Hello Dan

 Many thanks for your review. Apologies for the delayed response ( I just got 
back from vacation)

Please see inline for responses to concerns raised (with [[Suhas]] Markings)


Suhas Nandakumar

From: Romascanu, Dan (Dan) <droma...@avaya.com>
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 9:01 AM
To: General Area Review Team
Cc: draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-mux-attributes....@tools.ietf.org
Subject: Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-mux-attributes-13

I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review Team 
(Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the IETF 
Chair.  Please treat these comments just like any other last call comments.

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Document: draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-mux-attributes-13

Reviewer: Dan Romascanu

Review Date: 8/8/16

IETF LC End Date: 8/10/16

IESG Telechat date: not known


Ready with issues.

Major issues:

1.       My understanding is that this document undertakes the task of 
analyzing the multiplexing characteristics of the SDP attributes and 
classifying them based on this analysis. It also adds one new ‘Multiplexing 
Category’ registry, a ‘Mux Category’ column and new attributes to a number of 
SDP sub-registries. What is not clear to me is what is the process by which new 
attribute values are to be added. The sub-registries in 15.2.x – can new values 
be added? Or new  sub-registries created because of the need to support a new 
protocol that defined SDP attributes? What is the policy and the registration 
process? I hope that my question makes sense, in case it does not, please 
explain why.

[[Suhas]] - Section 15.XXX defines the following ways of dealing with the 
future extensions

a) Adding a new Multiplexing category

   The process here is to have a new specification that explains the new 
Multiplexing category and its purpose in the SDP Attribute multiplexing as 
defined in Section 15.1

b) Adding a new SDP attribute to any of the sub-registries

    Any future specifications that defines new SDP attributes must analyze the 
multiplexing characteristics for the newly defined attribute and  specify the 
appropriate "Mux Category" for the same as well.

c) Updating the category assignments  (Say from TBD to something different)

     This needs a new specification with the updated category. (more details 

Section 15.2 and its sub-sections defines how the Mux Category for the SDP 
attributes analyzed in the current draft are added to SDP Parameters IANA 

please let me know if we need to add more clarifications on any of the above

Minor issues:

1.       The use of B - ‘Both’ terminology used to indicate that an attribute 
is specified S - Session Level and M - Medial Level (e.g. in Section 5) may be 
confusing, as there is a third possible level SR - Source Level. Actually S + M 
would probably be more clear.

[[Suhas]] -- Good point Dan. I see 2 options to progress.

   Option 1 - Same as your suggestion of going with S+M

   Option 2 - Clarify the use of 'B' in Section 5's introductory paragraph as

  *   B -- Both ( implies attribute applies to both the Session and Media level)

The only positive thing about Option 2 is that the changes are minimal. Please 

2.       Section 5.54 includes a note referring to the TBD content. ‘As per 
section 9.1 of [I-D.ietf-mmusic-sdp-bundle-negotiation],  there exists no 
publicly available specification that defines procedures for 
multiplexing/demultiplexing fax protocols flows over a single 5-tuple.  Once 
such a specification is available, the multiplexing category assignments for 
the attributes in this section could be revisited.’ Assuming the missing 
specification will be publicly available sometime in the future – how will this 
information be added? Revise this RFC? The question applies to other TBD marked 
in the ‘Mux Category’ column of the tables in Section 5 (in 5.42, 5.44, …)

[[Suhas]] -- Section 15 defines the following for adding a totally new 
multiplexing category

"Further entries can be registered on a first-come first-serve basis. Each 
registration needs to indicate the multiplexing category value to be added to 
the "Multiplexing Categories" subregistry as defined in this section.

Such a registration MUST also indicate the applicability of the newly defined 
multiplexing category value to various subregistries defined at "Session 
Description Protocol (SDP) Parameters"

For the attributes marked as "TBD" category,  the introductory paragraph 
mentions the following

" Future specifications can change the "TBD" entries to the correct value."

So the plan  of action would be a new specification will be defined to update 
the "Mux Category" of a given SDP attribute from "TBD" to whatever is 
appropriate. Thus an update to the current draft is not needed but a new future 
specification is required for such updates.

Nits/editorial comments:

1.       In the table at 5.6 – repetition ‘section Section’

[[Suhas]] -- Thanks for catching this. Will fix in the next version.

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