Hi, Carlos.

Thanks for the response.

First: a remaining acronym: L2TPv3 needs to be expanded on first use in the Abstract.

Second: Although citations are not allowed in the Abstract, this doesn't prevent explicit RFC numbers in a non-citation form. So, yes, [RFC5880][I-D.draft-ietf-bfd-seamless-base] is not allowed but '(RFC 5880, RFC <number allocated to draft-ietf-bfd-seamless-base>)' is fine

I took a quick look around the various other S-SFD in 'xxx' drafts, of which the IS-IS is already in the RFC Editor queue and see that the 'out of scope' words for the multiple discriminator case appears to be the selected way forwards - so the sentence you added is good.

I am afraid I still can't make much sense of the sentence after it:
When multiple S-BFD discriminators are
   advertised, the mechanism to choose a subset of specific
   discriminator(s) is out of scope for this document.
Something being chosen is a mechanism and this is out of scope...

The form used in the IS-IS draft:
When multiple S-BFD discriminators are
    advertised how a given discriminator is mapped to a specific use case
    is out of scope for this document.
seems clearer to me.


On 13/04/2016 20:35, Carlos Pignataro (cpignata) wrote:

This is a great review. Thank you.

Please see inline.


We will be queueing edits, let me know when you’d want us to post an updated 

On Apr 10, 2016, at 1:26 PM, Elwyn Davies <elw...@dial.pipex.com> wrote:

I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
like any other last call comments.

Apologies for the slightly late review - I was stricken by a stomach bug.

I hope you are feeling better!

For more information, please see the FAQ at


Document: draft-ietf-l2tpext-sbfd-discriminator-03.txt
Reviewer: Elwyn Davies
Review Date: 2016/04/10
IETF LC End Date: 2016/04/05
IESG Telechat date: (if known) -

Summary: Almost ready. There are a number of acronyms that need expansion and I 
am unclear how an implementation of S-BFD getting its discriminators via L2TPv3 
would know what entities the advertised discriminators (whether one or many) 
should be associated with. This probably just needs a single sentence to sort 
it out, but I found the existing wording to be either inappropriate or just 
plain wrong.

These items, with the exception of the acronym expansion, have already been 
discussed. See below line-by-line responses to each of these potential issues, 
as well as a set of HTML diffs from the working copy, FYI.

Nearly Major Issue:
The format allows multiple discriminators to be sent in one message.  Looking 
at the S-BFD base draft (s3), it is implied that if a S-BFD module is dealing 
with multiple discriminators they would be associated with multiple different 
entities.  How would the receiver know what entity each of the discriminators 
was supposed to be associated with?  It seems to me that the receiver would 
want to know this but I may not have understood what is going on here.  I guess 
one way would be to use a part of the discriminator bit pattern but I don't 
know if this might make it more difficult to achieve uniqueness in a domain.  
Alternatively a purpose  provided field could be sent in addition to each 
discriminator, or different AVP IDs used for well-known purposes.
Thanks for raising this — although this was discussed and addressed, it might 
not be self-evident. See the next comment.

The sentence at the end of para 4 of s2.1:
When multiple S-BFD discriminators are
   advertised, the mechanism to choose a subset of specific
   discriminator(s) is out of scope for this document.
may be associated with this question but I am not sure
Indeed, this is the relevant paragraph.

This paragraph was also added to other related documents (ISIS, OSPF), and goes 
hand-in-hand with the following paragraph from draft-ietf-bfd-seamless-base-08:
    The use of multiple S-BFD
    discriminators by a single network node is therefore discouraged
    until a means of learning the mapping is defined.

Now, that said, it is clear that if it created confusion in this review, this 
can also create future confusion.

(1) which end is supposed to be choosing - is the Initiator choosing which to 
advertise or the Responder choosing which to 'do something with', and
(2) it seems to me that the L2TPv3 receiver or its associated S-BFD module 
would be deciding on some well-defined basis which entities were associated 
with which designator rather than just making an arbitrary choice.

I suggest that a sentence indicating how the association of discriminators to 
entities is done (or even that it needs to be done but how it is done is out of 
scope) needs to be added, and the sentence above needs to be clarified or 
subsumed in this new part (unless either of the more draconian alternatives 
suggested above is thought to be appropriate).

To really minimize the chance of that future confusion, I agree with your 
suggestion. I added such sentence and reworded the paragraph a bit. Further 
comments on the proposed text most welcome.

Minor issues:

Nits/editorial comments:
Abstract:  I'm afraid you are going to have expand the acronyms AVP, L2TP and BFD 
here.  References to RFC 5880 and the new S-BFD draft RFC would also be helpful - in 
the form "(RFC 5880, I-D.ietf-bfd-seamless-base)”.
Acronyms expanded. Since the Abstract should not have citations, I am hesitant 
to add anything else. It is clearly in the Introduction.

s1.1: The  L2TP message names used in s2.1 and elsewhere (ICRQ, ICRP, OCRQ, 
OCRP)  need to be expanded  - here would be as good as anywhere.

S1.1 already specifies expectations to readers, which include these L2TP 

1.1.  Terminology

    The reader is expected to be very familiar with the terminology and
    protocol constructs defined in S-BFD (see Section 2 of
    [I-D.ietf-bfd-seamless-base]) and L2TPv3 (see Section 1.3 of

But sure, will expand on first use as well.

s2.1: Need to expand AVP and ID.

Seems a bit repetitive, but done.


— Carlos.

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