
Thanks again for the feedback. I’ll discuss the point about 7206 with the other 
authors and determine the best course of action.


> On Aug 10, 2016, at 10:11 AM, Elwyn Davies <elw...@folly.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi, Paul.
> Unfortunately, I should have pointed out that if you leave your two primary 
> definitions in RFC 7206, I think this becomes a normative reference.  RFC 
> 7206 is informative rather than standards track and so  becomes the dreaded 
> downref.  Apart from the process hassle this entails, you may be hard pushed 
> to persuade people that this is an appropriate downref.  Copying them over 
> (and in the process checking they are still correct) is rather less hassle 
> IMO - and makes the RFC more self-contained as regards its basic 
> functionality.
> Otherwise, this looks fine.  I have looked into the INVITE/CANCEL story a bit 
> deeper, and think I see that all is well.
> Regards,
> Elwyn
> On 08/08/2016 19:32, Paul Giralt (pgiralt) wrote:
>> Elwyn,
>> I went ahead and published an update that incorporates your feedback.
>> https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-25 
>> <https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-25>
>> Note that I chose not to include the definition of communication session in 
>> the draft because paragraph 1 of section 3 already references RFC7206 for 
>> the definition.
>> Hopefully this addresses your concerns.
>> -Paul
>>> On Aug 4, 2016, at 6:17 PM, Elwyn Davies <elw...@folly.org.uk 
>>> <mailto:elw...@folly.org.uk>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Thanks for the very rapid response.
>>> Most of this looks just fine.
>>> Couple of points:
>>> - On the conference CANCEL issue: My SIP knowledge is severely lacking... 
>>> could the CANCEL ever apply to the original INVITE?  If not it is probably 
>>> sufficient just to remind people that the M' UUID would be used once the 
>>> conference was joined.  I guess you might want to use M1 etc if the 
>>> conferece joining failed in some way.  In any case I'd add a few words to 
>>> clarify which UUID they should be using - I'm not sure it is totally 
>>> obvious.
>>> - On the s11 nit.. whether you need to do something here depends on what 
>>> the decision on the spec of sess-uuid settles as.
>>> I'd be happy to scan a pre-release of the updated draft before publishing 
>>> if you send it along.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Elwyn
>>> Sent from Samsung tablet.
>>> -------- Original message --------
>>> From: "Paul Giralt (pgiralt)" <pgir...@cisco.com <mailto:pgir...@cisco.com>>
>>> Date: 04/08/2016 21:40 (GMT+00:00)
>>> To: Elwyn Davies <elw...@folly.org.uk <mailto:elw...@folly.org.uk>>
>>> Cc: General area reviewing team <gen-art@ietf.org 
>>> <mailto:gen-art@ietf.org>>, draft-ietf-insipid-session-id....@ietf.org 
>>> <mailto:draft-ietf-insipid-session-id....@ietf.org>
>>> Subject: Re: Gen-art LC review of draft-ietf-insipid-session-id-24
>>> Elwyn,
>>> Thank you for the review. We should be able to address these issues. See my 
>>> comments inline..
>>>> Minor issues:
>>>> Interoperability with H.323
>>>> The requirements for the Session Identifier [RFC7206] Section 4.2 stresses 
>>>> interoperability with H.323.  This is mentioned in passing in s1 and in a 
>>>> bit more detail in s3.  I think it would be worth mentioning this somewhat 
>>>> more prominently and  that the relevant interoperability will potentially 
>>>> be achieved since the format of the Session-ID in H.460.27 appears to 
>>>> match the one defined in this draft. To this end, I suggest:
>>>> - Mentioning the interoperability in the abstract and stating the ITU rec 
>>>> number - this effectively indicates its 'use' in H.323 per the end of para 
>>>> 1 in the abstract.
>>>> - Say a bit more about about interoperability in s1, mention H.460.27 and 
>>>> give it as a reference there also.
>>> ok - sounds reasonable.
>>>> GIven that H.323 now supports the use of Session Identifiers, it might be 
>>>> useful to indicate how Session-IDs need to be handled at SBCs [Caveat: I 
>>>> am not a SIP expert and this may be trivial, but I think something 
>>>> probably needs to be mentioned.]
>>> An SBC interworking between H.323 and SIP should still follow the rules of 
>>> an intermediary. This draft will define its behavior for the SIP call leg 
>>> and H.460.27 will define its behavior for the H.323 call leg. I can put 
>>> some verbiage to this effect.
>>>> s4.1: Para 2 mentions the possible use of Version 4 or Version 5 UUIDs.  
>>>> The last para constrains stateless intermediaries to using Version 5 UUIDs 
>>>> 'to ensure consistent generation'.    I am confused about whether this 
>>>> consistency would be maintained if endpoints and/or stateful 
>>>> intermediaries generated Version 4 UUIDs, or whether in fact all UUIDs 
>>>> should be Version 5?
>>> Both Version 4 and Version 5 UUIDs would be maintained for endpoints / 
>>> stateful intermediaries because they can retain the value of the generated 
>>> Version 4 UUID as part of that state. The reason stateless intermediaries 
>>> must use Version 5 is they need a way to generate the same UUID for the 
>>> session without storing the UUID between messages and a Version 4 UUID 
>>> would not provide this consistency.
>>>> s8, bullet 5, s6 , s7 and s9:  If an endpoint is involved in a multi-point 
>>>> conference has to send a CANCEL message, which remote UUID should it be 
>>>> using?  The one that came back with the original INVITE response or the 
>>>> one used to identify the conference that is sent in the re-INVITEs from 
>>>> the conference focus? (e.g., in s10.4, for Alice M1 or M'). [Note lack of 
>>>> SIP expertise:  I am not sure if there are circumstances in which this 
>>>> would arise.]
>>> CANCELling a re-INVITE would be unusual and unlikely to happen in the 
>>> scenario you describe, but is technically possible. As mentioned in s8, 
>>> bullet 5, the Session-ID header field value in the CANCEL request MUST be 
>>> identical to the Session-ID header field value in the corresponding INVITE. 
>>> In this case, because the CANCEL corresponds to the re-INVITE, the 
>>> Session-ID header field value would be that of the re-INVITE, as that is 
>>> the transaction being cancelled. I think the draft as it stands is clear 
>>> enough on the expected behavior but can modify if you feel strongly that 
>>> this should be clarified.
>>>> Nits/editorial comments:
>>>> s1, paras 1 and 3; s2, last para : s/like/such as/ (total of 3 places)
>>> Will change. Thanks.
>>>> s2:  There is no definition of the term 'communication session' in the 
>>>> draft.  A definition is given in s3.2 of RFC 7206 and H.460.27 has:
>>>>> 3.2.1 communication session: A communication session, or simply 
>>>>> ''session'', refers to a call or series of calls initiated or received by 
>>>>> an endpoint for which the endpoint utilizes the same universally unique 
>>>>> identifier (UUID) value in call signalling messages. From a calling 
>>>>> user's perspective, this would be all call signalling messages from the 
>>>>> time the user initiates a call until the time the call is terminated. 
>>>>> From the called user's perspective, this would be all call signalling 
>>>>> messages from first message received by the user's terminal until the 
>>>>> call is terminated.
>>> I’m good with copying this text from 7206 into Section 2.
>>>> In the light of the interoperability question, should the definition say 
>>>> something about SBCs? And how the session identifier is 
>>>> generated/interpreted in a 'session' that extends across an interconnected 
>>>> SIP/H.323 network?  Would SBC be an 'intermediary' within the meaning of 
>>>> the definition in s2?
>>> Yes, it would be considered an intermediary except Section 2 specifically 
>>> calls out intermediaries as being “any SIP entity”. It might be softening 
>>> the language there to include any intermediaries that are interworking 
>>> between SIP and another protocol that also supports the Session Identifier 
>>> defined in this draft.
>>> Section 7, which discusses the behavior of intermediaries, already notes 
>>> that SBC’s are a type of intermediary, so don’t think we need to make that 
>>> callout.
>>>> s2, last para:  The expansion of the B2BUA acronym occurs on the second 
>>>> instance rather than the first that is a couple of lines earlier.
>>> Good catch. Thanks.
>>>> s4.2, end of para 2 and in many places thereafter:  The 'null UUID' is 
>>>> known as the 'nil UUID' in s4.1.7 of RFC 4122.  For consistency 
>>>> s/null/nil/g.  A reference to s4.1.7 of RFC 4122 should be added to the 
>>>> first instance in s4.2.
>>> Thanks for this. I wasn’t aware of this and makes sense to use consistent 
>>> naming from 4122.
>>>> s5: Given that RFC 7329 will be obsoleted by this document, it would be 
>>>> desirable to copy the gist of the  statements in the first para of s7 of 
>>>> RFC 7329:
>>>>>    This document adds the "Session-ID" token to the definition of the
>>>>>    element "message-header" in the SIP message grammar.  The Session-ID
>>>>>    header is a single-instance header.
>>>> Something like an additional para at the beginning of s5:
>>>>    This document replaces the definition of the "Session-ID" token that 
>>>> was added to the definition of the
>>>>    element "message-header" in the SIP message grammar by [RFC7329].  The 
>>>> Session-ID
>>>>    header is a single-instance header.
>>> Sounds reasonable. I can add something along those lines for clarity.
>>>> s5, para 3:
>>>> OLD:
>>>> The UUID values for each endpoint are inserted into the "Session-ID"
>>>>    header field of all transmitted SIP messages.
>>>> This is potentially confusing when it comes to conference calls as there 
>>>> may be more than two endpoints involved in a communication session if it 
>>>> is a multi-point conference.  Maybe
>>>> NEW:
>>>> Any SIP message associated with a communication session has the UUIDs for 
>>>> the session created by the message source and destination endpoints 
>>>> inserted into the "Session-ID header field of the transmitted SIP message.
>>>> END
>>> Let me see how I might be able to clarify this for the multipoint use case 
>>> where there are more than two endpoints in the session. I don’t think your 
>>> new version is as clear as it could be either.
>>>> s5, last para:
>>>>>    The Session-ID header field value is technically case-INSENSITIVE,
>>>>>    but only lowercase characters are allowed in the sess-uuid
>>>>>    components.  Receiving entities MUST treat sess-uuid components as
>>>>>    case-insensitive and not produce an error if an uppercase hexadecimal
>>>>>    character is received.
>>>> I know this is partly carried over from RFC 7329, but, as currently 
>>>> drafted, it seems pointless.  Can we not just have:
>>>>      sess-uuid = 32(DIGIT / %x41-46 / %x61-66) ;32 chars of [0-9A-Fa-f]
>>>> If the reasoning is that sending upper case to 'old' implementations will 
>>>> break them, then it would be better to be explicit about it. Perhaps, 
>>>> replace the para with:
>>>>      To allow interoperation with implementations conforming to the
>>>>    pre-standard specification in [RFC7329], implementations SHOULD use
>>>>    only lower case letters ("a" - "f") in the sess-uuid field.
>>> To be honest I’m not sure why this was written this way originally and, 
>>> like you say, it was just carried over from 7329. Will look into whether we 
>>> should make a change here.
>>>> s6, para 2: There could be some minor confusion as to whether the 'no 
>>>> change of UUID' rule is broken when a conference focus (per s9 and the 
>>>> examples in s10) changes its UUID after processing the initial INVITE and 
>>>> issuing a re-INVITE with a different UUID associated with the conference.  
>>>> Some words covering (I guess) the idea that the conference itself is a 
>>>> different communication session from the setup request(s) would be useful. 
>>>>  See also the comments on s10.4 in Minor Issues above.
>>> Section 6 describes Endpoint behavior so don’t think a change is needed 
>>> there, but could possibly add some text in Section 9 that describes what is 
>>> shown in the example in section 10.4.
>>>> s6 and s7, next to last paras:  These are near duplicates.  They could be 
>>>> replaced by a single instance at the end of s5, but no big deal.
>>> I’m not totally sure if it makes sense as-is in section 5, but could 
>>> probably modify slightly to make it fit into section 5.
>>>> s7, para 12: Expand 3PCC on first use.
>>> Will do. Thanks.
>>>> s7, para 12: s/locally-frabricated/locally-fabricated/
>>> Thanks.
>>>> s8, bullet 5: s/487/Request Terminated (487 - see Section 15.1.2 of 
>>>> [RFC3261])
>>> Ok. Thanks.
>>>> s10.1, start of expansion of SIP messages:
>>>> I think there is a missing 'example.'...
>>>> OLD:
>>>>    INVITE sip:b...@biloxi.com <mailto:sip:b...@biloxi.com> SIP/2.0
>>>> NEW:
>>>>    INVITE sip:b...@biloxi.example.com <mailto:sip:b...@biloxi.example.com> 
>>>> SIP/2.0
>>>> END
>>> Nice catch. Thanks!
>>>> s11: Effectively there is another new/old requirement: the sess-uuid field 
>>>> has to use lower case letters (probably).
>>> The old and the new both specify the identifier is lowercase, so not sure 
>>> what needs to change here.
>>>> s12, para 3:
>>>> I think 'inherit' is not what you mean here...
>>>> OLD:
>>>> Because of the inherit property that Session Identifiers are conveyed
>>>>    end-to-end
>>>> NEW
>>>> Because of the inherent property that Session Identifiers are conveyed
>>>>    end-to-end
>>>> END
>>> Yes, thanks for the correction.
>>>> s13.2: As of this moment, no header parameters have been registered for 
>>>> the old RFC 7329 Session-ID header.  I don't know if any proprietary, 
>>>> non-documented parameters are around given the status of RFC 7329, but 
>>>> would it be worth explicitly banning the registration of any new 
>>>> parameters under the old scheme - and maybe explicitly not allowing any 
>>>> other parameters than 'remote'  for the new version, to avoid issues of 
>>>> privacy etc. If not it might be necessary to copy over some of the words 
>>>> about the nature of parameters in Session-ID headers and what B2BUAs might 
>>>> have to do from the security considerations of RFC 7329.
>>> I’d actually prefer to leave generic-param as allowed so that this version 
>>> could interoperate with any potential future version that might add 
>>> additional parameters. Explicitly banning such additional parameters could 
>>> cause issues if we decide to extend the capabilities in a future draft. 
>>> That said, some mention along the same lines as specified in 7329 are worth 
>>> considering so that arbitrary additional parameters are not added which 
>>> could then lead to privacy issues. Let me chew on this one…
>>> -Paul
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