Correcting the typo in the gen-art email address.


On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Carlos Pignataro (cpignata) <> wrote:

> Many thanks for your review, Francis.
> All editorials fixed in my working copy. I left “encased” in since that
> term is used in RFC 5885 and others, but of course will take guidance from
> the RFC Editor.
> Thanks,
> — Carlos.
> > On Apr 5, 2016, at 3:26 PM, Francis Dupont <>
> wrote:
> >
> > I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
> > Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
> > by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
> > like any other last call comments.
> >
> > For more information, please see the FAQ at
> >
> > <>.
> >
> > Document: draft-ietf-pals-seamless-vccv-02.txt
> > Reviewer: Francis Dupont
> > Review Date: 20160331
> > IETF LC End Date: 20160405
> > IESG Telechat date: unknown
> >
> > Summary: Ready
> >
> > Major issues: None
> >
> > Minor issues: None
> >
> > Nits/editorial comments:
> > - in ToC page 2 and 2.1 page 4: capabilites -> Capabilities
> >
> > - in ToC page 2 and 6 page 9: Acknowledgements -> Acknowledgments
> >
> > - 2.2.2 page 5 (twice): signalling -> signaling
> >
> > - in 2.3 page 6: I am not sure (*) the "encased" term is common English
> >  (*) but I am not a native English speaker too... I suggest to ask
> >  someone from Asia for instance. Or simply leave this to the RFC Editor?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >
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