Thanks, those changes look good.


On 27/02/2018 05:31, Qin Wang wrote:
> Hi Bian,
> Thank you for your comments. Please see inline.
>     On Friday, February 23, 2018 6:11 PM, Brian E Carpenter 
> <> wrote:
>  Hi Qin, see in line:
> On 24/02/2018 04:16, Qin Wang wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> Thank you very much for your comments. Please see inline.
>> On Monday, February 19, 2018 6:22 PM, Brian Carpenter 
>> <> wrote: 
>>   Reviewer: Brian Carpenter
>> Review result: Ready with Issues
>> Gen-ART Last Call review of draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol-09
>> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
>> Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
>> by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
>> like any other last call comments.
>> For more information, please see the FAQ at
>> <>.
>> Document: draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol-09.txt
>> Reviewer: Brian Carpenter
>> Review Date: 2018-02-20
>> IETF LC End Date: 2018-??-??
>> IESG Telechat date: 2018-03-06
>> Summary: Ready with issues
>> --------
>> Comment:
>> --------
>> This is a Last Call review despite the subject field. When will the Last
>> Call be started?
>> Major issues:
>> -------------
>> In section 3.1.1 "2-step 6P Transaction" there seems to be a race condition
>> if A's timeout expires while B's Response is in flight. Can the 6top layer
>> prevent the L2 Ack being sent? (And similar race conditions seem to be
>> possible in the 3-step transaction.)
>> [Qin] Firstly, sincethe L2 Ack is sent by L2 according to IEEE802.15.4, 6top 
>> layer cannot preventit happen. Secondly, the race condition described above 
>> unlikely happens,because it is required that “The value of the 6P Timeout 
>> should be larger thanthe longest possible time it can take for the exchange 
>> to finish.” (3.4.4)
> I'm sorry but that sounds like magic. Then whole point of race conditions is 
> that
> they happen in *very* unlikely cases such as the exchange taking 10 times 
> normal
> for some reason. If it only happens one time in ten million it is still a 
> problem.
> So I think you need to state what happens - maybe the inconsistency will be
> discovered later? That's fine for something considered highly unlikely.
> [Qin] Add following textin both section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2
> In case a race conditionhappens during the communication, the TSCH schedule 
> of node A may becomeinconsistent with the TSCH schedule of node B. 6top 
> handles the schedule inconsistency in the way described in Section3.4.6.2
>>> 3.4.3.  Concurrent 6P Transactions
>>>   Only a single 6P Transaction between two neighbors, in a given
>>>   direction, can take place at the same time.  That is, a node MUST NOT
>>>   issue a new 6P Request to a given neighbor before having received the
>>>   6P Response for a previous request to that neighbor, except when the
>>>   previous 6P Transaction has timed out.  If a node receives a 6P
>>>   Request from a given neighbor before having sent the 6P Response to
>>>   the previous 6P Request from that neighbor, it MUST send back a 6P
>>>   Response with a return code of RC_RESET (as per Figure 36).  A node
>>>   receiving RC_RESET code MUST abort the transaction and consider it
>>>   never happened.
>> It isn't clear to me whether the RC_RESET aborts the first, the second,
>> or both transactions.
>> [Qin] change textto “abort the second transaction”
> OK! 
>> Minor issues:
>> -------------
>>> 1.  Introduction
>> ...
>>>   6P
>>>   allows a node to communicate with a neighbor to add/delete TSCH cells
>>>   to one another.
>> This sentence is almost unintelligible because of the sequence
>> Does it mean this?:
>>   6P allows neighbours to add or delete TSCH cells in each other.
>> [Qin] Because we want to emphasize that communication between two nodes is 
>> the way to add/deletecells, we change text to “6P allows a node to 
>> communicate with a neighbor toadd/delete TSCH cells in each other”
> OK, that will be less confusing.
>>> 3.4.1.  Version Checking
>> This may be a pointless worry, but is there a DOS attack of some kind
>> by sending rubbish version numbers?
>> [Qin] I think thatnot only the field of Version Number, but also other 
>> fields, such as the fieldof Command Identifier can be filled with rubbish 
>> for DOS attack. So, I wonderif it is necessary for Version Number field to 
>> be treated differently. 
>> I would like asksecurity people to help on the question.
> Maybe you need to mention in the Security Considerations that you have
> no protection against a bad actor sending rubbish as a DOS. If all
> nodes are authenticated when they join the network, this seems an
> acceptable risk. 
> [Qin] Add text intoSecurity Consideration sectionThe 6P protocol does not 
> provide protection against DOS attacks which involves sending garbage.
> Regards
>     Brian
>> ThanksQin
> ThanksQin
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