Further comments in line, marked <jmh> ... </jmh> as some mail readers mangle the inclusion marking. As a reminder, please work with your chair and sponsoring AD to determine when to submit changes.


On 2/28/18 6:22 AM, Fioccola Giuseppe wrote:
Hi Joel,
Thanks for your detailed review! It is very useful.
My answers inline tagged as [GF]

Best Regards,


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Joel Halpern [mailto:j...@joelhalpern.com]
Inviato: domenica 25 febbraio 2018 02:00
A: gen-art@ietf.org
Cc: l...@ietf.org; i...@ietf.org; 
Oggetto: Genart telechat review of draft-ietf-l2sm-l2vpn-service-model-08

Reviewer: Joel Halpern
Review result: On the Right Track

I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review Team 
(Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the IETF 
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Document: draft-ietf-l2sm-l2vpn-service-model-08
Reviewer: Joel Halpern
Review Date: 2018-02-24
IETF LC End Date: 2018-03-26
IESG Telechat date: 2018-04-05

Summary: Given the number of Major and minor issues, this document is not yet 
ready for publication as a Proposed Standard RFC.

     Introduction: The phrasing of "an abstract model", "this model is not a
     configuration model..." creates some confusion in the reader as to whether
     this model represent the current state of service deliveyr, the desired
     state of service delivery (which would drive configuration) or both.
     Please clarify.

[GF]: Ok I understand and we can clarify this point in a new revision. This 
model is used to describe service intent or service requirements and 
characteristic associated with connectivity service. Consider that also in RFC 
8299 (L3SM) there is the same phrasing.

<jmh>Thank you.  I think clarifying this will help the reader. </jmh>

     The "valid-provider-identifiers' distinguish between cloud-identifier and
     remote-carrier-identifier.  It i unclear why the VPN service provider
     should know or care whether the remote provider he is connecting with is a
     cloud provider, and another L2 service provider, or both.  And if it is
     both, which identifier should be used.

[GF]: Remote-carrrier-identifier is used in the NNI case, see the code within 
YANG module:
             leaf remote-carrier-name {
               when "derived-from-or-self(../../../site-vpn-flavor,"+
                 "'l2vpn-svc:site-vpn-flavor-nni')" {
                   "Relevant when Site vpn flavor is

[GF]: In the NNI case, the current VPN Service provider can connect to another 
L2VPN or Data Center network or Cloud Provider’s network. Please also see 
section 5.16 for NNI support details.
You are right, the VPN service provider doesn’t  care whether the remote 
provider is a cloud provider or L2VPN service provider. So remote carrier-name 
doesn’t need to distinguish cloud provider or L2VPN service provider, if you 
believe we should distinguish we can remove remote carrier name, we think it 
add complexity and note that remote carrier name is an optional parameter. 
Regarding cloud-identifier defined within “valid-provider-identifiers”, 
cloud-identifier is only applied to public cloud or internet access, while 
remote-carrier-name can be referred to private cloud/data center or another 
L2VPN. That’s why we use cloud-identifier within cloud-access.

<jmh> I did see the indirect references, that basically make these name lists a constraint on what values can be used in the other parts of the model. That is effective. What is unclear is why you have the different kinds of identifiers, as the distinctions are not very clear. </jmh>

     Also, it is very unclear how these identifiers will be used.  They
     presumably are names of something.  But of what?  As known to whom?
     Derived from where?  I do not see how a provider / customer pair using this
     model will know what values to use for this.

[GF]: We think one is name of the public cloud or internet access, the other is 
carrier name, they are different. We assume in this model to use “cloud access” 
to get access to public cloud or internet, we use “NNI” to get access to 
private cloud, data center or another L2VPN, therefore Cloud identifier should 
be known by both the current L2VPN Service provider and the customer. Remote 
Carrier name in NNI case should be known by the current L2VPN service provider 
it is connecting.

<jmh>The point I was trying to get at, and probably muddled, is that the name a customer uses for some third party may not be the same as the name the service providers uses (although they will be similar. Is Ericsson A.B. the same or different from Ericsson Inc. or just Ericsson. So these need to be coordinated.

Writing this, it also seems that there needs to be an additional clarification. Suppose that as a customer I want an L2VPN that reachs third party. But that third party is not directly reachable by the service provider. I as the customer probably do not specify what transit provider the service provider should use to get connectivity to the far end. But the far end may not even be directly known to the service provider. This leads to a lack of clarity as to what names or types should be used. (And what if I need a third party to reach some of my own sites?) </jmh>

Even if the intention is that
     these be names made available by the provider by external means, the YANG
     model needs to say that if it is to be usable. I did eventually find some
     explanation in section 5.15.  At the very least a forward reference is
     needed.  I think more explanation of what these things names would also

[GF]: Ok
<jmh> ack </jmh>

     The use of different sets of what read like service types (is cloud access
     a service type?  Is remote-access a service type?) and the use of similar
     but not the same terminology between provider descriptions, service types,
     and service topologies, leaves the reader VERY confused.  Please, do not
     use the same term for kinds of providers, kinds of services, and kinds of
     topologies unless the names are fully congruent (which they currently are

[GF]: No, the service-type is only referred to L2VPN service types.
<jmh>The same names are used for different things. Pleaes give them different names. </jmh>

      It is unclear why "Cloud-Access" is listed in the VPN Service Overview
      (section 5.2),  or even why Cloud Access is any different from any other
      access.  Presumably, the customer can configure authorization for the
      sites to meet his needs.   Any topological effect would be capture in
      5.2.2 on VPN Service Topology, not as a different kind of VPN Service.

[GF]: It is intended to list “Cloud-Access” in VPN service Overview, since 
“Cloud-Access” is applicable to all the sites rather than site-level parameter. 
Note that this model is a VPN model, so public Cloud and private cloud, 
datacenter are not part of VPN therefore we separate Cloud Access from Network 
Access within VPN. VPN service topology describe how site within VPN are 
connected to each other rather than describe how VPN is connecting to public 
<jmh>The document describes the purpose of cloud access as a means to define a constraint on authorization. Given that there are means to define the authorization model, this "short-cut" seems counter-productive. </jmh>

      Regarding VPN Service Type (svc-type) the text in section 5.2 says that
      this is explicitly for the local administrator to use to flexibly define
      the CPN service type.  Section 5.2.1 then says that it has one of six
      values, implying that if other values are needed they will need to be
      defined in an extension to the model.  If they are for model use, and for
      model extension, then they should be using a two-level identity (where the
      second level provides the possible values.)

[GF]: Two level identity has already been achieved by using identity data type 
in this  model, Since we have defined base identity in the model, other 
identity can be extension of the base identity. See the code in the module:
<jmh>The text in 5.2 says that svc-type is a string. Apparently I had missed that the YANG defined it as an identity. Which is what I ould prefer. Please tune the text in 5.2 to reflect the fact that there are some defined values, that it uses the identity mechanism, and that thus service providers can extend the available values. </jmh>


   identity service-type {
       "Base Identity of service type.";

    leaf svc-type {
       type identityref {
         base service-type;
      default "vpws";

     Given taht this is a model for providers and customers to use to
     collaborate on the configuration of VPNs, I would expect to see some
     discussion of how this is used on the provider end so as to collaborate
     with multiple customers, working with each only about their VPNs.  I missed
     any such description.

[GF]: Similar to L3SM (RFC 8299), under VPN-services, the customer-name is 
defined and associated with each VPN-service. Under Sites, VPN-attachment is 
defined to describe which site is attached to which VPN. Then we can have Site 
A, Site B, Site C, Site D, Site A, Site B, Site C are attached to VPN-A, Site 
B, Site C and Site D are attached to VPN B (i.e., vpn-id is set to VPN-B), VPN 
A and VPN B belong to the same provider, then one provider end can talks to two 
<jmh>I wasn't asking where the customer name lived. I was asking what security assumption was being made about how the model behavior is restricted so taht a given customer can only modify his own services. I am not sure whether that is a new section or a subsection in security considerations. </jmh>

     I would have expected some reference to the MEF Ethernet service
     definitions and MEF defined parameters of interest, as industry usage seems
     to reflect those as the common basis for L2 services.  I udnerstand that
     this model is not mandated to conform to the MEF Forum work.  I would
     expect some discussion of the relationship.  This may be a deliberate
     working group choice, as I see in teh change log that there were references
     to EVC and OVC.  It still seems that it would help readers to have

[GF]: We tried to cooperate and we participate also to some MEF conference 
calls but we noticed that there are some differences in particular between the 
MEF LSO (Lifecycle Service Orchestration) architecture and the IETF SDN 
<jmh>As far as I know, the IETF does not have an SDN architecture. Even if this model needs to be different from the MEF work, it would be good to relate this even if by highlighting the differences. Also, I was not asking for alignment with LSO, even if I would like that. I understood that was a step too far. I am concerned about the service definitions and descriptions themselves. The MEF service descriptions are what most Ethernet service providers use. </jmh>

     The structure of the vpn-profile-cfg grouping seems very strange.  It is a
     series of 4 lists, each of which only contains an id leaf.  First, and less
     important, that makes them leaf-lists, doesn't it?  Or is it structured
     this way with no explanation to allow for unexplained type specific

[GF]: Yes, it allows augmentation, you may add some new parameters under each 
<jmh>The way it is currently used does not seem to make it likely that additional parameters are going to be useful. Is there some practical expectation of that? The structure would be simpler if you did not use separate lists.</jmh>

  If no Augmentation is needed, it would seem more general to
     use a two level identity (identity based enumeration) for the type of VPNs,
     use a single list containing an id and a type field, where both are keys
     and the type field uses the enumeration.  This would still easily allow for
     adding new types, and would avoid using the same leaf name in different
     lists (which while legal often leads to errors.) If we really need four
     distinct lists, then I would recommend changing the names of the id field
     so each one has a unique leaf name (cloud-id, qos-id, bfd-id, ...)

[GF]: We could, but these leaf are located in different paths, therefore unique 
leaf name under different parent node doesn’t matter.
<jmh>Yes, the leafs are under different paths. This is a minor comment because it is driven by personal observation of effectiveness, rather than an agreed IETF rule. </jmh>

     appears that the purpose of this list is to be used as targets for
     leafrefs.  As such, it does not seem that distinct lists are needed.

[GF]: To get consistent with RFC8299, we prefer to keep as it does.
<jmh>Okay.  I will get off this point.  I can live with what you have.</jmh>

     The placement of section (and the resulting YANG objects) seems
     odd.  "Route Target Allocation" is a mechanism, not a topology.  It is not
     even listed in the options mentioned in 5.2.2.

[GF]: Route Target Allocation section is VPN service topology relevant since 
Route Target is allocated based on the requested VPN service topology. See 
Section for more details.
<jmh>Yes, it is "relevant", but it is not itself a property of the topology. So the placement seemed very odd. </jmh>

     Section 5.2.3 on Cloud Access uses a variant on the unfortunate "MUST ...
     except ... MAY" construction.  As far as I can tell, that is a very nice
     SHOULD, with an explanation of when the SHOULD does not apply.  Even if
     this is not fixed, the inconsistency between having an exception here, and
     the strict requirement (upper case MUST with no exception) in section 5.2
     needs to be fixed.

[GF]: Ok
<jmh> ack </jmh>

     Section 5.3 on a Site Overview has an item for "Management" which "Defines
     the model of management for the site".  It is completely unclear from this
     text what it is intended to mean, and the example does not help. (5.11 is
     better, but still vague.)

[GF]: Define the model of management for the site means: who has ownership of 
CE device, who manage CE device; this will decide the boundary between service 
provider and customer.
<jmh>Then please put words to that effect in that place in the document. </jmh>

     When I reached the note in section 5.3.1 that a site may have multiple
     locations, I realized that I did not see anything explicit as to whether a
     site is assumed to have full internal connectivity (so that from the point
     of view of the VPN any of the access links to the site are interchangeable,
     or if it is fully meshed but there may be preferences for entrance for
     different distinations, or whether sites may actually be partitioned, where
     one part of a site is only reachable from another part of a site fia the
     VPN (the usual assumption when told that there are multiple locations in a
     site).  I think this should be clarified.

[GF]: The site may support single-homed or multi-homed. In case of multi-homed, 
the site can support multiple site-network-accesses, under each 
site-network-access, vpn-attachment is defined and it will describe which 
site-network-access associated with which site will connect to which vpn.
<jmh>I think the text needs to be explicit about what is assumed about internal connectivity of a mult-homed site. </jmh>

     In section on MultiVPN attachment, the text says "Reaching VPN A or
     VPN from the New York office will be done via destination-based routing."
     Routing usually refers to the handling of IP packets.  Is the intention
     that this distinction is based on IP destination even though we are
     providing an L2 service?  Is the intention that MAC addresses are unique
     across the two VPNs, and the bridging tables will know which VPN contains
     which destinations?  If the later is the intention, how does that interact
     with B/U/M frames?

[GF]: The user can use a target-sites to identify the destination of a flow 
rather than using destination addresses. In some other case, the user can use 
VPN-id combining with MAC address to identify the destination of a flow. This 
has been specified in section
<jmh>Please add explanatory text and a forward reference to</jmh>

      In section on site policy, the text appears to be attempting to
      answer the question of which destinations in a site should be reachable
      over (possibly should have reachability to) which VPNs.  It does this via
      a "lan" tag.  The meaning of this tag is unclear.  Reading between the
      lines, this appears to be intended to say that the segregation is on the
      basis vlan tag (although the string is "lan" not "vlan" much less "vlan
      tag".)  if the intention is that policy is on the basis of vlan, it is
      unclear how this relates to the assert in that selection is on the
      basis of destination address.

[GF]: Section instead of section answer your question. Site 
policy just describe which site is attached to which vpn, in more granularity 
case, it describe which lan from which site is attached to which VPN.
<jmh>If answers the question, then what is doing> </jmh>

     Section 5.6 seems to indicate that parameters and constraints are different
     things.  Several of the subsections of 5.6 such as access-type seem to
     indicate that information may be either a parameter or a constraint.  Given
     that the difference seems to be between a customer hint and a customer
     requirement, how can something be both?

[GF]: No
<jmh>Not sure what "no" means. On the one hand, the early text seems to say they are different. On the other hand, later things are listed as constraint / parameter. If they are the same, then is it a hint or a requirement? If they are a different, how can something be both. "No" does not answer the question. </jmh>

     Section 5.17 has a short paragraph in the middle that uses the term OVC
     that is not otherwise used in this document.

[GF]: Good catch, Thanks! we will fix this.

     Why do the examples in section 7 include qos-profile-identifiers when the
     description does not include any reference to multiple QoS behaviors, and
     nothing in the example makes use of the defined identifiers?

[GF]: Note that QoS parameter defined under site is an optional parameter. For 
simplicity, QoS behaviors are not included in the Example.
<jmh>Then please remove the qoa-profile-identifiers.</jmh>

     The wording at the front of section 5.2.5 could use tuning.  It currently
     says "If Frame Delivery Service support is required..."  It seems to me
     that by definition all L2VPNs require support for delivery of L2 frames.
     This seems instead to be about parameters for handling BUM (Broadcast /
     Unkown / Multicast) delivery.  If so, this should be named suitably.  It
     would also be helpful if this were explicitly related to the support
     parameter in 5.10.3.

     Section 5.3.2 refers to the "bearer" parameters as "below layer 2".
     Section on Bearer refers to it as "below layer 3".  I presume that
     should be "below layer 2"?

     In Section 5.5.1 the text states that "There are three possible types of ..
     Therefore the model supports three flavors:"  Which is then followed by a
     list of four bullets.

     The indenting of the XML in section should be repaired.  All of the
     XML examples should have their indenting checked.

     The text in section 5.6 says "The management system MUST honor all customer
     constraints...".  Then it says "Parameters such as site location ... are
     just hints."  I think that the intention is that "parameters" and
     "constraints" are different things.  If so, the paragraph above where those
     terms are introduced should at least indicate something about the diffence.
      Maybe "parameters (hints) and constraints (customer requirements)"?

     It seems surprising in 5.6.4 on Access Diversity for a customer to be able
     to talk about whether things are premitted to be on the same line card.
     That seems a level that an operator is unlikely to expose.

     It is surprising that committed vs excess bandwidth is treated as a QoS
     parameter, with no mention of it in 5.10.1 "Bandwidth".  Particularly since
     these are actually parameters of "<bandwidth>"

[GF]: Will fix them, thanks.

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