Francis Dupont writes:
> Nits/editorial comments: 
>  - ToC page 1 and 3 page 3 (title): Benefitting -> Benefiting
>  - 3 page 3 (suggest):  CoRE etc, ->  CoRE, etc,


>  - 4 page 3: reading the document I had a question about the "no need
>   ... to specify the internal structure" but the reason became clear
>   the next page. So I have no concern about this.

That text was rewritten to say:

   Since the 802.15.4 standard defines a list of payload IEs along with
   their structures, there is no need for this document to specify the
   internal structure inside the IETF IE.  The Payload IE format of IEEE
   802.15.4 contains the Length field.  The length of the subtype
   content can be calculated from the IEEE 802.15.4 Payload IE Length
   field of the IETF IE.

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