
>> For cases of "[RFC5310] Based authentication" to "[RFC5310]-based 
>> authentication".  Watch for one instance of "RFC 5310 Based" as well.


>(Nit-Nit: I think in the nit above, the first word should be Four.)

Ha!  (I hadn't actually counted the number of cases. )

>> Page 12, 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence: change "These constructed addresses"
>> to "A constructed address".

>Humm. I don't really like your suggested change. How about I change it to 
>"Such a constructed address ..."

Fine by me.

>> Page 21, Section 7, 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence: delete "processing 
>> of".  Or change "processing" to "process".

>Instead, change the immediately following "decapsulating" to "decapsulated".

That works as well.

Thanks for considering my suggestions.


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