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Document: draft-ietf-insipid-logme-reqs-11
Reviewer: Stewart Bryant
Review Date: 2017-01-03
IETF LC End Date: 2017-01-13
IESG Telechat date: unknown

Summary: Ready with minor issue

This is a well written document that describes a useful feature in
its intended purpose. However I could not help but think that it has
an inevitable alternate use in the observation of users. There is
guidance on how to prevent this, but that seems easily ignored. Thus
the guidance from Security Area review will be of particular importance.

Major issues:


Minor issues:

6.1.  Trust Domain

   Since a "log me" marker may cause a SIP entity to log the SIP header
   and body of a request or response, the "log me" marker SHOULD be
   removed at a trust domain boundary.

SB> I am not convinced that SHOULD is strong enough given that the traffic
SB> is leaving the trust domain.

Nits/editorial comments:

3.1.  Network Boundary

   Figure 2 shows a network boundary between GW-A1
   in operator A's network and the SBC in operator B's network.  A

SB> SBC needs expanding on first use.


   [RFC5853] gives examples of manipulating signaling to prevent the
   sending network passing on sensitive information, for example
   topology hiding, or the receiving network protecting itself from
   signaling that is not under its control, for example protocol repair.

SB> The last sentence does not scan well.


   o  REQ9: The "log me" marker mechanism SHOULD allow a SIP
      intermediary to request logging SIP requests and responses on
      behalf of the originating endpoint.  The typical use case for this
      requirement is for compatibility with UAs that have not

SB> UA needs expanding on first use.

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