssv3 implementer needs to 
>>>>>>> know into this document?
>>>>>>> My impression is that it is almost all there already.
>>>>> I think WRT this issue, draft-ietf-nfsv4-rpcsec-gssv3-14 does give 
>>>>> everything an implementor of rpcsec-gssv3 neeeds to know.
>>>>> —>Andy
>>>>>> Andy???
>>>>>>> s9.2, MLS definition: RFC 2401 has been obsoleted by RFC 4301... can 
>>>>>>> this be referenced instead?
>>>>>> MLS appears in RFC 2401 and not RFC 4301.
>>>>>> But I wasn’t aware of RFC 4949 - do you want to use it here as well?
>>>>>>> s9.4: Expand DS and MDS on first occurrence (these should probably go 
>>>>>>> back in s3 where metadata servers and data servers are referred to but 
>>>>>>> without the abbreviations).
>>>>>> Oh, I don’t like using them at all. I think I was supposed to go back 
>>>>>> and expand them. :-)
>>>>>>> s11.2, Table 2: The operation IO_ADVISE is missing from the table. 
>>>>>>> [CAVEAT: I don't claim to have checked the possible error codes!] 
>>>>>>> Aesthetically, this table would be better with horizontal separators 
>>>>>>> between the operation items.
>>>>>> Done on the first part.
>>>>>> And the newer versions of xml2rfc has allowed me to add the horizontal 
>>>>>> separators
>>>>>>> s12.1, Table 4:  The data types of clone_blksize (length4 vs uint32_t) 
>>>>>>> and space_freed (length4 vs uint64_t) do not match between this draft 
>>>>>>> and the XDR draft.
>>>>>> Fixed as per the email on the XDR draft.
>>>>>>> Monotonic is not really a good name for this I think.  This is because 
>>>>>>> the technical definition is either non-increasing or non-decreasing so 
>>>>>>> that it would theoretically cover situations where the change attribute 
>>>>>>> doesn't actually change! IMO a better name would be 
>>>>>>> NFS4_CHANGE_TYPE_STRICTLY_INCR.  This would imply that the value 
>>>>>>> actually increases whenever the info changes.
>>>>>> Researching this one!  Will get back to you...
>>>>>>> s12.2.3:  With reference to the previous comment...
>>>>>>> OLD:
>>>>>>>  NFS4_CHANGE_TYPE_IS_TIME_METADATA are set, then the client knows at
>>>>>>>  the very least that the change attribute is monotonically increasing,
>>>>>>>  which is sufficient to resolve the question of which value is the
>>>>>>>  most recent.
>>>>>>> NEW:
>>>>>>>  NFS4_CHANGE_TYPE_IS_TIME_METADATA are set, then the client knows at
>>>>>>>  the very least that the change attribute is strictly increasing,
>>>>>>>  which is sufficient to resolve the question of which value is the
>>>>>>>  most recent.
>>>>>>> END
>>>>>>> s13, Operations table:  The abbreviation EOL in the title line does not 
>>>>>>> seem to be expanded anywhere (and isn't used in the table either).  It 
>>>>>>> would be good to have table numbers for the tables.
>>>>>> Yes, I think it was taken out in an earlier draft - striking.
>>>>>> Table numbers added
>>>>>>> s13, Operations table: Does not include IO_ADVISE
>>>>>> Added
>>>>>>> ( and technically doesn't include ILLEGAL, and CB_ILLEGAL isn't in 
>>>>>>> Callbacks).
>>>>>> Added
>>>>>>> s15.2.3:
>>>>>>>>   If it cannot make that determination, it must set to false the one it
>>>>>>>>   can and set to true the other.
>>>>>>> The setting of true and false appears to be the inverse of the meaning 
>>>>>>> implied in the previous part of the section.
>>>>>> Agreed
>>>>>>> s15.5.6/s15.5.6.1: Pointers into the appropriate parts of the NFS v4.1 
>>>>>>> RFC would be helpful in giving the background needed to understand what 
>>>>>>> is going on here.    The discussion of dense and sparse packing in 
>>>>>>> s15.5.6.1 is particularly obscure if you are not very well versed in 
>>>>>>> pNFS lore.
>>>>>> Done - added a reference for the COMMIT semantics and the packing.
>>>>>>> ss15.6 and 15.7: An overview of the LAYOUT* operations in the earlier 
>>>>>>> part of the document would be helpful, as mentioned above, plus some 
>>>>>>> pointers to parts of the NFSv4.1 document that ties in with the pNFS 
>>>>>>> layout story would be helpful.
>>>>>> Note that we have been trying to shift from pulling in everything every 
>>>>>> minor version to just the bare minimum.
>>>>>> And I’ll note you are saying I’m not at that bar. :-)
>>>>>> Still not sure...
>>>>>>> s19.2, [Quigley14]:  This is now RFC 7569.  Also I think this should be 
>>>>>>> normative.
>>>>>> Done
>>>>>>> s19.2, [BL73]: Can you point me to a copy of this? I have found some 
>>>>>>> closely related work which was originally published as MITRE Technical 
>>>>>>> Report 2547 Vols I and II  
>>>>>>> athttp://www.albany.edu/acc/courses/ia/classics/belllapadula1.pdf  
>>>>>>> (belllapadula2.pdf) and in the Journal of Computer Security  but the 
>>>>>>> original doesn't seem to be visible.
>>>>>> I don’t have a copy either - during the work on RFC 7569, Ran Atkinson 
>>>>>> provided this citation in the review process. Perhaps you can ask him? 
>>>>>> (Ask me offline and I’ll provide his email.)

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