> On May 18, 2016, at 9:29 PM 5/18/16, Jari Arkko <jari.ar...@piuha.net> wrote:
> Thanks for your review, Ralph!

You're welcome.  I'm glad to hear you found the review valuable.

Responses in line...

> I do think some of the points you raised need to be addressed. Inline:
>> #####
>> I often react to the use of RFC 2119 language in an Informational document 
>> by asking is that language really necessary?  I'll ask the question here: in 
>> the context of this Informational document, which appears to be entirely 
>> advisory in providing guidelines, what does the use of RFC 2119 
>> "requirements language" add to the meaning of the document.
>>>> Authors: Indeed, the use of RFC 2119 language is not mandatory for such 
>>>> information document. However, using it enables us to introduce weight in 
>>>> the different parameterizations of the tests. Even though, it is not 
>>>> mandatory, we believe that it eases the reading of the document, for 
>>>> someone familiar with the IETF wording.
> I think that’s right.


>> #####
>> Figure 1 is not clear to me.  Where are the physical links and interfaces?  
>> Are there multiple physical senders and receivers or are "senders A" 
>> instantiated on a single host (does it make a difference)?  Are there 
>> static-sized buffers for each interface or do all the buffers share one 
>> memory space?
>>>> Authors: We acknowledge that Figure 1 is not very clear. We have 
>>>> voluntarily omitted precisions on the amount of senders, receivers and 
>>>> traffic classes since the instantiation on a specific testbed would remove 
>>>> the generality of the figure and the described architecture. We believe 
>>>> that the text helps in reading the figure. Also, the rationale of this 
>>>> figure is to explain the notation more than going deeper in the topology 
>>>> that is anyway very generic.
> My opinion is that Figure 1 was very hard to read, even with reading the 
> text. I’d like to see some improvement in either the text or the figure.

I can understand that the figure might be an illustrative abstraction, but I 
still think it would be helpful to have more detail in the text and some 
restructuring of the figure.

>> #####
>> In section 3.1, is there a need to say something about the relative 
>> capacities of the various links and the rates at which the various flows 
>> generate traffic?
>>>> Authors: These capacities are described in a later section when needed, 
>>>> and to remain high level and not focus on any applicability context 
>>>> (wi-fi, rural satellite access, fibber access, etc.) they are not 
>>>> specified for the whole document. The rates at which the flows generate 
>>>> traffic is specified for each further described scenario.
> OK


>> #####
>> I would have trouble following the guidelines set out in section 4.3.1.  I 
>> can understand the need for consideration of the tunable control parameters 
>> when comparing different AQM schemes.  However, I don't know what 
>> "comparable" means for control parameters that are likely quite different 
>> between AQM schemes.  I also think one would want to compare optimal control 
>> settings for the different schemes, to compare best-case performance.  Or, 
>> for AQM schemes whose performance is highly dependent on operational 
>> conditions, one might want to compare settings that are sub-optimal for any 
>> particular test condition but that give better performance over a wide range 
>> of conditions.
>>>> Authors: The intent of the first recommendation is to make testers be 
>>>> aware of which control points control which behavior and be conscious to 
>>>> make apples to apples comparison.
>> To further precise this, we could change the text is section 4.3.1 as 
>> follows :
>> "1. Similar control parameters and implications: Testers should be aware of 
>> the control parameters of the different schemes that control similar 
>> behavior. Testers should also be aware of the input value ranges and 
>> corresponding implications. For example, consider two different schemes - 
>> (A) queue-length based AQM scheme, and (B) queueing-delay based scheme. A 
>> and B are likely to have different kinds of control inputs to control the 
>> target delay - target queue length in A vs. target queuing delay in B, for 
>> example. Setting parameter values such as 100MB for A vs. 10ms for B will 
>> have different implications depending on evaluation context.  Such 
>> context-dependent implications must be considered before drawing conclusions 
>> on performance comparisons. Also, it would be preferable if an AQM proposal 
>> listed such parameters and discussed how each relates to network 
>> characteristics such as capacity, average RTT etc.”
> OK for me

I think the suggested text is OK, too.

>> #####
>> Section 4.4 seems to give advice to the AQM designer rather than describe 
>> guidelines for characterization.  Section 4.4 should either be rewritten to 
>> give guidelines for structuring measurements to account for varying packet 
>> sizes or the section should be elided.
>>>> Authors: We could to modify text for 2nd paragraph of 4.4, if you think 
>>>> that this clarifies the issue.
>> " An AQM scheme SHOULD adhere to the recommendations outlined in [RFC7141], 
>> and SHOULD NOT provide undue advantage to flows with smaller packets 
>> [RFC7567]. In order to evaluate if an AQM scheme is biased towards flows 
>> with smaller size packets, sender A in Figure 1 can be instantiated with two 
>> long standing TCP flows with different packet sizes - 500 bytes vs. 1500 
>> bytes, respectively and metrics such as goodput, loss rate can be compared 
>> for these two flows.
>> “
> OK

OK with me, too.

>> #####
>> In section 4.5, what is the motivation for giving the advice about ECN to 
>> AQM designers?  I can understand that ECN will have affect the impact of 
>> AQM, but for this document I think the section should focus on measurement 
>> guidlines that account for that impact.
>>>> Authors: The scope of introducing this part is mostly related to remain 
>>>> the tester that if their AQM supports ECN, this must be presented, since 
>>>> it could be seen as an important move for the deployment of ECN
> I tend to agree with Ralph on this.
> I’m not sure why we need this for assessment or characterization.

The purpose of the section isn't at all clear to me.

>> #####
>> The specific topology in section 10 does not seem well-motivated to me.  Why 
>> is router R with no AQM included in the topology?  The choice of 
>> measurements is similarly not well-motivated.  Why would it not be of 
>> interest to run all the tests described earlier in the document?
>>>> Authors: It is worth pointing out that this specific topology is just a 
>>>> suggestion. The router without AQM has been included to remind the tester 
>>>> that the positioning of multiple AQMs have to be looked at with routers 
>>>> that do not have AQMs in mind. Since the placement of AQMs is mostly 
>>>> expected to be on "the last mile", we believe that evaluating all the 
>>>> tests described earlier in the document may not be needed. However, in 
>>>> case of multiple AQMs, their interactions should be considered.
> The text wasn’t clear in my mind that this is just a suggestion and/or an 
> example.

Some clarification here would be helpful.

- Ralph
> Jari

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