On 1/24/17 6:30 AM, Jari Arkko wrote:

Thanks for the review, again!

And thank you so much (for the whole set of people) for the
new review tool and integration to the tracker. It makes
my life much easier.

Just a couple of discussion points relating to how we post
these today wrt. before when we didn’t have the new tool yet.

First, there’s been a change from “Gen-ART review: ….” to
“Review of …” in the e-mail subject lines. Which do people
prefer? I’ve obviously worked from the only-email-model
so far, and ultimately me (or the next chair) will find the
new ways of working. Which might be different from we’ve
used to do. However, a knee jerk reaction from my side
was that I’d like to see Gen-ART as a part of the subject
line, because I often end up searching in e-mail. But
maybe I shouldn’t...
We already have a request to either put the review team
acronym on the subject line, or make the subject line
a template that teams can customize.

Second, I’ve noticed that there’s been a couple of
reviews that were in the tracker only, and were not
posted via e-mail. Again, wondering if I’m just feeling
anxiety over the change :-) or if there’s a real reason
why we’d like to have also email. After being confused
for one or two documents, I now know to to look at
the tracker as well as e-mail. Maybe I should just
work from the tracker in this case? But I wonder if I’ll end
up searching on e-mail _as well_ anyway, because
somebody may have responded on e-mail side, and
this might not be reflected in the tracker. Or is it?
The tracker will point to the review in the archives (if it
sent the message or if the reviewer tells the tracker about
the message). The mailarchive tool's thread view can then
find followups. The tracker is not intrinsically aware of any
followup messages.

For the second issue, it might be possible to have
the tool automatically mail reviews… and I think
it does, except unless asked to do so (?)
Yes, if you enter the review in the tracker, it will send
the message to the review team list. There's no way to
ask it not to do that. The reviewer can change what _other_
lists are copied, but that's the extent.

Can you point me to an example of a review that appeared
in the tracker but not on the list? That sounds to me like
you've found a bug.

But I’m obviously just one user among many. I have
my own viewpoint, and arguably e.g., the role of
the authors and other WG participants is an important
one, more important than mine, because it is absolutely
essential that they see whatever is commented.

So I don’t want to drive any process from my
limited viewpoint, but rather bring up an issue
that surprises me and then discuss what’s the
best way to handle that. And since the review
tool is new, this would be a good moment for
us to hash out any minor usage practices.
Agreed - my answers above reflect what I expect the
tool to be doing now, and what we already think we
want to change. But if anyone feels a different set of
changes would be better, now would be a good time
to discuss them.



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