Thanks Janos.  I will take a look at it promptly.

On 2/6/19 5:17 PM, János Farkas wrote:
Hi Joel,

Thank you very much again for your review!

The draft had multiple updates since v08 you reviewed. The latest revision is v 11:

The updates address review comments, and comments and discussions on the DetNet WG list.

Please let us know if you have further comments.


On 10/19/2018 9:17 PM, Joel M. Halpern wrote:
Thank you Janos.  Two clarifications under retained text, with the rest elided.


On 10/19/18 3:10 PM, János Farkas wrote:
On 9/22/2018 2:59 AM, Joel Halpern wrote:
Minor issues:
     Section 3.1 states that worst case delay for priority queueing is
     unbounded.  That does not match my understanding.  I know that DelayBound      DSCP behavior tightly (although, I think, not as tightly as Detnet) limits
     both the worst case delay and the delay variation.
Strict priority is not good enough for DetNet. A high priority packet may need to wait until the transmission of a lower priority packet is finished at an outbound port, which can cause too much uncertainties in the network.

I understand that strict priority queueing is viewed as insufficient. I wasn;t arguing about that.  I was arguing with the use of the word "unbounded".  As far as I can tell, with suitable priority queueing the worst case delay is bounded, simply not well enough bounded.

     In section 4.1.2, I realized that the Detnet Transit node terminology had      mildly confused me.  The text says "DetNet enabled nodes are interconnected      via transit nodes (e.g., LSRs) which support DetNet, but are not DetNet      service aware."  Reading this, and the definitions in section 2.1, it      appears that a Detnet Transit node is a node that is providing transport      behavior that detnet needs, but is not actually modified for detnet.
Based on last call comments:, the phrase "DetNet enabled nodes" is removed from the document and it has been made clear what type of DetNet node is meant:
The text is updated to:

    A "Deterministic Network" will be composed of DetNet enabled end
    systems, DetNet edge nodes, DetNet relay nodes and collectively
    deliver DetNet services.  DetNet relay and edge nodes are
    interconnected via DetNet transit nodes (e.g., LSRs) which support
    DetNet, but are not DetNet service aware.

Any chance you could simply say "transit nodes" instead of "DetNet transit nodes?  As far as I can tell, they are existing nodes that were designed and implemented (and even configured) potentially before DetNet was even defined?


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